36|Survival of the Fittest

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Carla laughed when Carl sprayed Debbie in the ass with a water gun. "Hey! Carl,stop it." Debbie exclaimed."What the hell are you doing?" Carla asked,"Trying to push my teeth together. It's not fair that you two have braces, and I don't I'm older than you two." Debbie explained.

"Ew, there's food in your braces. You're supposed to floss." Debbie told Carl. "Flossing's for fans." Carl said and sprayed her again."Quit it out." Debbie said angrily. "Jackass, what are you doing with a water gun in the house?" Lip asked, picking up Liam.

"Because I don't have a paintball gun." Carl explained."Actually, that,uh,kind of makes sense." Lip said, taking the water gun out of Carl's hand and spraying the twins. "Gonna need a paintball gun when we move to Michigan." Carla said. "Uh,no." Lip said as they walked downstairs. "Hell survivors Paintball Field is only five miles outside Ann Arbor." Carl explained. "We're not moving to Michigan." Lip said.

"We're not?" The twins asked."Fiona said we were." Debbie said."Yeah,that's when Jimmy was here. Have you seen him around lately?" Lip asked, putting Liam in his highchair. The kids didn't reply they just sat down at the table and poured themselves cereal.

"Exactly." Lip said,"Did Fiona and jimmy break up?" Debbie asked."I don't know. Fiona barks at me every time I bring it up." Lip explained. "but I picked a fight with Becky Alexander because I thought I was never gonna have to see her again." Debbie said,"See who again?" Fiona asked, walking downstairs.

"That a new look for work?" Lip asked. "Maybe if I was working the street  corner,yeah,but since I'm doing data entry, I better put this on." Fiona said, putting on a pink button-down shirt. "Big day today,lip." Fiona mentioned. "Yeah,whatever." Lip said as he ate his breakfast.

"No,it's no a whatever. The first Gallagher kid getting his diploma? It's a big deal." Fiona said. "Who'd you buy it from?" Carl asked."He's getting it fair and square,setting a good example for the three of you. So pay attention." Fiona told them.

"He have to go to some stupid ceremony?" Carla asked."Nope,picking up my diploma at Guidance office and getting the hell out of there." Lip said. "There's no ceremony in the fall. He'll walk with everyone in the spring." Fiona explained."No,he won't." Lip said. "Yes,he will. And we'll all be there to yell "Lip" and embarrass him." Fiona said, then walked out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"Morning." Ian said, coming downstairs."Wow,Ian,looking sharp." Debbie complimented dryly. "Thanks." Ian said."What you got ROTC on the last day before Christmas break?" Lip asked as Ian kissed Liam's head. "Yeah,they're having some sort of winter ceremony." Ian explained.

"Later." Ian walked outside. "Finish your breakfast,you guys. No more talk of Michigan." Lip told them as he put his jacket on.

The twins grabbed their backpacks and walked outside, and walked down the roads.


Carla and Debbie stood outside Sheila's house while Jody and Sheila packed up a van for Jody and Karen to move "Bye Hymie." Carla said kissing his head "Bye Hymie. It's been nice knowing you." Debbie said as she kissed his small cheek as the two girls stepped away from the van watching Sheila putting some boxes in the back of it.

"All right,this is it." Jody said,"Oh my goodness. I know I agreed to this,but it doesn't mean it's not hard to say goodbye. My baby. Both my babies. All three of my babies. Bye baby." Sheila said kissing Hymie's cheek. She then talked to Karen, but the two girls couldn't hear them.

Jody shut the van door and turned to Sheila. "we'll call you when we get settled in." He said,"Okay. Go heal, my baby." Sheila told him as she gave him a hug."I will." Jody said softly."Bye honey." Sheila said.

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