Chapter 71 It's not easy to order some ice

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Joe Holmes Yi has not missed a beat since he opened the business case, but at this moment, his clear life seemed to be suddenly covered in dust by this seemingly simple case of identifying people!

Grinding his teeth, he really wanted to bite his third brother to relieve his hatred. This was obviously just teasing him, huh! No, take three bites!

Seeing that his third brother was suppressing his laughter and feeling uncomfortable, Qiao Yi decided to settle the score with him later!

At this moment, the reckless man who raised his hand had already stood up. Qiao Yi had to raise his eyes a little higher, looked up at him slightly, and confirmed again: "You...are Ji Can? That ice type stranger?"

While asking the question, he started to look at it. His height was estimated to be over 1.9 meters! This body is so strong that it can hold two of him! There is also the stubble on his face that he just ignored. Who can tell him why he can't be a power user? !

Seeing that the highly respected Young Master Qiao who had been following their Third Young Master came here specifically to find him, Ji Can felt a little excited. He immediately took a half step forward, stood at attention, and replied loudly: "Yes, Young Master Qiao." , I am Ji Can, the ice superpower! What are your orders, Mr. Qiao?"

A gust of cool wind rushed towards him, and Qiao Yi couldn't help but shiver. It was really cold! Confirmed!

Qiao Yi secretly held his forehead, then lowered his eyes, looking at the little glasses who were looking up at the excitement speechlessly. Seeing that he still had the same indifferent expression, Qiao Yi couldn't help but curiously asked: "Then what's wrong with you?" Can you? What kind of superpower is it? "Is it metal type?"

Little Glasses did not stand up, but when he saw Master Qiao asking, he immediately answered: "Fire! Second-level fire ability! What's wrong, Master Qiao?" Why is he looking at Master Qiao so wrong? He doesn't seem to have done anything strange!

Qiao Yi really wanted to pull out all the black threads on his head, tie them into a knot, and then tie them to the legs of his glasses. Got it! One is fire, the other is ice, you are complementing each other!

But then again, why do you, a fire-type superpower, look so cold? Do you know how much your appearance just steals the spotlight? Young people should be enthusiastic! Why should he imitate his third brother?

"It's okay, the fire power is very good! I hope you can use your light and energy more in the future and benefit mankind more!"

Qiao Yi said his sincere blessings, and complained about his third brother again in his heart, you are really good at recruiting people! What a surprise!

Qiao Yi was chatting in his heart when the little glasses asked him again: "Master Qiao, do you want to use fire?"

"No, no, just rest!" On this hot day, why was he using the fire? Was it because the ice didn't melt fast enough?

When it comes to ice, he gets a toothache. He didn't answer this question correctly! Is this still open to stuffing ice cubes into your own space?

Just as he was about to shift his gaze, he saw the soldier who reported the news again. He raised his head high and looked at him expectantly. What did he mean?

He tried to express his condolences: "Hello!"

The little soldier answered quickly and neatly: "Hello, Mr. Qiao, I am Luo Junjie! If you have any questions, please give me my instructions!"

Luo Junjie? Qiao Yi thinks this name is a bit familiar!

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work!" Qiao Yi responded politely, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart, Luo Junjie, you are extraordinary! Is it really not easy to catch a cold if you have an ice type and a fire type?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ji Can, who was the party involved, also asked: "Does Mr. Qiao want ice cubes?"

"Yes." Qiao Yi nodded, then looked back at his third brother. He was quite happy and happy enough, and now he had the nerve to turn around and watch his excitement!

His eyes rolled rapidly, Qiao Yi suddenly raised the corners of his lips, "Yes!" I saw him sighing slightly exaggeratedly, and then lowered his voice and said quietly: "Hey! It's too hot today, and you three young masters are extremely angry, and he is not willing to let you waste your super powers on him. Make some ice cubes, know!"

"Understood! Of course I understand! It was my mistake! The three young masters ran out a lot this noon. It's strange that they didn't get angry! Mr. Qiao, tell me how much ice cubes are needed. I will make them now!"

Ji Can also cooperated with him and expressed his position in a low voice. To them, Xiao Huaizhou was the leader and backbone. Even if he turned himself into ice, he would not be able to set the Third Young Master on fire!

Qiao Yi was not in a hurry. He first motioned for him to sit down in a place slightly away from people, and then whispered: "I happen to have a small space where I can store ice cubes without melting. How much can you do in this way?" Just make as much as you like, and I’ll keep it for him in advance so he can use it anytime when it’s hot!”

"Master Qiao is actually a space superpower!" Ji Can couldn't help but say in surprise.

Qiao Yi waved his hand to signal him to keep a low profile, "This is nothing, we are about to set off, let's do business first!"

"Oh! Okay! I'll do it now, Master Qiao, just follow along!" Ji Can didn't dare to waste time for the sake of the health of his third son, and he immediately concentrated and began to form a slap in the palm of his hand. Come in ice cubes.

Just like that, as soon as the ice cube in Ji Can's palm took shape, Qiao Yi touched a corner and immediately put it into the space. The ice making and storage assembly line started operating like this.

One of them was doing it, the other was finishing it, and they were both very busy for a while!

However, if someone from a little further away looks over, they might think that the two of them are playing a palm-touching game!

Xiao Huaizhou saw that his Xiao Yi had completely ignored the exam rules and started cheating blatantly, ignoring him as the examiner. He could only shake his head and smile silently. What else could he do besides pretending not to see it?

However, this kid wouldn't really drain Ji Can's powers out of revenge for him, oh, then he really wouldn't be able to see at all!

Don't tell me, he really guessed it right. Later, Ji Can's superpowers were really squeezed out, but it was not Qiao Yi who forced him, but Ji Can himself who was too excited and couldn't control it, which made him exhausted and overdrawn. Qiao Yi Yi said not to run back, but he didn't give up and chased after him. Even Bing Qing couldn't stop him!

Even before setting off, when Ji Can was being carried out, he did not forget to express to Qiao Yi: "Young Master Qiao, you can come to me anytime if you need me! I guarantee that I will answer your request!"

Qiao Yi was moved by his third brother to have such a group of subordinates who were loyal and willing to risk their lives!

But Qiao Yi was so moved that he didn't dare to move at all!

He saw Xiao Dahuyou folding his arms and looking at him with a meaningful expression. He must have wanted him to explain! But the plot is wrong, isn't it? This should be how he should behave!

But Qiao Yi, who was just about to roll back his sleeves and find a way to settle the score, was blocked and speechless!

He heard his third brother staring straight at him and asking him three questions about his soul!

"Am I extremely angry?"

Qiao Yi: ...he is a man with a lot of anger, so there is no need to worry about it like this!

"I can't bear to leave Ji Can?"

Qiao Yi: ...Did he say this?

"What did he understand? What... did you understand?"

Qiao Yi: ...He doesn’t understand anything! etc! Third brother, you are eavesdropping!

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