18|Can I Have a Mother

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Carla watched as a random old lady walked in. "You Carla?" The woman asked she nodded."Help me up these stairs." The woman told her. Carla got up and helped the old lady up the stairs and to the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door to reveal Carl peeing. "You Carl?" The lady asked. He nodded. "You two get me a crowbar and a hammer." The woman ordered.

The twins looked at each other, confused before doing what the woman said.

Carla sat on the bathtub while she watched Carl put a hole in the wall. "Why are we bashing a hole in the wall?" Debbie asked."we're remodeling. Where's the rest of the litter? " The woman Carla found out was her grandmother,Frank's mom.

"Ian's at work,we haven't seen lip for days... Liam's down in daycare,and Fiona's probably trying to sleep. She works nights." Debbie listed off. "What about Frank?" Their grandmother asked. "Doesn't live here anymore." Debbie explained."Good boy. Out of the way." She told Carl.

They all gathered around the hole as their grandmother dugged around in it just to pull out a bag and then pulled money out of the bag. "What's that?" Carla asked."What's it look like?" Their grandmother asked, handing her the small jar "a finger." Carla said, handing the jar to Carl."Ew." Debbie said as the twins examined the jar.

The twins looked over at their grandma as she pulled out a gun. "You can touch it,but never put your finger on the trigger....unless you're gonna shoot someone." She said, handing Carl the gun. Carl examined the gun before hanging it to Carla for her to examine.

"You like secrets?" Their grandmother asked as Debbie walked forward."So do I. Hold out your hands." She told them as the three held out their hands and smiled as she put money into them."Our little secret,all right?" She asked they all nodded.


The twins sat next to their grandmother as a man put a box in front of her. She opened the box to reveal. Nothing. It was empty. "Motherfucker." She whispered.

The twins stood behind Debbie and Grammy as they tried to get the computer to work. "Oh,come on, don't freeze. Please don't freeze." Debbie told the computer "Jesus,we had better gear than this piece of crap in prison." Grammy said. "Okay, we're good." Debbie said as they got it to work.

"Dr. Noah Pitts. The Pitts Center for Cosmetic Surgery." Debbie read,"A doctor,huh? Well,he always did know his drugs." Grammy said.

Carla followed Carl into the Alibi while he pushed Grammy in her wheelchair. The twins sat on the barstools "Jesus they let you out?" Frank asked, turning around facing his mother."Yeah,they let me out." Grammy said, sitting down next to the twins.

"Surprise to see you,Peg. Though you were doing 20 to life." Kev said."Tricked them into thinking I was dying, so they let me out early. Gin,neat. And something sweet for the kids." Grammy ordered Kevin.

"Thanks for the push." Grammy told carl."What are you doing here?" Frank asked."I'm conducting the Chicago Symphony,Frankie. What do you think I'm doing here?" She asked him back, drinking her alcohol.


Carla walked downstairs following Ian and Carl down."How's Ethel doing?" Fiona asked when they got down the steps."She's in shock,I think. Poor thing. Husband murder in prison." V said as Ian,Carl,and Carla grabbed a piece of chicken." Who got murdered?" Ian asked.

"Ethel's husband,Clyde." Debbie explained."Cool." The twins said in sync only to get smacked by Debbie."kev thinks the state might send her back to that cult now that her sclerotic husband is dead." V continued."Grammy still here?" Ian asked. Debbie shook her head. "Left with Frank." She explained,"somewhere in Chicago, a priest is being mugged." V informed.

Lip opened the back door. "Lip,there's chicken." Fiona told him. Lip flipped off Ian, grabbing a piece "still?" Fiona asked. The twins walked into the living room and sat down on the couch with their chicken.

The twins stood by each other at Sheila's house for Karen's wedding reception. She sat on the arm of the couch, fixing the dress she had put on for the reception. "Sit on the couch normally." Fiona whispered in her ear. Carla listened and sat normally on the couch.

Sheila tapped on a glass for everyone attention "quiet,please." Sheila announced,"quiet everyone." Karen's husband,Jody said. "I'm sorry that I didn't make it all the way down the stairs today... but baby steps." Sheila said,"Oh,my Karen,my baby,all grown up. I so wish your father could have been here today. I wish he could have seen you,our sweet girl,all grown up. And I know he would be so proud of his grandbaby... no matter who the father was,except Frank. He hated Frank." Sheila laughed awkwardly.

"But it couldn't be Frank's because there wasn't any penetration. Eddie didn't like being penetrated. He had a funny bump on the side of his penis....that we thought it was cancer... but it turned out I was just being too rough on him, so... there's been some obstacles and some pitfalls... but she's made some wonderful, wonderful friends along the way. Like Lip and all the Gallaghers." Sheila rambled

"People I just used to only know as ones in that house where the cop's always came." Sheila continued to rambled "Jesus,is that bitch ever gonna shut up?" Grammy asked "and Frank's mother. We're just so honored that you're here,even though you weren't even invited. And not really honored because you're a convicted felon. But you're out now,aren't you? Why did they let you out? Because you're a loud,mean,vicious bitch." Sheila said making everybody cover their mouths in shock.

"Okay,mom,let's open presents." Karen announced."Why don't you do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut up?" Grammy asked."Have I offended you? In my home,where you're an interloper?" Sheila asked "no one wants to hear it you fucking windbag." Grammy.

"Okay,mom,let's go upstairs." Karen said."She called me a Wacker Drive Whore." Sheila said. "And I don't know how an angel like that man could have come out of your poisoned womb." Carla laughed at Sheila's words.

"Shut up you batty bitch." Grammy stood up "you know what? You've got a demon mind and a devil's womb and heart. And you coochie smells of brimstone and sulfur!" Sheila yelled. "I will fuck you up." Grammy pulled out a gun. "Shit!" Everyone yelled as Ian pulled Carla away from the couch.

"No!" Kevin yelled."Do it! Do it!" Sheila yelled. Steve went to grab the gun only for it to shoot the smoke detector, causing everyone to duck and Ian covering both the twins. "You okay?" Ian whispered to the twins. They both nodded and stood up straight.


"Ian?" Carla whispered."What?" He grumbled."I can't sleep. Can I lay next to you?" She whispered. Ian moved over and let her lay down and fall asleep next to him.

The next morning, Carla sat on the couch watching Carl do some weird game thing and jump around. "You're so weird." Carla laughed."Hey Jimmy, it's Fiona. I just wanted to say go fuck yourself." Fiona exclaimed angrily as she walked past the twins and into the kitchen.

"Who's Jimmy?" Carla asked. Carl just shrugged and continued his game. "Debs who Jimmy?" Carla asked as Debbie walked in the living room."Jimmy is Steve." Debbie explained."Oh." Carla nodded.


"Eat me! I say eat me!" Carla heard Frank yell from downstairs she walked behind Fiona to see what's happening. "I'm done taking your shit. You got it? I am a grown man. This is my family,not yours. You're a piss-poor excuse for a mother. I was holding you would die in prison." Frank exclaimed angrily."You made my life a living hell. And I want you out of here. Now!" Frank yelled, shoving everything off the counter.  "Good for you. It's great to get that stuff out. Feel better? Now,this is what I was thinking. I'm moving into your room. I like the light. And I'm gonna need a flat-screen up there." Grammy said like it was nothing.

Carla and Fiona sat on the steps eavesdropping on them "Don't worry, I'll give you the money. Can I be honest with you? I am not the reason that your life is a piece of crap. You came out of me a loser. Now run to the store. I'll make a list,okay? Give me my purse." She ordered Frank.

"Go back upstairs." Fiona whispered as she went upstairs, followed by Carla.

Word count:1481

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