89|Icarus Fell and Rusty Ate Him

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Carla sat next to Ian at the table as Carl walked in the kitchen with the mail. "You're up with the sun,my son." Frank said. "Had to drop Fiona off at her building. So Carla and I could use her car to fake Uber." Carl said as Liam walked out of the basement.

"Did you feed the junkie?" Carla asked as she stood up. "Yeah. She said she was cured and wanted to go home." Liam said. "That's what they all say. You water her after school for me?" Carl asked as he handed Liam money.

"I should get more. Junkies are nasty." Liam said. "Son,addiction is a disease. Try not to judge the afflicted by the curse." Frank said as Carl read a letter, and Carla looked over his shoulder. "Shit." The twins said simultaneously.

"What's wrong?" Ian asked. "Mm,we asked the Academy if they'd help us out or anything,you know? But they turned us down flat. Damn Comanche gets a full ride,and we don't get a cent." Carl said.

"Difficult to begrudge a little restitution for our Navtive American brothers." Frank said. "How much more do you need?" Ian asked. "After the junkie downstairs,we'll still be $4,227 short for this first semester." Carla said.

"Whaf if I give you $5,000 to kill Fiona?" Ian asked as Liam looked at the twins. "Murder's a capital crime,Ian." Carl said. "I'd do it for ten." Carla said as she and Carl did their handshake.

"You should be doing it as a public service." Ian said as he stood up. "And what,pray tell,is this?" Frank asked as he opened a letter. "That is a letter,Frank." Ian said."I beg to differ. It is,in fact,my invitation to the middle class. My first non-fraudulent credit card. " Frank said as he read the paper.

"I am officially in the club." Frank chuckled slightly. "Somebody at the credit card company is losing their job." Ian said, making Carla slightly chuckle.

"Au contraire." Frank said. "I'm as reliable as rain in Seattle. In fact," Frank took his glasses off. "You are looking at Employee of the Month. I'm getting my photograph taken for the Wall of Fame." Frank said as the twins and Ian started to walk out of the kitchen.

"We gotta make money." Carl said. "Yo,drop me off at Paty's?" Ian asked. "Five bucks." Carla said. "You're heading that direction anyway." Ian said. "So?" The twins asked simultaneously as the three walked out of the house.


Carla leaned her head against the window of the car Carl was driving as they pulled up to a black truck. Carla,Carl,lip,and Lip's professor got out of the car after Carl had parked it. "That's his truck." Lip said as he closed his door.

"The hell is that sticking out of the truck?" Carl asked as they all got closer to the truck. "I think it's Michael Jordan's arm?" Youens said. "United Center?" Lip asked as he looked through the window of the truck.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Lip opened the door. "Apparently, he looted a bakery." He said as they looked at the donuts on the floor,seats,and dashboard of the truck.

"Okay. Now shit's getting dark." Carla said as Lip helded up a blonde piece of hair. "What are we gonna find next,a body?" Carl asked. "Why do you even care about this dude? He's a psycho." Carla said as she repositioned her hat.

"Done worse." Lip said as he continued to look through the truck. "Oh,it's extensions,see?" Lip told the twins. "So? What does that even mean? It's like a goddamn puzzle." Carl said. "It means he's a drunk. Come on,help me get the arm." Lip told them as Lip stepped onto the back of the truck.

"Why?" The twins asked simultaneously. "Cause if Bulls fans find it in Brad's truck, they're gonna skin him alive. Come on." Lip told the twins.

"What the hell are you gonna do with it?" Youens asked as the twins climb inside the truck. "Oh,it weighs like 1,000 pounds." Carla said as the twins and Lip moved Michael Jordan's arm.

"Yeah,I know." Lip grunted as they pushed the arm out of the back window.


Carla looked at the waxing shop that Carl parked next to. "It's closed. Let's go." She told Lip. "I'm gonna take a walk around the block." Lip said. "You know this guy isn't worth it,right?" Carl asked.

Just take a minute." Lip said as he opened his door, and got out of the car. The twins watched as Lip walked away from the car, then into a small building. A few minutes later,Lip walked out of the building with Brad.

Lip opened the back door for Brad. "Just get....all, right? Get in the car,all right?" Lip told Brad. "No. No! I-i said leave me alone!" Brad exclaimed as he pushed Lip off of him. "Asshole." Brad said.

"Look,I'm not leaving you,all right? I'm taking you--" Lip got cut off as Brad hit him. Lip grabbed Brad and forced him into the back seat, causing Brad to grunt of Lip got in the car as well.

That night,after the twins had put Michael Jordan's arm into the ground,they picked up their shovles and walked away.

The next day,the twins and lip watched as Brad talked to Cami,his wife. Brad walked to the car with his head hung low as he opened the back door and sat next to Lip while he cried.

Word count:949
A/n:short chapter

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