Chapter 55 Healing Superpower Sun Feifei

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Qiao Yi just watched the girl like a little lark, running and calling Brother Xiao, heading straight for Xiao Huaizhou!

Qiao Yi wondered, what is going on?

Just when Qiao Yi opened his eyes wide to watch the excitement, he saw the girl suddenly stopped about two meters away from the front of the car!

After being stunned for a moment, the girl tried to move forward again, but she seemed to have encountered some resistance and could not take another step forward.

"Brother Xiao?" She reacted suddenly, raised her head and looked at Xiao Huaizhou who was still sitting in the car with puzzled eyes. Was she not allowed to get close?

Qiao Yi saw that the girl seemed to be isolated thousands of miles away, and he was so aggrieved that he almost cried!

His third brother's superpower can still be used like this! It's just a bit cold and heartless!

Two men in military uniforms quickly ran over from the off-road vehicle behind. After standing next to the girl, they first greeted Xiao Huaizhou: "Third Young Master!"

Xiao Huaizhou didn't respond. He just glanced at the girl coldly and quickly looked back at them. What's going on?

When the two saw this, they looked at each other helplessly. It's over. The third young master is not happy anymore!

The taller person among them was Xiao Huaizhou's adjutant Yang Lidong. He turned to look at the girl and said with some displeasure: "Sun Feifei, what are you doing? Didn't I tell you? I will tell you about your affairs." Don't go into details, why are you rushing here? Go back to the car first!"

When Sun Feifei saw that Xiao Huaizhou was already in front of her, she felt that there was no need to find someone to convey it to her. Wouldn't it be better to tell her directly face to face.

And from the first moment she saw Xiao Huaizhou, her heart was moved. It was this tall, tall, handsome and steady man who saved her!

But it was a pity that before she could say a few words to him, he handed herself over to his subordinates, flew away in a hurry, and did not return all night!

None of that was important. What was important was that she found out clearly that the handsome guy who rescued her was actually Xiao Huaizhou, the famous third son of the Xiao family in B City!

Sun Feifei suddenly felt that she was extremely lucky!

Thinking of those people in Rongan Base, her mind quickly became active. Maybe her opportunity had come. With the power of the Xiao family and outstanding figures like Xiao Huaizhou, she had to seize it no matter what!

Thinking of her proud beauty and figure, coupled with her special powers, Sun Feifei was confident that Xiao Huaizhou would definitely keep her by her side. As long as she stayed, she would have won half the battle!

Now that it was hard to see people, she had to seize the opportunity to show off her face.

So, she ignored Yang Lidong's obstruction, but turned her eyes to Xiao Huaizhou's face in the car, and said delicately: "Brother Xiao, I have something to tell you!"

Qiao Yi suddenly felt that the temperature in the car had dropped a lot. He looked sideways at the people next to him and saw that his third brother had a cold face and didn't speak, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Qiao Yi raised her butt and whispered, "How about I go down first and let her come up and talk to you?"

"Sit tight!" Unexpectedly, Xiao Huaizhou suddenly said two words coldly.

"Ah?" Qiao Yi heard that his tone was wrong. Was he unhappy?

"I said, just sit down and you don't have to get out of the car!"

As if he realized that his tone just now was not good, Xiao Huaizhou quickly adjusted his mood and repeated it again.

"Oh!" Qiao Yi sat back obediently and said nothing. At this moment, the temperature in the car was much cooler than outside, and he couldn't bear to get out of the car!

"Brother Xiao!"

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Sun Feifei called out again in a longer tone.

Su Yue, who came with Yang Lidong, was so anxious that he almost stomped his feet. He grabbed Sun Feifei's arm and urged, "Why can't you, a girl like me, not understand? Just go back and wait when I tell you!"

I really don’t understand why a girl who seems to be very well-behaved and sensible seems to be a completely different person when she meets his third young master, and she becomes so thick-skinned!

Just as Yang Lidong was about to take action, he saw Xiao Huaizhou landing on his long legs, getting out of the cab, then leaning straight against the door of the car, and said indifferently: "Sun Feifei?"

"Well, Brother Xiao, I'm Feifei." Sun Feifei took the initiative to drop her last name, and people close to her called her Feifei.

"My subordinates have official business to report. Please step aside, Miss Sun!" Xiao Huaizhou said in a business-like manner. He himself hadn't had a chance to speak yet. Why are you yelling here? What's more? And in front of his Xiao Yi!

Sun Feifei didn't expect that her hot face would be touched by her cold butt. Then she thought that maybe she was a little impatient. Maybe she likes girls who are quieter. She couldn't help but said with some annoyance: "I'm sorry, Brother Xiao, I'm too worried about my family." , guys work on that first, I'll go over there and wait now!"

After saying that, she turned around and ran towards the off-road vehicle. After receiving a look from Xiao Huaizhou, Su Yue immediately turned around and followed her. He had to watch people, but who knew when she would come back again!

As soon as Sun Feifei left, the invisible barrier dissipated. Yang Lidong came to Xiao Huaizhou in a few steps. He scratched the back of his head and admitted his mistake in shame: "Third Young Master, it was my fault. I let her run away without keeping an eye on her." Come over here!"

Then he poked his head to look at the co-pilot in great surprise, and said overjoyed: "Master Qiao, that's great! I finally found you!"

Although Qiao Yi didn't recognize him, he still greeted him with a smile: "Hello! I'm Qiao Yi!"

Xiao Huaizhou introduced calmly: "This is my adjutant, Yang Lidong, and the one just now was Su Yue. They are all trustworthy people."

After hearing what he said, Yang Lidong immediately expressed his position: "Third Young Master is right. If anything happens in the future, Young Master Qiao can just give you orders. You're welcome!"

Qiao Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I'll have to worry about Adjutant Yang from now on!"

Xiao Huaizhou didn't just ask him to come here to show his loyalty. He raised his legs and sat back in the driver's seat, and asked leisurely: "Tell me, what did you find out?"

Yang Lidong answered all questions. He immediately stood up straight and reported the situation seriously: "She didn't lie about her healing powers. I pretended to accidentally cut my arm on the way, and she treated me without saying a word. Okay, Third Young Master, look!"

As he spoke, he used the cover of the car door to roll up his sleeves, revealing his intact skin, and continued: "The slap-length cut left no scar at all. It is really an extremely rare healing power!"

When Qiao Yi heard that it was a healing power, he immediately became energetic and leaned over to take a look. His furry head brushed against Xiao Huaizhou's chin so gently that Xiao Huaizhou almost lost his grip on the steering wheel. It was broken!

"Is there really a healing power?" Qiao Yi asked flirtatiously without knowing it, shaking his head.

Yang Lidong replied happily: "Yes, this is a treasure, let our third young master pick it up!"

"Huh, baby?" Xiao Huaizhou snorted and spoke coldly, "Tell me, what conditions did she give for agreeing to stay?"

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