124| Frances Francis Franny Frank

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Quick A/n; just like the military school chapters I'm going to make up some stuff Carla does with Aurora since Carl and Carla are being trained by two different officers

Carla almost tripped over Franny as she ran into a different room. "Franny still refusing to wear a dress for little miss south side?" Carla asked. "Debbie sighed. "Yep. She's just in that age where she doesn't like anything to do with pink or anything girly." Debbie said.

"God I hope Emma isn't this difficult at 5." Carla said as she walked downstairs.  "How was your first day as a cop?" Liam asked as Carla walked into the kitchen. Carl scoffed. "Seen more actions playing Minecraft on the shitter." Carl said.

"Carla? How about you?" Liam asked. "It was awesome." Carla said as she poured herself coffee. "This stuff is delicious." Frank said,looking at the back of a cereal  box.

"You high?" Liam asked as Carla sat down beside Carl. "As the Willis Tower. Fringe benefit of being the Alibi's chief quality control officer and weed sommelier. Gotta fuel up for a big day of pot purchases." Frank said as Liam sat down.

"Franny,Breakfast!" Debbie exclaimed as she walked downstairs. "No!" Franny exclaimed. Debbie chuckled. "I'm gonna kill her." She said as David walked downstairs with the twins behind him.

"I'm gonna choke her with her cargo pants until she's dead." Debbie said. "Still won't put on the dress?" Liam asked. "Won't put on the dress,won't brush her hair,won't brush her teeth,won't pack her own backpack." Debbie said.

"Why can't little miss sunshine wear pants?" Carl asked. "Cause it's not little Mr.Sunshine, Carl." Debbie told him. "Sounds like gender conformity." Liam spoke.

"It's not my world,Liam. I just live in it." Debbie said.

Mickey and Ian walked down the stairs. "Hey,hey,hey. Who do you think is the man in our relationship?" Mickey asked. "Ian." Carl,Carla,and Liam said as Emma and Mateo crawled down the stairs.

"You are." Frank said. Mickey flipped off Carl and Carla. "Yeah,Neanderthal. There's no man in our relationship. But if there was,it'd be me." Ian said.

"Okay,well,who sticks it in who?" Carl asked. "I do." Ian said. "Irrelevant." Mickey said. "And my dick's longer." Ian said. "Mine's wider,which is the only metric that matters." Mickey argued.

"Look at him. He's too pretty to be the man." Mickey lightly smacked Ian's cheek. "I'm pretty? You have the hairless body of a preteen girl." Ian pulled down Mickey's shirt.

"Well,you like sticking it up my shitter,so what does that say about you?" Mickey pushed Ian as the two started pushed each other,causing a fight.

Tami and lip walked him. "Hey,whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa, whoa!" Tami exclaimed as she broke up the fight. "Baby on board. Christ."

"Uh,pop tart or banana?" Tami asked lip. "Uh,pop tart. Whoa,Debs,You're looking especially,um—" lip stopped himself.

"Boobualry abundant." Frank finished. "Hot lesbian convict handywoman. Customers love it. More work than I can handle. Franny let's go!" Debbie exclaimed.

Franny walked downstairs with David behind her. "I gotta go poop!" Franny exclaimed as she walked into the bathroom. "No,Franny. No!" Debbie tried to stop her daughter,but Franny didn't listen.

"Huh. If I'm late to work,I'm gonna lose this client." Debbie said as Tami talked over her, "if I'm gonna drop you off before the doctor,we have to go."

"Hey,can you guys drop me and Carla off at the precinct on your way to the warehouse?" Carl asked. "Would one of you guys take Franny to school,please? I'd really appreciate it." Debbie said.

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