77|The Defenestration of Frank

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Carla woke up to yet again the sun in her eye and no baby crying since Debbie and Franny were staying at Neil's house. Carla quickly changed her clothes and walked downstairs behind Carl.

"Great. Another artisanal pickle shop is on the way. Just what we need." Lip said when the two got downstairs. "Morning,Chiefs." Fiona joked. "Hey." The twins said simultaneously. "Would my Apache brother and sister like toast? Or do you only eat maize? " Fiona asked.

"Laugh all you want,but it got us a scholarship into military school." Carl said. "Does this mean we get a discount at the Indian casino?" Fiona asked. "Hey,can you hand be the cereal,Marches without Foreskin?" Lip joked.

Carl chuckled as he handed his brother the cereal box. "When do you go?" Fiona asked. "Couple of days." Carla said. "Mm. I'm losing my best dishwashers." Fiona told them. "Uh-uh. Second best." Lip butted in. "Not even close." Fiona said.

"Well,there's no chance you're leaving with a Gallagher goodbye party." Fiona said. Carl tossed Carla an apple as he bit into one himself. Fiona and Lip turned their attention on the twins as they did this. "What?" The twins asked simultaneously.

"I can't remember ever seeing you two eat fruit." Fiona said. "Yeah,or anything healthy." Lip added. "We got to start getting in shape. Eat healthy. They make you run in military school." Carl said. Fiona chuckled. "A lot more than just running. Did you read this orientation packet?" Lip asked.

The twins sat at the table on either  side of Lip. "Got obstacles courses. Combat training. Classes all day. Then Bible study." Lip said. Carl picked up the packet. "What the fuck's an honor code?" He asked. "Still can't believe you both decided to go." Fiona said.

"Yeah. We expected prison. Lethal injection. Not this." Lip said. "It says I have to memorize it by the time I get there." Carl said as he handed Carla the packet. "I'm washing dishes,and the twins got a scholarship. The world's upside-down." Lip said.

" 'I pledge to never deliberately deceive another person.' I pledge to never take any possessions belonging to another person'- Jesus." Carla said as she read through the packet. She handed it back to Carl as he did the same and read through it.

"See you,bud." Lip said. "Where you going?" Fiona asked. "Sierra, send me a tongue emoji." Lip told her as he walked into the living room. Fiona followed him and told him something that the twins couldn't hear.

"Liam,come on." Fiona then said. "What about ian?" Lip asked. "Nah,he'd still sleeping. He worked late too. Come on!" Fiona told Liam. "All right. Come on, buddy." Lip said,"Have fun." Fiona kissed Liam's head as him and Lip left.


Carla stood next to Carl on the porch of the Winslow household as Carl knocked on the door. A few seconds later,Luther opened the door. "We couldn't find anything about hell week online. They kept it secret." Carl said.

"This one dude on Facebook posted that it was the worst week of his life." Carla added. "They just run you till you puke." Luther said.  "What about hazing? At the Citadel,they put a helmet in a pillowcase and hit you over and over." Carl said. "Or they brand you with a red-hot hanger like a cow. That shit's permanent. " Carla added.

"Smells bad,but it heals fast. Toughen you up. Make a man out of you." Luther said as footsteps approach them and Dominique became visible. "Hey. Bye,dad." She said but didn't get all the way down the porch steps and stopped next to Carl as Luther shut the door.

"You look good." Dominique said. Carl didn't answer as they walked down the porch, and out of the gate. "Why the hell are you going to my dad's military school?" Dominique asked.

"I guess I want to be like him." Carl said. "You want to be an overweight cop sitting in a car for ten hours getting shit thrown at him?" Dominique asked. "And I don't mean shit like, 'stuff.' I mean shit like...human shit." Dominique said.

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