113|A Little Gallagher Goes a Long Way

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Carla walked downstairs into the kitchen with Emma and Mateo. She placed them in their highchairs and sat beside Debbie. "What are you doing,Debs?" Carla asked as she opened a jar of baby food. "Looking for a job." Debbie said as Liam sat down in front of Debbie.

"I thought you already had a job." Carla said. "I do. Well,I did,but we're on strike. And when you're on strike,you don't get paid. So now,I'm looking for another job." Debbie explained. "What's a strike?" Liam asked.

"An excuse not to work until management agrees to pay you more and work less." Debbie said as Lip kicked some beer bottles on the floor. "Fucking Frank." He muttered. "But the Union still wants us to walk  for four hours a day with a sign,chanting shit." Debbie continued.

"Is that what those are for?" Liam asked as Debbie pointed to the signs behind her. "Yeah." She said. "Hi." Lip said. "Hi." Debbie said. "Hey." Carla said. Lip opened the fridge and grabbed the milk carton and a bottle.

"Hey,no more fake boob?" Liam asked. "What? No,no,no. That thing made an impression on people, huh?" Lip asked. "Boobs will do that." Debbie said. "Hint to why I didn't breastfeed." Carla said as Lip turned on the skin faucet.

"You should put him in the Pack 'n Play while you heat the milk up,then make your coffee." Carla told him. "Pro tip." Debbie added. "All right. Hey,you ready?" Lip asked Fred as turned tye faucet off.

"I thought being in a union meant you made more money." Liam said. "Here we go. Here we go." Lip said as he placed Fred into the Pack 'n Play. "Not any more in Trump's America." Debbie told Liam.

"All right, I'm just gonna put you right here,okay? Daddy's gonna go make some coffee. He's gonna be right back, okay? You're doing great,buddy. You're doing so good." Lip told Freddie when Fred started to cry.

"I hear you,huh. I hear you,I hear you." Lip said as he poured some coffee and started to heat up Fred's bottle. "Pro tip: don't give out people's social security numbers and tell Uncle Sam where they were." Lip told Debbie.

"How do you expect to get an ATM card?" Debbie asked. "Nobody wanted an ATM card. All we wanted was cash." Lip said. "Sorry." Debbie said. Lip went to pour milk into his coffee, only to find it expired.

"How's Tami?" Carla asked. "She's better. Out of ICU. Hopefully,she's out of the hospital soon. Better be out of the hospital soon." Lip said as he dumped the coffee into the sink.

Carla looked at her phone as it dinged. She saw that Zola Ruth had texted her if she could hang out.

Carla took the twins out of their highchairs as David walked downstairs. "Hey,babe,could you watch twins for a while?" Carla stood up. "Yeah,of course. Why?" David picked up Mateo and Emma. "An old friend wants to meet up." Carla explained as she put her shoes on, then kissed David's cheek.

Carla walked outside and walked to the place Zola sent her. Apparently, it was her apartment. Zola opened the door before Carla could knock on the door. "Gallagher!" Zola smiled as Carla walked in.

"Sup Ruth. Nice place you got." Carla looked around the apartment room. "Eh,I guess. I had to get out of my mom's place." Zola said as she offered Carla a beer,which she gladly took.

"So,what'd you do after military school?" Zola asked as they sat on the couch. "Uh,not much, I guess,I found a guy,hooked up with him,got pregnant,delt with my stupid brother and his girlfriend,had the twins. Uh,pretty much it. What about you?" Carla asked.

Carla noticed the way Zola looked at her,the way she looked her up and down,and it made Carla feel a weird way she never felt with David. "Literally nothing,I got a job at my mom's convenience store, and that's it." Zola shrugged.

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