Chapter 77 Asking for information

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Yang Lidong was warned to reflect on his ideological consciousness because of the issue of room allocation, but this process of reflection ended just a hundred meters away from the hospital to the hotel.

Yang Lidong was very excited this time. He only asked for two rooms. After hurriedly handing the key to their boss, he pulled Luo Junjie directly into their room.

Xiao Huaizhou weighed the key tag in his hand, and then took Qiao Daqian, who wanted to ask the boss for another room, back to the room.

Lighting after the apocalypse has basically returned to its most primitive state. Candles, kerosene lamps, and those with solar generators and electric lights are no longer ordinary homes.

Fortunately, the small hotel Yang Lidong found had its own solar generator.

Therefore, when Qiao Yi entered the room and turned on the light and saw the bright incandescent light, he couldn't help but sigh a little, it was a bit like going back to the end of the world!

But when he saw the only double bed in the middle of the room, he was still a little embarrassed. He was going to sleep in the same bed as his third brother tonight!

"What are you thinking about? Put your things down quickly and take a rest first. I'll ask the boss for some hot water, wash my face and soak my feet, then have a good sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow!"

Xiao Huaizhou pushed him into the room, took off his backpack and put it against the wall, then turned around and walked out of the room.

Qiao Yi let his third brother arrange it, and he was happy and at ease.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. Qiao Yi hurried over and opened the door, and saw an uncle who looked to be in his fifties holding a brazier and greeting him with a smile: "Hello, young man! I’m here to deliver the brazier!”

"Oh! Hello! Come in quickly!" Qiao Yi quickly turned sideways and let the person in. With the brazier, it won't be too cold at night.

I originally thought that if it was extremely cold at night, I would take his third brother into the space to stay, but I was afraid that there would be some problems. Yang Lidong and the others could not find anyone, so they simply gave up.

The uncle said again at this time: "Put it here for now. I'll get some charcoal. I'll be back soon!"

"Oh! Okay! Sorry for bothering you, uncle!" Qiao Yi looked at him and said thanks. After they left, he touched his chin with one hand, frowned and thought for a while, feeling that this person looked familiar.

The door was open, and Xiao Huaizhou walked straight in with two empty basins in one hand and a bucket of hot water in the other.

"Why don't you close the door?"

"Oh, the uncle who just delivered the brazier said to bring the charcoal right away, and just wait until he delivers it before turning it off!" Qiao Yi put his hands on the brazier to warm his palms. Seeing that his third brother was back, he quickly stepped forward to help take the two Come on.

"No need to wait, go wash your face first, or the water will get cold soon!" Xiao Huaizhou poured the water for him directly and urged him to wash his face.

Qiao Baobao was afraid that his third brother would be able to wash his face if he didn't go, so he stopped talking and just went to wash his face with the basin!

By the time he finished washing, foot washing water had been poured into another basin. Seeing his third brother standing there with an expression urging him to wash his feet, Qiao Yi immediately took off his shoes and socks and started soaking his feet without saying a word. , he murmured in his heart, how could he suddenly become useless?

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm here to deliver charcoal!" The uncle happened to come to deliver charcoal again and stood politely outside the door without entering the room directly.

"Uncle, come in!" Qiao Yi glanced at his third brother, and then called him in. He happened to have something to ask. This uncle seems to be very communicative. Maybe you can learn something from him. useful information.

"Okay, I'll put it here, oh! By the way, the power here is also limited. The power cuts out at nine o'clock. There is an oil lamp on the table. You'd better do what you need to do in advance while there is power!" The uncle reminded kindly. They look like they are from outside. I don’t know where they come from?

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Qiao Yi stopped him directly: "Uncle! We are from outside. We are new here. We don't know Fengyang very well. Can I ask you something?"

The uncle was slightly surprised for a moment, then turned to look at them, and nodded after thinking for a moment: "Oh, okay, I just don't know what you want to know? If I know anything, I will definitely tell you!"

Xiao Huaizhou turned around and closed the door, then dragged a chair to the uncle and thanked him politely: "Sorry for the trouble, please sit down!"

The uncle waved his hands repeatedly as if he was flattered: "Sir, you're welcome. I can just stand. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!"

Qiao Yi was not the kind of person who could put on airs. He smiled at him and sincerely invited him to sit down: "Uncle, you're welcome! Just sit down, otherwise I'd be embarrassed to ask!"

Seeing that the young man said this, the uncle stopped being polite to them and immediately sat down and waited to answer questions.

Qiao Yi thought for a while, and first asked a question that he had been confused about before: "Uncle, are there no troops stationed in Fengyang base? When we entered the city today, we didn't see a single soldier. It is a safe base in the apocalypse. There aren’t many without troops stationed there!”

The uncle saw that the question he asked was not a big secret, so he quickly started talking: "Hey, it turns out there is an army, before the apocalypse and after the apocalypse. Let's put it this way, the reason why Fengyang City can survive in the apocalypse The reason why we survived is thanks to the more than 10,000 soldiers stationed here at that time. They rescued and reconstructed the army, and that army did a great job!"

"Did something big happen later?" Qiao Yi couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"Isn't it because of the current city lord Lei Maosheng!"

"Oh? Lei Maosheng?"

"Yes, this Lei Maosheng didn't know what kind of good luck he had. He awakened the metal power, and his talent was very good. After a few months in the apocalypse, he was quickly promoted to the third level. He became a tyrant in Fengyang City and even won over He had a large number of followers. The leader of the army at that time, uh, his surname seemed to be Qin, and he was a regiment leader. He also seemed to be a superpower, but after all, no one was strong. Although he couldn't stand it, he couldn't control it. In the end They also fell out because of the Rongan gangster issue and completely broke up!"

At this time, Xiao Huaizhou frowned and asked: "The break? What happened after the break?" Could it be that the dignified soldier of a country just let go and completely handed Fengyang into the hands of a bully just because he was not as strong as others? What a coward!

The uncle is an old man from Fengyang City. It was a pity when he thought of this, but it was not something he could control, so he still said truthfully: "After the break, Lei Maosheng built his own guard team, shielding those soldiers from everything. , there were constant conflicts between the two sides, but Captain Qin was not a scheming person and suffered a lot. He wanted to lead his troops to clear out the gangsters in Rongan, but was blocked by Lei Maosheng, and was almost attacked by him. Later, I heard that the gangsters from Rongan were targeting the salt fields in the southeast, so Captain Qin simply stopped quarreling with the man surnamed Lei and directly led his troops to defend the Haiping Salt Fields!"

At this point, the uncle took a breath and sighed: "Hey! I wonder what happened to them after they went to the salt field?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi thought of another question. He scratched his nose and asked in a deep voice, "What is the relationship between Lei Maosheng and the three Zhang brothers at Rongan Base?"

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