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"Carl,Dom's here!" Fiona exclaiming is what woke Carla up Fiona, then knocked on the door. "Debs?" She asked. "Not here." Carla said as she rolled over. Fiona made Debbie's bed and then threw a pill bottle at Carla.

"Take 'em." Fiona said. "For what?" Carla asked, sitting up. "Your apparent eating disorder. Talked to a doctor said Antidepressants are common to treat eating disorders." Fiona explained as she threw away dirty diapers off Franny's changing table but then put them back as she messed up Debbie's bed again.

Carla sat up and took the antidepressants with some water. She sat the bottle on her dresser. Carla quickly got dressed and walked downstairs. "Hey Liam." Carla said as she rubbed his head. "Morning,boo." Fiona said as she came downstairs.

"Carla..." Fiona said. "Yes, I know, eat something." Carla mocked as she put eggo waffles in the toaster. "You know where Debbie and Franny are?" Fiona asked. Liam shook his head as Fiona looked at Carla. "She said something about the fire department. I don't know if I was asleep." Carla explained.

"Uh,bowl to the sink. We're late." Fiona told Liam. "Don't forget your lunch." Fiona handed him his lunch as Liam kissed her on the cheek. "Bye,Carl! Bye Carla." Fiona said. "Bye! Bye, Liam." Carla said. "Don't forget to lock the front door." Fiona said as she grabbed her purse.

"Bye,Dominique!" Fiona called out as her and Liam left. Carla ate the waffles and as she waited for Carl and Dominique. "Carl! Dom!" Carla called out, but no one came downstairs.

Carla waited for the couple as she texted Ryan. Finally, they came downstairs. "Girl, stop texting your little boyfriend." Dominique said. Carla dryly chuckled as she put her phone in her pocket as she grabbed her backpack, and they walked out of the house,Carla locking the door behind them.


Carla walked behind Carl and Dominique as they walked in the school halls. "You never want to go down on me. I always go down on you,but you don't ever go down on me." Carl told Dominique.

"We could like,watch a movie or something together, and see how it's done." Carl suggested. "I know how it's done." Dominique said. "You done it before?" Carl asked,Dominique nodded. "Dis you hate it or something?" Carl asked.

"No... not really." Dominique said as they stopped walking. "So you just don't want to do it with me?" Carl asked. Dominique nodded. "Yeah." She said honestly. "Why?" Carl asked. "Your thing is kind of weird. It has all this extra skin and... it kind of freaks me out." Dominique said, making Carla press her lips together to stop her from laughing.

"It's no big deal,okay? I still like you." Dominique said as she kissed Carl's cheek and walked away. "Extra skin?" Carla asked as she walked Dominique talk away. "Are you circumcised?" Carla asked.

"How do you know what that is?" Carl asked. Carla shrugged. "Are you?" She asked. "I don't think so." Carl said. "That's why. Well, see you at lunch." Carla said as she walked into her classroom.

"Hey." Ryan whispered. "Hey." Carla whispered as she wrote what the teachers put on the board. "You eat today?" Ryan asked quietly. "Yes. Two eggo waffles and orange juice." Carla told him.

"Meds?" Ryan asked. "Yes. Thank you for checking up on me, Father." Carla said sarcastically. "So, I heard you were thinking about becoming a cop. What's that about?" Ryan asked. "I don't know.  I wanted to go to the army, but I'm not sure yet." Carla said.


Carla,Carl,Lip,and Ian stood over Frank as he slept on the kitchen floor. "When did he get back?" Carl asked. "Just now,I guess." Lip said. "That is tux from the wedding?" Carla asked.

"Think so." Lip said. "Should we move him?" Ian asked. The four siblings looked at each other. "Hell no." Lip said as they walked away from Frank. "Hey,um,Lip,you have trouble with getting girls to give you like,BJs?" Carl asked. "No. No,not really." Lip said as him and Ian sat on the couch as Carla sat on the chair next to the couch.

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