Chapter 184 Mr. Xiao's Yi Bao

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A turmoil at the city gate of City B shocked almost the entire high-level circle. Those who dared to spy on the city wall just had two thoughts.

One is to take the opportunity to explore the strength of the Xiao family again. When the Wan family fell, Hong Changbo took the opportunity to take the lead. He secretly used his own tricks and was even more confident in recruiting people to join the team. To this, the Xiao family did not react much. People couldn't help but suspect that the Xiao family was gradually weakening, or that someone had taken advantage of it, and Shen acquiesced.

The other one is curious about the fate of Hong Shengbo. He is the first level 4 powerhouse they have heard of so far. He has the courage to challenge the Xiao family. They thought he was really invincible. Unexpectedly, the result is shocking. Xiao San It took just one spinning storm to easily take down the person. Wow, it’s really disappointing. This level 4 is so commonplace!

Thinking of his character, his fourth-level strength, and his relationship with Mayor Hong Changbo, it seems that smart people can easily figure out some tricks. Hong Shengbo came here in a strange way!

Sitting in the car, looking at Hong Changbo who came down from the tower and left with a livid face, Xiao Lifeng narrowed his eyes and snorted, "You dare to move such reinforcements, you are really impatient!"

"General, I checked recently. In addition to sending letters to Hong Shengbo, Mayor Hong also met with many leaders of private superpower groups in private. I heard that they were promised a lot of benefits."

When Staff Officer Wu saw him withdrawing his gaze, he quickly responded to his investigation status.

"What's the purpose? Just to win people's hearts?"

Xiao Lifeng didn't think that Hong Changbo would do anything useless again during this sensitive period. There must be some purpose behind such contact.

Staff Officer Wu shook his head: "No, he must be too short of manpower. He wants to establish a large-scale organization in City B, euphemistically called the Civil Self-Defense Force! It is led by government departments and has nothing to do with the military. The border distinct!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lifeng couldn't help but sneered: "Ha! This plan is to learn from Fengyang City, build its own escort, gradually isolate the military, and want to force us away with one blow!"

"I'm afraid that's the idea. Internally, he will set up a self-defense force under his control. Externally, relying on Hong Shengbo's power in Y City, even if he can't force us away, he probably won't take us seriously anymore!"

"It doesn't matter! Let him do whatever he wants. Hong Shengbo can't be counted on for the time being. The Self-Defense Force in B City is not that easy to build. If he has the ability, he can bring out the Hong Family Army. Then we won't be able to Just keep me company! It’s all in vain!”

Xiao Lifeng leaned back on his chair. Xiao Huaizhou was back. The Qingyu Peak base must have a clear picture. The day when the Xiao family retreated was not far away, and Hong Changbo was lonely!

"Let's go!"

"General, where are you going? The military headquarters or the Xiao Mansion?"

Staff Wu wisely proposed two options, the military department and Mr. Xiao’s Xiao family residence. As for the general’s residence, their general had not been back for several days!

After hearing his inquiry, Xiao Lifeng looked out the window with his deep eyes and said, "Xiao Mansion!"

His nephew Qiao Yi is back, and he can't wait to go and see it. He has been regretting it for so many years. He has held military power in vain for many years, and he has not been able to take decisive measures to get his only sister's child back, causing him to be in vain. Suffered a lot!

When he comes back, he has the support of the Xiao family, and there is nothing to be afraid of no matter how difficult the apocalypse is!

There was also his brother who was unlucky and injured. He also had to go over and comfort him. He must have had to make amends with him for suffering this time. He probably had to allocate a large chunk of his military salary to the research center. Hey! My flesh hurts!

Other teams either earn crystal cores or hand over materials when they go out. Why does he lose money as soon as he goes out? Helpless!

On this day, the Xiao family mansion is destined to be extremely busy.

Mr. Xiao Xiao Qinian, who had received the news a long time ago, walked out to greet the car as soon as he heard the sound of a car in the yard.

Lao Mo hurriedly picked up the forgotten cane and hurriedly chased him out: "Old man! Slow down! Cane!"

I really miss my grandson so much that I go crazy! Don't care about anything!

Seeing a young man getting out of the car who looked a lot like his daughter, Xiao Qinian burst into tears and cried out, "Hey! My Yi Bao!"

After taking two hurried steps forward, he couldn't help shouting: "You are really my good grandson, Yi Bao!"

With just one glance, Qiao Yi burst into tears. Seeing his grandfather, whom he had not seen for several years, approaching him with open hands, he rushed towards him without thinking: "Grandpa! Xiao Yi misses you so much!"

"Oh my Yi Bao, I finally found you, but my grandpa was worried to death!"

Xiao Qinian hugged Qiao Yi tightly and cried continuously: "Grandpa feels sorry for you when you think of you suffering and being wronged outside. I regret not taking you back from the Cai family before the end of the world! I, Yi Bao, have suffered!"

"Grandpa! Don't worry, I'm fine! And I'm back, don't blame yourself! Look if you don't believe me!"

Qiao Yi was afraid that his grandfather would feel guilty and worry about him even at his old age. As a grandson, he was really unfilial. In order to make the old man feel at ease, Qiao Yi hurriedly turned around and showed him that he was not only the whole He has a full tail and is much stronger!

"Yeah! Okay! Good boy! He's grown taller and stronger. Grandpa can finally relax!"

Xiao Qinian raised his hand to wipe away his tears and looked carefully at the grandson he missed so much. The love and affection in his eyes could not be concealed. Lao Huai nodded happily. The child was found, and the Xiao family had another bloodline. !

"Grandpa, how is your health? Do you eat much? Do you sleep soundly?" Qiao Yi also looked at his grandfather in turn. Compared with when he met him back then, except for his hair being white, he seemed to have changed little. Still upright and in good spirits!

"Ouch! Look, Yi Bao is thinking about me! Grandpa is doing very well, he eats and drinks well, and is in great health! If your uncle and the others hadn't stopped him, grandpa could have gone out to kill zombies!"

Xiao Qinian held his hand and talked. Little did he know that Lao Mo, who was holding a cane at the side, almost couldn't help but sigh, "Old man, your grandson is already an adult. He can't be fooled anymore!"

"Hey, I'm just happy that everything is fine with grandpa! Let's forget about killing zombies, there's no need!"

Qiao Yi chuckled. Looking out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see his uncle, second uncle, and third brother twitching at the corners of their mouths.

Xiao Lifeng twitched his lips: ...Dad, I won't stop you. Are you sure that the cane in Lao Mo's hand will be laid off?

Xiao Lixun twitched his lips: ...Dad, can you brag in front of us? I have to avoid people when I talk big!

Xiao Huaizhou twitched his lips: ...One dares to say it, and the other dares to believe it! It is indeed the Xiao family!

The corners of Lao Mo's mouth that Qiao Yi didn't see kept twitching, hey! Why do the men of the Xiao family love to twitch their lips so much! He is infected!

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