11|Daddy's Girl

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Carla laied on Lip's bed with her head over the edge, looking at whatever Lip was doing on his computer when Fiona walked in. "Stop downloading porn." Fiona said, walking in."Oops! Busted." Lip said sarcastically."I need a sweater." She said, opening the dresser drawer."Help yourself." Lip said.

"What are you guys doing?" Fiona asked whined Debbie picked a sweater for her to wear."we're looking for Homeboy's dad." Lip explained."He's looking for Homeboy's dad. While Carla watches." Ian corrected "Jesus. There are a lot of Gallaghers." Lip said, scrolling down the page "Carla get down before you pass out from being upside down." Fiona said. Carla sighed and jumped off lip's bed and sat on Carl's."Hey Fiona,do you know any of, uh,Frank's brothers' names?" Lip asked.

"Shit. I have no idea. Oh,I think one of them's Wendall or something." She said,"Suppose I could just start calling them all." Lip said,"Why do you care anyway?" Fiona asked putting holding up a jacket."He just wishes it was him that wasn't Frank's kid." Ian explained "plus if we find Ian's real dad, maybe he'll just give us some cash. Or we could report his name to the state and  collect extra child support." Lip added."I'd have to hang out with the dude." Ian said.

"What he might be cool." Lip shrugged,"heh,Frank's brother?" Fiona turned and looked at him."Gotta be better than Frank,right. I mean, maybe he has a job, or he's sober,or he likes kids." Lip said,"doubt it." Ian laid down and looked at the ceiling. "Oh,hey,how about this one,Debs?" Fiona asked."It'll have to do. Now go. Come on." Debbie rushed."Take the bus out to see Grammy." Fiona said poking her head back in."She'll know where the brothers are." Fiona explained as Debbie pulled her back out.


Carla laughed as she watched Carl and Debbie play some video game "damn Debs you're dying." Carla laughed."Shut up." Debbie said, not taking her eyes off the screen. Carla turned around after hearing the door shut and saw Frank. She rolled her eyes before turning back to the TV screen. "I'm getting some cash today." Frank announced "I don't care what you say just stay the fuck out of my way." He continued as he walked into the kitchen.

"Die,Locust scum!" Debbie yelled at the TV as she tried,as she groaned in annoyance as she died. Debbie turned to face Frank "ph,uh,mail's not here yet. Any minute,usually. Oh." She told him,"What are you kids doing home?" Frank asked."Budget cuts." Carla explained."Eat my ass!" Debbie yelled at the TV."we have every other Friday off." Debbie explained."Shouldn't someone be watching you?" Frank asked."we're latchkey kids." Debbie said.

"Debs, you died. it's my turn." Carla said, getting off the couch as Debbie handed her the Controller. "Get ready to get your ass kicked." Carl smirked "in your dreams." Carla said as she started to click on the remote. "...has been terminated! No!" Frank yelled, causing the three kids to turn around quickly.

The twins continued their game after Frank left again. "Ha! Told you you sucked!" Carla exclaimed as she celebrated from beating Carl."Ugh!" Carl groaned.


Carla sat on the bathtub as Carl sat on the closed toilet seat as he stared at Frank while he put deodorant. "What?" Frank asked, looking at him." He never seen you use deodorant before." Carl answered,"gotta find a job. You two should come with me." Frank offered. "Why?" Carla asked."It's time you both learned the family business." Frank explained while he brushed his teeth.

Debbie tapped him on the back. "Typed up your resume,Daddy." She said,"Good girl,Debs." Frank said, taking the paper."Francis Gallagher is a passionate professional who brings creative solutions from ideas phase to fruition." Frank read the resume as the twins roll their eyes. Frank turned around and put his hands on his knees' becoming eyes level to Debbie. "You know me so well." Frank said, rubbing her cheek, then walking out of the bathroom.

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