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"Carla,up. School." Lip said, slapping her foot that wad handing off the side of the bed. "Jesus, it's cold in here." Carla groaned, and she wrapped her blanket around her. "Fiona didn't pay the heat bill,but I got some money from Amanda's folks,I'll pay some." Lip said.

Carla nodded as Lip left, and she got changed. Once she was done, she went to go use the bathroom, but she watched Bonnie run into there in only a shirt and no pants. Carla sighed and walked downstairs, "Here." Carl handed her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." She said as she sat at the counter. "When are we gonna go visit Fiona?" Debbie asked. "It's three hours away." Lip said, looking up from the stack of bills. Debbie just looked at him. "Each way." He added. Debbie put her hand up in confusion. "How the hell are we supposed to get down there?" Lip asked.

"Bus." Debbie suggested. "Borrow your girlfriend's car." Carla suggested. "No,look. I'm behind on a physics lab. I've got work-study shifts to make up and a paper due in Lit." Lip said as he turned away from the fridge and looked at the three kids who just stared at him.

"Okay,this weekend. You know, Jesus,guys. It's 90 days in country club jail. All right, it's not Guantanamo." Lip said as the three kids clinked cups together. "Okah,she's probably leaning a useful trade,brushing up on her Spanish." Lip added.

The twins, Debbie,Chuckie,and apparently Bonnie and all her siblings followed Lip and Amanda outside. "Come on,Guy!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Yo,Carl. We are taking all of them to school, too?" Lip asked and looked at Carla, who was standing next to him shrugging.

"No,back to the parking lot where they live." Carl explained. "What,they live in a parking lot?" Lip asked. "Van,but it's in a parking lot." Carl added. "What are we gonna do with Chuckie?" Lip asked. "Me and Carla have to take him back to the hospital to see his mom and Frank."Carl explained.

"We're not all gonna fit." Lip said as Carla opened the trunk of the car. "Sure, we will." She said. "Do you own a suit?" Amanda asked. "A suit?" Lip repeated as a bunch of Bonnie's siblings got into the trunk of the car. "Preferably black." Amanda added.

"Why,are we going to a funeral?" Lip asked. "Worse,pinning ceremony at my sorority." Amanda said. "What?" Lip asked. "You know,white  dresses,chanting,candles. Do you own a suit or not?" Amanda asked again.

"Uh,no. No,not." Lip said as Carla got in the Carla soon alongside Carl and Bonnie as Amanda speeded off down the road.

A few hours into school, Carla and some girl in her grade got into a fight in the halls,both Carl and Bonnie had to pull her off the girl and drag her away before the teachers came.

"Damn, I thought I got into a lot of fights." Bonnie said as she cleaned Carla's bloody lip as her,Carla,and Carl hid in a bathroom,"not her first and definitely not her last." Carl said as he laughed. "Shut up. It's not that bad. Is it?" Carla asked.

She then looked into the mirror behind her. "Jesus. It is kind of bad." Carla said after she saw her bruised cheekbone, a bruised eye,bloody noes, and lip. "Thanks, Bonnie." Carla said. "Yeah, of course." Bonnie said with a little smile.


Carla sat in between one of Bonnie's sisters and one of her brothers while they watched a movie when there was a knock on the door. Bonnie's sister went to go answer it when Debbie came running downstairs.

"I'll get it!" Debbie exclaimed as she flipped her hair and opened the door. Carla turned around. "Hi," Debbie said somewhat seducively. "Hi. Did you order a pizza?" Matty asked.

"Extra large,cheesy crust with Pepperoncini?" Debbie asked."Uh,yeah." Matty said. "This must be the place then." Debbie said. Carla scoffed,rolling her eyes and shaking her heads. She got up and walked into the kitchen where Bonnie and Carl were sitting at the table drinking beers.

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