122|This Is Chicago

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This font is frank narrating

Carla woke up by Mateo kicking her in the face. "Jesus." She mumbled as she sat up. "Another nightmare?" David asked,turning over to face Carla. "Probably."

Before the pandemic started,David and Carla moved the twins into Lip's old room,but Mateo keeps having nightmares so he lays in Carla and David's bed.

Carla finally got out of bed and woke up Mateo. "Another nightmare?" She asked as Mateo nodded and stood up as well. "Babe,make sure you get up and get the twins ready." Carla woke David up as she started to get ready. "They have their first day back to school in person."

David nodded as Carla pulled her hair into a ponytail then left the room to eat a quick breakfast and drink some coffee.


Carl and Carla ran a guy before Carla quicken her speed and tackling him. "Got you fucker." She said as she handcuffed him and pulled him off the ground.

"Outstanding,Gallagher." officer Ruger said. "Thank you,sir." Carla said as she walked the man towards the cop car. "Why didn't you shook him?"Ruger  asked.

"I knew I could catch him,sir." Carla spoke in confidence. "Uncuff him. Give me the gun."Ruger said as Carla uncuffed the man and handing him her airsoft gun.

"That's how it's done,cadets." Ruger said,taking Carla's gun. "Never shook a suspect in the back. You wait for 'em to turn around, and then you shoot 'em in the face."

"Good to know,sir." Carl mumbles.


Carla walked out of the women's locker room when Ruger walked up to her. "Is Carl ready for this afternoon,cadet?" He asked her. "Yes,sir." Carla said as she trucked her white button down shirt into her black skirt.

"Department's counting on you and your brother." Ruger said. "We won't let you down,sir." Carla said. "Don't let that oath mess him up." Ruger said.

"Sir?" Carla asked. "Yeah,you know,the truth,the whole truth,nothin' but the truth—" Ruger chuckles. "It's all bullshit."

"You just tell the judge what they need to hear to convict. The bastard's guilty as hell." Ruger told her. "Roger that." Carla nodded.

"I'm,uh,I'm aware of your and your brother's academy applications including several irregularities." Ruger said. "Irregularities,sir?" Carla questioned.

"Your age,your IQ score. But with the loss of so many officers to the 'rona,the bosses are willing to put you on the street,as long as you do the right thing today." Ruger told her.

"I will,sir." Carla nodded. "It's not a tough call to give you a badge. You and Carl are number one in your class in firearms,chokeholds, baton beatings." Ruger stated.

"Well,what about our classroom work,sir?" Carla asked. "You know,state laws,criminal statutes? I'm kind of a slow reader." Carla said,biting the inside of her cheek.

"Dead last." Ruger said. Carla sighed and nodded. "But,hey, you don't have to be an Einstein to wear the blue. Bustin' heads is a man's job—or in your case—a woman's job,and you are a natural born ass kicker. So tell Carl go in that courtroom this afternoon and kick ass."  Ruger patted her arm. "Huh?"

"Yes,sir." Carla smiled. Ruger started to walked away. "Oh,and tell your brother i said good luck." Ruger then walked away.

Carla sat in the front row of the courtroom as Carl stood in the witness stand as the judge stared at him as Carl spoke. "I told Lieutenant Rucker that me and Carla were undercover,but he said we weren't undercover. But we were. Which is why we're here today."

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