105|Los Diablos!

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Carla sat at the counter while she ate some toast when Debbie and Liam walked back inside from grabbing the mail. "Nothing but junk mail. Rat shit in the attic." Debbie said,looking through the mail.

"Fires in the dryer vent." Debbie said as they walked into the kitchen. "These ads are terrifying. Carbon monoxide leaks from the furnace? Fiona always handled this shit. Should I be worried about these things?" Debbie asked.

"Ah,homeowner stuff. Sucks to be an adult." Ingrid said as she took the last bit of the milk for her cereal. "What? I'm eating for seven now." Ingrid said as Liam walked away. "Well,then all seven of you are gonna need to cough up  cash if you're gonna be living here." Debbie told Ingrid.

"All right. I'm gonna do some therapy sessions on the phone this afternoon. I'll write you a check later." Ingrid said as Kelly walked downstairs. "Hey. Where are you guys going?" Debbie asked. "Softball camp." Kelly said.

"I got a call from one of those 20 jobs I applied for." Carl said. "So did I." Carla said. "Nice. Which one?" Debbie asked. "Some seafood restaurant place." Carl said. "Carla?" Debbie asked. Carla raised her eyebrow. "Same place. They must not have a lot of employees." Carla said.

"Carl Gallagher's going legit." Kelly said. "Minimum wage?" Debbie asked. "Only job someone like me can get. You know, you really can't put 'drug dealer' or 'gunner' on your West Point app. Come on,babe." Carl said as he and Kelly walked out of the kitchen and then outside.

"Can we call the plumber guy? He says he can snake out tub for ten bucks." Liam said. "What's wrong with our tub?" Debbie asked.  "It has two inches of scummy water in it all the time that doesn't drain." Liam explained as Frank walked in the backdoor.

"Good morning, family one. Family two." Frank said. "Why do you look like a Fram animal?" Carla asked. "Smell like one, too." Liam added. "Your father is gonna be the new Hobo Loco beverage spokesperson." Ingrid told them.

"Now,I haven't won the competition yet,ingy." Frank said. "Hobo what-o?" Debbie asked. "It's a delicious alcoholic beverage. They're looking for someone with no purpose in life. I finally found my calling. Soon, I'll be able to support those I love. Oh yeah." Frank said as he put a coat with no sleeves on. "Wish me luck."

"Oh,you go get 'em,my Hobo Loco tiger." Ingrid said, giving Frank a kiss. "Goodbye,little Frank-ettes." Frank said, kissing Ingrid's stomach before leaving. "No need to even hold a competition. If it involves alcohol, they should just give him the prize." Debbie said, flipping through a magazine.

"Think we need to worry about termites?" Debbie asked.


Carla and Carl follow a blonde girl as she gave them a tour of the seafood restaurant. "This is the dining area. I was really impressed with both of your resumes." The blonde,Lori, said.

"Really?" The twins asked in sync. "Kitchen. Yeah." Lori said as they walked into the kitchen. "Millitary people,hmm? Mm-mmm." The older woman said. "Um,okay." Carl said as he glaced at his sister.

"And this is the employee lounge. Your uniform: right in here. Let me know if you need any help putting it on." Lori said more directly to Carl. "Hey,so what's the job?" Carla asked. "Busboy,uh,dishwasher?" Carl asked.

"Street corner sign spinner." Lori told them. "Yeah,no." Carla said as she began to walk away,but Carl grabbed her arm. "If I have to do this,so do you." Carl told her. "Fine,but you get to wear the uniform, and I'll spin the sign, 'cause that uniform is not fitting over this." Carla said, pointing at her stomach.

"Whatever." Carl chuckled as he looked through the box. Carla laughed when Carl got done changing into the pirate costume. "Oh,shut up." Carl said as Carla grabbed the sign.

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