Chapter 18 It's too late to apologize now

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Mrs. Wan was shaking like chaff, and it took her a long time to read the information in her hand while she was trembling uncontrollably.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the apocalypse, Wan Jianxin united with his natal family to murder former deputy mayor Liu Jinghai and took the opportunity to win the position of deputy mayor...;

Taking advantage of their positions, they arranged for family members to take important positions in logistics, government, construction and security departments and other departments...;

Taking advantage of his position, the corruption survivors handed over a certain amount of materials...;

Received tens of thousands of zombie crystal cores as bribes...;

More than ten residential buildings in the outer city were approved in violation of regulations. Two of them were the same ones that collapsed for no reason not long ago, killing 69 people. You can imagine the quality of the projects!

The items are all clear, and if any one of them is made public, it can put thousands of families in a terrible situation!

At this time, Mrs. Wan was sweating on her forehead. She no longer looked as arrogant as before. She asked Xiao Huaizhou in a trembling voice: "You have found everything?!" It was so detailed and comprehensive that it seemed that they had been investigating secretly for a long time and could bear it. I just took it out today, it’s worthy of the Xiao family!

Xiao Huaizhou raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "This is not difficult."

Mrs. Wan was speechless. Indeed, for the Xiao family, the military boss, it is still very easy to dig into a person's family fortune. It just depends on whether they want to do it or not. This time, the Wan family has kicked the iron plate. !

"In this case, what are you going to do? Are you planning to use this to blackmail the Wan family into working for the Xiao family? Or do you just want to bring down the Wan family?

"Well!" Xiao Huaizhou paused for a moment, then looked up at her and said, "I'm afraid I have to ask Vice Mayor Wan to come and talk in person."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wan's eyes lit up, "I'll ask him to come and apologize right now!"

"No need!" Xiao Huaizhou refused decisively.

"Why? The third young master said before that I should apologize. I will apologize to you now, to the second master and Mr. Si! Can you apologize to you on behalf of the Wan family for my son! I was wrong, I'm sorry! Please be kind to the third young master. Let the Wan family go this time! Please!" Mrs. Wan clasped her hands together and bowed to Xiao Huaizhou again and again. Then she turned to Si Chengli and Xiao Lixun and bowed to apologize. Her attitude was extremely humble!

Xiao Huaizhou was unmoved and watched coldly as she talked to herself, begging for this and that!

Si Chengli's eyes opened a thin slit and quickly closed again, while Xiao Lixun seemed to be snoring slightly!

"I'll go find Wan Jianxin to come and apologize. By the way, how about I bring my bastard son here to apologize to you in person?" Mrs. Wan was really anxious. After thinking about it, she looked towards the stairs leading to the second floor. He rolled his eyes and said hurriedly: "I'm going to kowtow to the old man now to apologize!" After saying that, he was about to go over there, but was soon stopped by Lao Mo.

Xiao Huaizhou's cold voice sounded behind her: "I said no! It's too late to apologize now!"

As soon as these words came out, it was as if the Xiao family had been sentenced to death. Mrs. Wan lost her balance and collapsed to the ground, unable to move for a long time...

The weather in mid-April was exaggeratedly hot. When the sun was shining at noon, Qiao Yi had to find a shady place to take shelter.

After walking along the road for another three or four days, I passed several villages and saw almost no living people. Except for those who had turned into zombies or died, the people in these villages should have hid in nearby security bases.

The small village Qiao Yi arrived now was even more desolate. There were only a few households in the first place, and many of the houses had collapsed. He reluctantly picked a single-family house with a relatively sturdy courtyard. Qiao Yi stood there. At the gate, he took out the black jade from his neck and said to the five-petal flower on it: "Master Hei, stop being lazy, go in and see if it's safe or not!"

The black petals turned into a thin strip like flowing silk, sliding down his arm and disappearing in an instant.

He discovered this two nights ago. The little snake actually sneaked out to hunt while he was sleeping. After wandering outside all night, he rushed back before dawn and pretended to be nothing. Unfortunately, He was still caught red-handed.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Yi decided that he didn't want to raise flowers. It was not enough to hold his black jade in vain every day to absorb energy. He had to take on his safety and security work! After all, you can get something if you put in the effort!

Ever since, he had a special pathfinder and bodyguard. In order to facilitate communication, he kindly named it Hei Ye. He originally wanted to call it Xiao Hei because he found that it turned black since it was beaten. It has never changed back to grass green since then, so it is quite appropriate to call it Xiao Hei.

But who would have thought that people would not accept the title Xiao Hei, and in the end they could only call him Hei Ye based on their qualifications, and then he got what he wanted.

Later, he was pleasantly surprised to find that when Master Hei went hunting, he could also get him some prey that he could eat, such as hares, pheasants, etc. He was so considerate that he would not let him starve!

Moreover, it can actually eat zombies. It opens its bloody mouth wide and takes one bite at a time. It can also pick out the crystal core for him. Touching the gradually bulging cloth bag in his arms, he raised the corners of his lips proudly. Getting rich is a matter of time!

Therefore, in the past two days, he would stare at the five-petal flower and study it. Where did the zombies in his stomach go? Can they be digested in seconds?

"呲~呲~" Just as he was thinking about it, Master Hei had returned to him, crawled back along his warehouse and turned into a flower. It was done, there was no movement, it was safe! You can move in with your bags!

After traveling for several days, Qiao Yi did not plan to continue walking today. He has felt weak from time to time in the past two days, especially now. His forehead is a little hot, and he seems to have a fever. It may be that the weather is too hot and he has suffered a heat stroke, so, He needs a good rest.

After entering the yard and closing the door, he searched the spacious and bright main room. Finally, holding a ball of bedding and clothes, he went directly into a nearby warehouse with only one small door. It was cooler and warmer here. Safety!

The weather is getting more and more abnormal now. Even at noon, the temperature is at least thirty-seven or eighty degrees. But at night it drops very fast. A few degrees above zero is not bad, so he has a lot of stuff in his big backpack. It was full of clothing for all seasons, including short-sleeved shorts, jeans, sweaters and down jackets, all collected along the way. There were also two light blankets, which he thought were particularly practical.

After barely chewing two mouthfuls of dried meat, Qiao Yi could no longer hold on and fell into bed and fell asleep.

Not long after, the black jade suddenly glowed red, and soon Hei Ye reluctantly got out of Qiao Yi's collar and quietly sat down in the open space beside him, staring straight at Qiao Yi with his eyes. , it was all because of this kid, it was kicked out!

If Qiao Yi wakes up and opens his eyes now, he will be frightened to death by its resentful eyes...

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