Chapter 1 Rebirth

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"Brother Cheng!...Save me...don't abandon me!" Qiao Yi ignored the injury on his leg and desperately chased the pickup truck in front of him while shouting loudly, praying that the car would stop and someone would come to save him. .

"Haha...hoho!" Countless zombies chased after him, roaring excitedly. Qiao Yi did not dare to look back. Even just one look would make him lose the courage to escape.

"Cheng...Brother Cheng!" Qiao Yi stared straight at Cai Jincheng standing in the middle of the carriage and roared with all his strength. That man was his only hope for survival. He didn't believe that he had just left him behind!

"Plop~" Something tripped under his feet, and Qiao Yi threw himself to the ground. When he looked up again, the pickup truck had already driven onto the Qingyu Bridge. He only had time to see clearly that Cai Jincheng said three words to him with red eyes, and Zhang Shumian beside him was looking at him proudly, and then the car quickly disappeared from his sight.

Qiao Yi's heart suddenly fell into a hole in the ice. What else didn't he understand? He was really abandoned! Why? Just because he has no powers? Just because he was injured, his nominal fiancé abandoned him? He is not willing to give in!

"Ah!" There was a sharp pain in his calf. The zombies that caught up first grabbed his legs and started biting him unceremoniously. Before he could struggle, the zombies behind him had already surrounded him, and he was torn to pieces by these monsters. But in the blink of an eye, before he was completely plunged into darkness, Qiao Yi thought of Cai Jincheng, who would only say "I'm sorry" to him in a life-or-death situation, and secretly made up his mind, even if I die, I will not let you go...

"Huhu~" Qiao Yi suddenly opened his eyes, his heavy breathing inflated his eardrums, and only heard a roar. After taking several deep breaths, Qiao Yi gradually came back to his senses from the confusion. He looked at the dim room in front of him, and he was extremely surprised. what happened? Isn't this the place where he hid from zombies before he died?

He sat up suddenly, but accidentally hurt the wound on his calf, "Hiss~ It hurts!" Qiao Yi frowned and took a breath, but he couldn't help but feel ecstatic in his heart, the familiar environment, the real pain , he is not dead! No, how could he not die? He was surrounded by so many zombies, and there were probably no bones left. How could he not die? He... is reborn! ?

A pair of bright black eyes shot out in the darkness. Qiao Yi tried hard to calm down his excited mood in the darkness. Whether he was reborn or a nightmare, he just wanted to be truly alive at this time. Suddenly he felt a little hot in his chest. He reached out and touched it, and suddenly he pulled out a hot pendant. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. It was a black stone pendant. He found it in the antique market a few years ago. At that time, he felt that this stone The pattern on it was beautiful and the price was not expensive, so I simply bought it and hung it around my neck. I never thought that the stone, which was usually as cool as jade, would be as hot as fire. Thinking of this, Qiao Yi was even more shocked. Could it be... Could it be that his rebirth was due to this pendant? It's a treasure!

A soft "squeak" sound interrupted Qiao Yi's thoughts, and he remembered that at this time, he, Cai Jincheng and others were staying in this residence to avoid zombies wandering around at night. His leg injury was accidentally scratched while collecting supplies in the afternoon. He was walking well at that time, but suddenly he fell unsteadily and fell on a pile of collapsed shelves. Immediately, a half-foot-long gash was cut on his calf. The skin and flesh were turned outwards from the wound, and a lot of blood flowed out. Fortunately, it was daytime and no zombies were attracted, otherwise there would be no chance of staying here.

However, thinking about his leg injury at this time, Qiao Yi couldn't help but frown. Thinking about it carefully, he was clearly walking steadily at the time, but suddenly he fell down as if he was pushed by something. It's very strange now that he thinks about it. Well, if he guessed correctly, it should have been done by a wind power user, and there was only one wind power user near him at that time - Huang Chenggang, one of Cai Jincheng's bodyguards, who usually got along with Zhang Shumian Very close, I suddenly realized that I had been tricked by them at that time! hateful!

When they saw the blood, everyone was in a panic. How could they think about it carefully? He had low self-esteem without special powers, and he was even more afraid of becoming a burden and hurting others when he was injured, so he just dealt with it briefly and covered it with plastic wrap. Seal the wound layer by layer to prevent the blood from spreading and attracting zombies!

Looking at the swollen injured leg, Qiao Yi put his forehead on his head and asked the sky, God! You said you reborn me, why can't you show mercy and let me be reborn before the end of the world? I’ve heard of reviving a whole life, but I’ve never heard of reviving a single night, okay! How can I take revenge like this? How to abuse scum? Life and death are right in front of you! We can’t afford to make this joke!

There was low discussion in the living room outside. Qiao Yi calmed down his emotions and stood up quietly. He moved very gently to the door and listened with bated breath.

"Mr. Cai, make up your mind quickly!" It was Cai Jincheng's bodyguard captain Chen Younian, a second-level fire superpower who had gone out to investigate earlier. Now he was urgently urging Cai Jincheng to make a decision. He must have encountered an emergency. In the last life, he He was in a deep sleep, and when everyone drove away, he woke up, naturally not knowing what happened.

"Are the quantities determined?" Cai Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

"Definitely, there are hundreds of zombies!" Chen Younian said with a serious look, "And there is also a third-level zombie. We have no chance of winning. The only way out now is to cross the Qingyu Bridge and go south!"

"Zombie wave! Third-level zombies!" Qiao Yi was shocked. It turned out that he encountered a zombie wave. No wonder there were so many zombies rushing up at once, and there were even third-level zombies! You know, it has been a few months since the end of the world, and the number of power users who have evolved to the third level has not exceeded five fingers. Even Cai Jincheng, who is extremely talented, is only a second level lightning power user. They met the third level power user so easily. Level zombies, no one is lucky.

"Third-level zombies~" Cai Jincheng muttered. Among the dozen or so of them, there was not a single third-level superpower. Besides, they still didn't know the attributes of these third-level zombies. If they wanted to go head-to-head, they would suffer a big loss.

"Brother Jincheng, what should I do?" Zhang Shumian looked frightened, his tone was waxy, and he stared at Cai Jincheng nervously.

Qiao Yi rolled his eyes. Fortunately, he couldn't see it. He was so pretentious that he felt sick just listening to it!

"Yes, Mr. Cai, we don't have time!" Huang Chenggang spoke up. He was born with a loud voice, and he never lowered his voice when he was in a hurry. As soon as he finished his words, he received a few punches in the face. He had lived enough!

He smacked his mouth guiltily, then deliberately lowered his voice and continued: "I heard that third-level zombies have an extremely keen sense of smell, but we still have wounded people here!" The meaning of this was obvious. The wounded were living targets, and they were easy to get rid of. To get rid of the third-level zombies who are very sensitive to the smell of blood, you must first get rid of this living target! And of course the wounded person they were talking about was Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi was very angry after hearing this, but no matter how angry he was, he had to endure it. Who told him that he had no superpowers and was still injured? In this case, he had to agree with Huang Chenggang's statement. His existence did bring great risks to their team. How sad!

Qiao Yi bit his lower lip and clenched his fists. He was waiting for Cai Jincheng's reaction. What was the reason that made him decide to give up on him?

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