101|Face It, You're Gorgeous

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Carla finished getting dressed and walked out of her room. "Yo,what are we doing today? My new lady and I are supposed to go, work out,but I could cancel it." Carl said.

"Yeah, me and David were supposed to go and get lunch together, but I could cancel as well." Carla said. "He doesn't want to do anything." Debbie said. "What? You don't want to steal a car," Carl said. "Or drop bowling balls off a freeway?" Carla asked.

"I'm good." Ian said,rubbing the twins' heads.  Carla leaned against the wall across from Debbie. "Liam,get your ass up. Need help." Frank said. "What's up,Frank?" Liam asked. "Met a woman. Crazy as a loon, it made my heart stir and my loins moist." Frank said.

"Ew." Debbie and Carla said together as they walked into the boys' room.  "Can't. Gotta hang with Ian." Liam said,not looking up from the magazine he was looking at.

"Seriously,guys,I'm good. I just want yo veg at the house,eat a shit-ton of White Castle for dinner." Ian said as he climbed up a ladder into the attic. "I spent many a day in prison. It's a walk in the park. Three squares a day,lots of friends,free gym membership,and all the books you can read. I suggest Ulysses." Frank said, buttoning his shirt.

"Shall we?" Frank asked. Liam looked over at Ian. "No,go. Go." Ian told him. Liam sighed. "See you later,Taraji." He said to the magazine as he put it down. "Liam!" Frank exclaimed from downstairs as Liam walked downstairs.

"Hey,uh,how come you don't want to do anything?" Lip asked. "I'm about to spend the next two years of my life in fight-or-flight mode. I just want one last day when I feel safe and relaxed." Ian said. "Oh,okay." Carl nodded.

"You sure?" Carla asked. "Yep." Ian said. "I guess I'll go to work then." Debbie said. "I'll be back for dinner,all right?" Lip said. "Yeah,I'll see you at dinner." Ian said. "Okay." Lip said as he walked downstairs with the twins and Debbie behind him.

Carla sat and the couch watching in amusement as Carl and Kelly punched,kicked, and dodged them when Ian sat next to her.  "What are you guys doing?" Ian asked. "Survial training." Carla said.

"Kelly has a black belt in Krav maga. She's teaching me some moves." Carl said. "All right." Carl tapped the floor. "Survial training,huh?" Ian asked. Kelly sighed as she helped Carl up.

"Yeah." Kelly said as Carl tripped her, and she fell on the couch on Ian's lap. "Hi." Kelly said. "Hey." Ian said. "You know what,can you guys show me some moves?" Ian asked.

Carl waved him over. "Sure." Kelly said, getting off the couch. "Okay." Ian said, standing up.


Carla sat on a hospital bed while David sat in the chair next to it. Carla's knee bounced up and down  as the doctor walked into the room. "Okay,Miss. Gallagher, it seems that your baby is healthy so far." The doctor said.

Carla nodded. "So in about 2 weeks come back, and we'll do an ultrasound." The doctor said then left the room. "Healthy baby." David said. Carla smiled and slowly nodded.

"Now,come on." David said as he stood up. Carla stood up as well and followed David out of the hospital.


Carla walked into the Gallagher house and walked into the kitchen where,Carl,Kelly,Ian and another man were. Carla sat at the counter. "Okay." The man said.

"So this is the layout of Beckman correctional,all right? This is the area you want to avoid. Anything on the west side,the showers,this side of the yard,and these cells."

"That is a lot of area I'm avoiding." Ian said. "You'll thank me later. All the inmates over here are murderers. Murderer,murderer,murderer." The man wrote on the cardboard.

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