67|Be a Good Boy, Come for Grandma

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Carla woke up to a cow bell ringing coming from downstairs. "Tibe! Breakfast!" Queenie exclaimed. Carla quickly got dressed and then walked downstairs behind Carl. "Good morning. Morning." Queenie said with a big smile on her face.

"Why are we in here?" Debbie asked after she saw the table in the hallway that separated the living room and kitchen. "Eat eat in the dining room. Like civilized people." Queenie explained as everyone sat down. "Since when?" Ian asked.

"Since Queenie. Have a seat. Let's get your and your flaxseed oil pills. Good for the heart." Queenie told Ian as she put a pill and Ian's plate. "Good for the hair." She put a pill on Liam's plate. "Your colon." She placed one on chuckie's plate.

"Daddy." She placed a pill on Frank's plate. "Prostate." She placed pills on the twins' places. "And your baby." She placed a pill on Debbie's plate as she kissed Debbie's cheek.

"Quinoa pancakes and yucca fries." Frank said as he placed plates onto the table. "The hell is a quinoa?" Ian asked. "Yucca fries sound yucca." Chuckie said. "Yeah,I'm just gonna go to Micky D's." Carl said as him and Carla stood up. "I'm gonna go study at my boyfriend's." Ian said as he stood up as well.

"Carl,can you give me a ride to the baby store?" Debbie asked as she stood up. Before anyone could leave, Queenie slammed her fist on the table. "Come back now!" She exclaimed she slowly stood up. "Look,your father went to great lengths to prepare this breakfast for you. With love. So you're gonna sit your little asses down and enjoy it." Queenie told everyone.

Ian nodded his head towards the table, telling the twins and Debbie to sit down,which they did, followed by Ian sitting down. "Need to have a little more respect for this man,right here." Queenie said as she massaged Frank's head.

"Yeah,you hear that?" Frank asked as Ian nodded. Queenie started to sing, joined by Frank. "Join us." Queenie said. "I don't know the words." Debbie said as Frank and Queenie continued to sing. "I don't wanna know the words." Carl said.

"Yeah,me either." Carla said. "Fake it." Queenie said as she continued to sing. Nobody else sang with them. Once Frank and Queenie were done singing, they laughed, and a knock came from the door.

Frank got up to answer it while him and Queenie made harmoning noises. Frank opened to the door and sang to the person standing there. Carl got up and left with the person at the door.

Carla,being Carla,she got curious and peeked out the window,unable to hear the conversation happening between Carl and the Lamar dude.

Whatever Carl had told Lamar obviously made him mad since Lamar pistol whipped Carl in the head, causing Carl to fall on the ground. Lamar pointed his gun at Carl while he said something to him, then left.

Carla made sure Lamar was gone before running outside. "Shit,Carl,are you alright?" Carla asked as she helped him up."Yeah." Carl sighed.

The twins walked inside, and Carla cleaned the blood off Carl's forehead. "What'd you do to make that guy pistol whip you?" Carla asked. "Told him I wasn't gonna do a deal for G-dogg." Carl explained. "Okay. So you might have to go over to V's later and get that cleaned up." Carla said.

"Figured." Carl said as he put his hood on and knocked on Frank's door. "Come in." Queenie told him. Carl made sure his forehead was covered before he walked into the room. "Frank,I need to talk to you." Carl said. "I will leave the king and the prince to do their business." Queenie said, putting a robe on and leaving the room.

Carl took his hood off, revealing his bleeding forehead. "Smells gross in here." He said. "That my son is the beautiful stench. Of animal lust and earth. I'm glad you came by. I need and advance on my daily allowance." Frank told him.

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