35|Order Room Service

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"Late start this morning, guys. Sorry you're on your own." Fiona said, patting Debbie's head "Oh,thanks Debs." Lip said when Debbie handed him a cup of coffee. "We're out of peanut butter. Is Ian staying home from school again?" Debbie asked."Yeah, says his stomach is still messed up. Anymore Pop-tarts left?" Fiona asked.

"Carl finished them. He ate three." Carla said. "I'm a growing boy." Carl said,"Little bro-ski took a big-boy dump on the big-boy toilet." Jimmy said, walking in with Liam on his shoulders." We're Gonna celebrate by walking to the store for some butt wipes." Jimmy added.

"And peanut butter. And Pop-tarts. And tampons,sorry. And make sure he wears a hat,it's getting cold." Fiona told him "tampons." Jimmy said, confused."Bye,family." Fiona called out."Bye, Fiona." Lip said as he smacked Jimmy's ass "Butch it up,dude." Lip told him then walked upstairs.

"Here lunches." Debbie said, handing the twins their lunches. The twins grabbed their backpacks and walked outside.

The twins walked down the sidewalk when Frank came up behind them and wrapped his arms around the two. "We're supposed to talk to you. Fiona and Lip will be mad." Carl said

"Well, of course they will. They treat me like a leper because I'm a 'bad father'. Yeah, right. Tell you, you haven't seen bad parenting till you witnessed my mother in her glory days. Had this piece of wood she called a retribution stick. Flat side,skinny side. But if I did something small, like steal an extra cookie or piss I'm her shampoo bottle,whack flat side. But if I did something heinous like ser fire to her bed when she was napping or rat her our for her garage gambling ring,to the skinny side,like a whip. Whack,whack,Whack. But did I throw that bitch into the gutter when she needed a home? No. I brushed her hair. I washed her saggy tits. I irritated her ulcers. I nurse her all the way to the grave. But you people,making me homeless in the dead of autumn...after I got you through cancer. I slept on a train last night." Frank said.

"Cool. Can we try that?" Carla asked with a smile."No,it's barbaric. I have no place to go. Do you get it?" Frank asked."We could sneak you in the van tonight." Carl said. "You'd do that for me?" Frank asked the twins smiled at nodded. "You little pikers,you." Frank said, hugging the twins and kissing their heads as they walked the rest of the way to school.


"Pizza. Come get it while it's hot." Carla heard Fiona call out from downstairs. The twins and Debbie ran downstairs. "Pizza." Debbie said,"Pepperoni." Carl said as they ran to ger a slice "How was school?" Fiona asked.

"We did fractions today." Debbie said,"Chew your food like a human." Fiona told Carl while Carla laughed at him, causing Carl to hit her shoulder. "So Mike from the office is planning this big camping trip this weekend... and we're all invited. You wanna go?" Fiona asked while pouring some soda into the twins cups.

"Yeah,can we make s'mores?" Debbie asked."uh-Huh." Fiona hummed."And shoot raccoons?" Carla asked, wiping her face with a napkin. "No." Fiona said, causing the smile to leave the twins' faces. "Interested?" Fiona asked Jimmy."Love camping in theory. Except for the bug and the dirt and the ground sleeping,but,yeah,it sounds great." Jimmy said as he gave Fiona a kiss. "Well,caffeine addicts await." Jimmy said. "Bye-bye, Dr. Jim." V said, putting her middle finger on her cheek as Jimmy left.

"So....you guys know how Jimmy's thinking about maybe going back to med school?" Fiona asked. Debbie nodded. "No." The twins said in sync."Okay,well...if he does, it would be in Michigan." Fiona explained Debbie looked at her."He'd leave us?" She asked. Fiona shrugged. "Or we'd go with him,maybe." Fiona said.

"To Michigan? What about school?" Debbie asked "Well it'd only be for a year. Nothing's decided. I just want you to start thinking about it." Fiona said. "What about Frank? We can't leave him here." Carl said. "Of course we can." Fiona stood up. "But it's getting cold." Carla added. "His thick layer of bullshit will get him warm." Fiona told them.

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