9|But at Last Came a Knock

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Carl was older than Carla by a good 5 minutes,so he always thought he had to protect her, but when some older kids who were a year older, then them started to pick and tease on Carl even when he told them that he'll call his older siblings to kick their asses and they still continued to pick on him,Carla knew she had to do the same that Carl does for her,so that's exactly what she did. She kicked the older boys in the balls, making them groan and bend over in pain.

"Let's go before Lip and Lan start to worry." Carla told him and grabbed him arm."Okay." Carl said as they ran back home due to it already so late out.


"Ugh,carly, why don't you sleep in your own room?" Lip asked half awake when he heard her goan when he tripped over her."I can't sleep in there even with the headphones on, Liam's too loud." Carla explained as she stood up."Why don't you sleep in Frank's room he's never there anyway." Lip asked as he put some pants on."Smells to much like alcohol." Carla said, taking one of Carl's shirts and putting it over her tank top.

"Come on breakfast." Lip said, crouching down in front of her as she jumped on his back, Carla giggled as lip bounced her up and down as they walked downstairs. Lip put her down at the table and went outside. Carl came down and took a bottle of soda. "Want to smash with me outside?" He asked."Hell yeah." Carla said, getting up, and the two went outside.

The two held the bottle and then threw it off the stairs that were outside. "Yes. Shatterproof my ass." Carl celebrated."Awesome." Carla laughed as they went back inside. "You know lip was having sex in the van?" Carla asked as she took two bowls from the cupboards."Yeah. I know I saw them go in from upstairs." Carl said as he poured cereal into the bowls, then Carla poured the milk in them and put spoons in.

The twins sat on the couch with their bowls of cereal as Carl turned the TV on and put a random action movie on as they ate.


"Hell hath no fury like popcorn burned." Fiona said,"All right." Lip said,"Steve coming?" V asked." I hope so." Fiona said as Carla played with Ethel's baby."Are you guys gonna make a baby while we watch Cosmos? Because that's gonna make me throw up." Carl said,"billions and billions of sperm." Fiona said in a weird way,"Ew!" The twins said together as Carla quickly stopped touching the baby. Carl sat down next to Carla. "Fi, can you please turn it on already." Lip said,"Yeah,hurry up,I gotta get back to work." Lan said as they sat down. Steve walked in. "Hey." He said. "Miss you, stranger." Fiona said, putting Liam on her lap."You too." Steve said, bending down to give Fiona more than one kiss."Get a room." Carla said.

"Get your tickets?" Steve asked lip."Yeah. Thanks." Lip said, "gald, I could help." Steve said, sitting down. "Gald, you're glad." Lip said, handing him a bottle of beer. "This popcorn's burnt." Steve said after eating some popcorn,"our microwave sucks. It doesn't mean I want you to buy us a new one." Fiona said, pointing a finger in his face. Everyone turned around when they heard the door shut.

"Debs?" Fiona asked, sitting forward."Honey,what happened?" She asked,"Dad, have one too many again?" Lip asked."You just gotta ignore him when he's like that,Debs." lan joined in."Why do you always blame dad first?" Debbie asked."Who else is there?" Fiona asked."She's over at Sheila's. " Debbie's voice cracked."Who?" Steve asked,looking at Fiona "Monica."Debbie said.

Nobody said anything they just looked down or around. "Who the hell is Monica?" Steve asked clueless,"our mother." Lip answered. Fiona put Liam in Steve's lap. "Debs did you s -?" Fiona got cut off."Why do you care? You'll be living with Steve in that house he brought next door." Debbie cried and ran upstairs. "Surprise." Steve said more like a question. Ian got up. "I'm going to work." He said,"Ian,come on. Wait." Fiona tried to stop him, but he left already.

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