40|Strangers on a Train

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Carla sat at the table across from Laim, eating cereal, and listening to Fiona and Veronica's conversation. "You let some dude finger you last night on the L?" V asked as Fiona poured some juice into Liam and Carla's cups.

"You make it sound so filthy. And he's not just any dude." Fiona corrected."No,he's your boyfriend's brother." Veronica said,"I know." Fiona said. "Your boss's brother." V said. "I know,okay? I can't explain it." Fiona threw her arms up.

"I can. Remember Shawn? Did speedballs in front of the twins? You stayed with him for what,five months? And then it was Jason,right? Jason, with the anger issue. I mean,if you consider stabbing a guy for jumping the line at the Cracker Barrel, an issue." V told her.

"Yeah,it get it." Fiona said. "And then there was Jimmy Steve. The lying,married car thief. Fi,this job is a good thing for you." V finished. "It was a mistake,okay? It's over." Fiona told her. "It better be. I can't be over here, Dr.Phil-ing your ass." V said as she took a dink.

"I got to go to the Alibi." V stood up. "This early?" Fiona asked. "Yeah,it saves Kev from having to pay Kate overtime." V explained as she put her jacket on. "Is he still freaking out about tye babies?" Fiona asked.

"And the bar. Payroll taxes are due next week. Business license has to be renewed,utilities." V added. "Has anyone seen my lip gloss?" Debbie asked, walking in the kitchen. "Well,Hi,Debs." V said sarcastically. "Carl!" Debbie shouted.

"What?" Carl asked. "You're supposed to make Liam breakfast." Debbie snapped as she took the lip gloss out of Liam's hand. "It's not my job." Carl said. "I kinda is your job." Carla joined in only to get smacked in the back of the head by Carl.

"Relax,relax. Here,more nutrition than makeup." Fiona said, handing Liam a pop tart. She then stood up straight. "Made a big sale yesterday. Ten thousand units." Fiona told the kids as they put on their jackets. " 'Congrats,Fiona! Great job! We're so proud of you!'." Fiona said.

The twins held their hands out. "What?" Fiona asked."He's still not talking to you. Lunch." Carla explained. "You know,I used to be your sister,not just an ATM." Fiona said as she opened her wallet. "I like that top. You look cute." Fiona told Debbie.

"Not trying to look cute." Debbie said as the kids grabbed the money and their backpacks. "I could walk you to school today." Fiona said as they walked into the living room."I'm not in the first grade." Debbie said.

"We just haven't talked that much lately. And maybe that my fault. I haven't been around as much." Fiona said. "Yeah,don't you have to get ready for work?" Debbie asked. "I can be late. Hey." She stopped Debbie as the twins walked outside.


Carla sat next to Carl while they played video games together. Their heads turned simultaneously as they heard the door open and saw Frank. "You're just the kids I'm looking for." Frank pointed at the two.

"What happened to you?" Carl asked. "I need your help." Frank said, avoiding the question. "Took a hammer to V's stash,stole some pills. They're upstairs." Carla explained, turning her attention back to the game. "No,no,no,not that - they're upstairs?" Frank asked.

"I'll get them later." Frank sat next to Carla as the twins' attention went back onto their bloody father. "I want you two to break my leg." Frank told them, causing them to chuckle. "I need the insurance money. It's the only way I'll be able to pay for the transplant." Frank explained.

"You want us to hurt you?" Carl asked,"It's life or death. If you love me,you'll do this." Frank said. The twins looked at him before Carla spoke. "Can we put it on YouTube?" She asked. "Sh-- no." Frank denied.

The twins and Frank looked over the balcony on the back porch. "Just one push." Carl said. "What if I lane on my head?" Frank asked. The twins rethought about how they were gonna break their father's leg.

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