111|Seep well my prince for tomorrow you shail be king

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"Asses up if you want coffee!" Is what woke up Carla and David. The couple got dressed and grabbed the twins before walking downstairs. Carla placed Emma and Mateo into their highchairs while David put an envelope on the counter with Debbie's name on it.

Soon, Debbie walked downstairs. "Rent on the counter from the both of us plus money for food." Carla said as she fed the twins. "Thank you." Debbie said as she grabbed the envelope. "I'm keeping the coffee warm for 10 minutes. Then i'm dumping it." She called out. Carl walked downstairs and out the back door as Carla poured herself coffee.

Debbie sat at the table with Franny as She opened a box of high heels. "Check it out,Franny. I've worn these guys,like,15 times,and they're in perfect ....condition." Debbie told Franny. "Ready to be returned to the store today. The key is plastic sole protectors. Your mama's a geniue"

"Can I get 125 bucks?" Liam asked as he walked downstairs. "I'm sure you can if you get a job instead of lounging around watching YouTube videos all summer." Debbie said. "From my share of the Fiona money." Liam added.

"I gotta get to work." David said, kissing Carla's cheek and then kissing the twins' heads. "Love you." Carla said as David walked out of the door. "Mm...no." Debbie shook her head. "Why not?" Liam asked as he poured some coffee.

"It's in the bank...getting two point four percent compound interest. " Debbie explained. "Isn't it supposed to be all of our money?" Liam asked as he sat next to Carla. "What do you need it for anyways?" Debbie asked. "You get some girl in trouble or something?" Carla asked.

"No! I'm ten." Liam looked at his sister. "Besides,abortions are free anyway." He added. "They are?" Debbie and Carla asked in sync. Liam sighed. "The state of Illinois supports women having control of their bodies."

"What do you need it for,then?" Debbie asked again. "A DNA test." Liam said. "Monica already did one of those." Carla said as she cleaned up Emma's face. "Your hers...and Frank's. Sorry to tell you." Debbie continued.

"An Africanancestry.co DNA test. Wanna see where I come from." Liam explained. "You come from Africa. Happy?" Debbie asked, then she looked at Franny. "Are you ready to go?" Franny nodded. "Let's go." Debbie said, grabbing the bag with the high heels in them before she and franny walked out of the kitchen.

Franny giggled. "Let's go,baby." Debbie said. Carla picked up the twins out of their highchairs and placed them on the floor for them to walk around.

"I have twenty bucks you can have,Liam." Carla said,handing him the cash. "I'd still need another 105 dollars." Liam sighed as he ate his cereal.

Lip walked inside. "Hey, Lip." Carla said as she picked up Mateo. "Hey,Carly." Lipsaid. "Hey,baby. What'd you name him?" Carla asked. "Uh,Fred." Lip said as Carla placed Mateo on the chair, and Lip let her hold Fred.

"Hey,Freddie." Carla bounced Fred slightly. As Liam walked into the living room and Carla put Fred on the couch. "Dude,your kid is totally white." Liam commented. "Doesn't even look like he has one drop of black blood in him."

"Yeah,well,have you seen his parents? You know,when we screwed it was like two pieces of chalk fucking." Lip said as he stood in the doorway,smoking a cigarette. "Isn't it easier to just quit smoking?" Carla asked. "Plannin' on it,but...I thought I'd have a lot more time before the baby came,and,you know, besides, the nicotine's keeping me awake and...calm my nerves. This dad shit's scary. Props to David for taking care of two." Lip said.

"Well,he's not doing it alone. And neither are you,lip." Carla said. "Yeah,and you rasied us." Liam said. "Yeah,but I didn't care if I killed you guys. I wanna keep Freddie alive." Lip said.

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