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Carla lay on David's bare chest. "Your mom was so nice for taking the twins." Carla said. "Yeah,she loves them,probably 'cause their her only grandchildren. " David said. "Actually?" Carla sat up a bit.

"Yeah,my brother likes dudes. My older sister is trying for kids. my two younger sisters both like women. And my younger brother is only 12." David explained. "Holy shit." Carla said

"I'm sorry, I thought you cheated on me." Carla said after a couple of minutes of silence. "It's okay. I understand,I left with the twins without asking, I didn't answer my phone,and you found me with a girl." David said.

"Yeah,by the way, who was that girl?" Carla asked. "She's my cousin." David's words made Carla turn red in embarrassment. "God, I feel like shit now." Carla said as she put her clothes on.

"It's fine." David kissed her as he put his clothes on as well. "Damn,that kid got a set of lungs." David commented when they heard Fred cry loudly. "Franny was worst." Carla said as they left the room and walked downstairs.

"K,I gotta get to work." David said, kissing Carla again. "Okay,love you." Carla kissed him back. "Love you too." David said as he walked out the backdoor.

Carla opened the fridge as Tami walked downstairs with Fred. "Has anyone seen my breast pump? This baby refuses to eat!" Tami exclaimed.

"God,my boobs are gonna explode. " Tami complained. Carla sat at the table across from Kelly. "And this is me at target practice.  I kept lining my sight all wrong,but then mitch helped me and—" Kelly said.

Carla sighed as they were chatting, overlapping each other, and Fred's crying made Carla get a headache. "Uh,are you listening to me?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah,uh-uh." Carl nodded. "What's with you and JLo?" Kelly asked. "Who,Anne?" Carl asked. "Uh-Huh." Kelly nodded. "She's a friend from work. "He shit again." Tami said as she checked Fred's diaper.

"Why is Anne here?" Kelly asked. "Cause we're hiding her from ICE . Her family's gonna get deported to one of those facilities south of Texas. And I think I'm,like,a Democrat now or something." Carl said.

"Democrat?" Kelly laughed when she saw Anne walk in the kitchen. "You're so funny,Carl." She said, then kissed Carl. Anne said something in Spanish .

"Can Amalia still watch Franny today?" Debbie asked. "Yep." Anne said. "Cool." Debbie said.

Everyone exclaimed when Tami threw Fred's dirty diaper in the trash. "Ew!" Liam exclaimed. "Oh,grow up,you guys. We all poop." Tami said.

"Yeah,we don't all change our shit-filled underwear in the kitchen." Carla said. "I've done it." Frank said, walking downstairs. "It's closer to the washing machine. Just drop that dirty sucker in there. One of ya hits wash eventually."

"Hey,what's with the backpack?" Carl asked when he noticed Frank has Franny's backpack on. "It's for carrying things,genius." Frank said.

"It's Franny's. If I find any sex or drug paraphernalia in there, I'll kill you in your sleep,Frank." Debbie threatened. Frank only smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Debbie's phone dinged,making her stand up. "Shit,Lip texted. Ian just now got out of prison. It'll be at least another hour. I'm gonba miss him." Debbie said as she texted Lip back.

"Where you gonna be?" Liam asked. "Got a meeting with my lawyer for Franny's death benefit money." Debbie explained.

"You taking that shitbox you bought with our rainy day fund?" Carl asked. "That shitbox has four wheels and a working engine,so,yes,I'm taking it." Debbie said.

"Well,I'm gonna be here making tamales." Carl said. "And spending time with me. I'm only here for 48 hours." Kelly said,making Carla roll her eyes. "Who's gonna buy decorations for Ian's party?" Debbie asked.

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