Chapter 178 Zhang Shumian is sick again

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Zhang Shumian never thought that things would develop to this point. Before dawn, he put on his clothes in a panic and ran away from Chen Younian.

Returning to his room, he clutched his pounding heart and wandered angrily, why did he provoke Chen Younian? Why did you just obey?

At first he refused and resisted, but his desire for the heat source made him seem more like he was giving in half-heartedly, which in turn irritated Chen Younian even more!

What was hard to say was that when Chen Younian really took possession of him, he actually felt that the coldness had eased, and he even began to feel comfortable and enjoy it in the end!

Oh my God! No matter whether what Chen Younian said about treating both internal and external diseases was nonsense, his symptoms really eased after they had sex!

No no no! It must be a coincidence! It must be Chen Younian's superpower that comes into play! It must be that my problem suddenly got better!

It was an accident between him and Chen Younian! An accident that Cai Jincheng must not know about!

Rubbing his arms, although the symptoms were relieved, he still felt cold. Zhang Shumian's heart sank. What if the relief was only temporary?

This was already the case, how could he possibly go to Chen Younian again? If we go to find him, then the superpower is useless. Will we have to be beaten by him again...

Wuzi shook his head and Zhang Shumian rejected the idea. Temporary relief can become addictive! I have already made a wrong step and cannot continue to make mistakes. Chen Younian is not worth it!

Also, he couldn't imagine what his brother Jincheng would do to him if he found out? no no! He must not be discovered!

Retracting into his bed, Zhang Shumian took a deep breath. If he still had symptoms after dawn, he would go to his brother Jincheng. His mother had just died, and Cai Jincheng still felt that he owed him something. All he had to do was ask him. He will definitely buy himself the ability-sealing medicine again!

Um! That must be the case!

Instead of getting entangled with Chen Younian, it is better to put your hope in the power-sealing medicine!

At the same time, Chen Younian, who was lying on the bed, licked his lips with unsatisfied feelings. If it was such a help, then he would be extremely happy!

Based on Zhang Shumian's performance when he just left, does he still have a chance? After using it, he will only leave vicious threats and warnings. This Zhang Shumian is really merciless!

Smacking his lips, Mr. Cai didn't know what to think. It was a bit confusing to have such a beauty just by his side but not in his mouth!

Having done something sorry to Cai Jincheng, Chen Younian felt guilty and scared, but now that he has tasted the sweetness, he seems to take it for granted. If he can still hold back in such a situation, then is he still a man?

Just do it!

Sure enough, things didn't go as Zhang Shumian hoped. Even when the sun rose high, he still couldn't get rid of the overwhelming cold. Chen Younian had done so much, but it was all in vain! He was given the advantage in vain!

Zhang Shumian's intestines turned green with regret. If he had known this, he should have gone to Cai Jincheng from the beginning!

So, when he came to Cai Jincheng wearing heavy clothes, he was already crying uncontrollably! Really regretful and unwilling!

"Brother Jincheng! I'm so cold! Help me!"

Looking at his clothes and condition, Cai Jincheng immediately understood that the power-sealing medicine had worn off!

"When did it happen? How do you feel now?" Cai Jincheng held his hands, and a cold chill instantly spread to his hands, making his heart tremble with force!

"I feel it at night. It's so cold! It's colder than last time! Brother Jincheng, my mother is gone, am I going to die too! Woohoo!" Zhang Shumian cried while talking, not forgetting to take his mother's Come and show sympathy.

"Don't say that! You'll be fine. I'll take you to the military research institute!"

Cai Jincheng was heartbroken by his crying. Shumian must have relapsed because of the grief of losing his mother. The blow was too great, and he must have been unable to accept it for a while!

"What's wrong?" The two of them were crying together, which alarmed Xie Chengying who was passing by. Seeing this, he quickly came over to check.

She still hasn't digested Li Yunxiu's death. She was with her every day, chatting, and was full of energy. How could she be infected and turned into a zombie?

Seeing Zhang Shumian now, she somehow suddenly felt that this child made her feel different!

In fact, she had noticed this feeling since Zhang Shumian's power went wrong, and she always felt that the child had a much gloomier temperament.

At first, I thought it was caused by his poor health, and he would inevitably feel depressed if he got a strange disease. But later, after he recovered, this feeling not only did not disappear, but intensified!

Even if he has a smile on his face all the time, it still makes her feel uncomfortable!

Cai Jincheng didn't hide Li Yunxiu's matter from her. He told her everything from beginning to end. It turned out to be because of a sewing needle!

Zhang Shumian bought it from outside!

Why did you buy needle and thread for Li Yunxiu for no reason? They were together every day. When had she ever heard of her saying that she was short of needles and thread? There is obviously plenty of money to be had!

Every time he thought about this, Xie Chengying couldn't help but think more about it, did Zhang Shumian do it on purpose?

Was it intentional to harm Li Yunxiu, or to harm her? But I can’t figure it out! Unreasonable!

Seeing his mother coming, Cai Jincheng frowned and replied helplessly: "The cold syndrome has returned!"

"Ah? It's relapsed again? Why did it happen again just a few days ago?"

Xie Chengying didn't have time to think too much. As a mother, she felt really distressed when her son was like this. She thought that without Qiao Yi standing in the way, her son would be able to be with Zhang Shumian!

She and Li Yunxiu were privately discussing how to help them arrange their marriage, but things happened one after another. One fell ill and had to rely on Chen Younian to survive every day, and the other was so busy that he couldn't stand still in City B. Heels take a lot of effort!

After everything finally got better, Li Yunxiu was inexplicably infected and turned into a zombie, and the news of her death had not yet been released. Well, Zhang Shumian fell ill again. Xie Chengying could only lament that it was so difficult for her son!

Seeing Zhang Shumian unsteady on his feet, Xie Chengying hesitated, how could he get married? His son would really be dragged to death!

"Hey! Isn't there some useful medicine? Then take Shu Mian to buy it quickly!" Xie Chengying hurriedly sent people to buy medicine, spending money to buy peace and purity, as long as her son could worry less.

"Yes, I'll take him there right now!" Cai Jincheng responded happily. This happened a bit suddenly. He didn't contact the Military Research Institute in advance. He didn't know if he would be able to meet their person in charge again.

Because the power-sealing medicine can only be obtained from Mr. Xiao!

If it doesn't go well, he may have to ask Mayor Hong again!

But I haven't hunted any mutated animals at all in the past few days, so what should I give them as a gift?

It’s a bit tricky!

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