Chapter 115 Zhu Yongwei's sister and brother's plan

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Li Bowen worked swiftly and took the first group of people to Fengyang in a short time. In order to make it easier to enter the city, he also made a simple disguise. This time, military doctor Xiao Liu finally did not make himself too ugly, which made him happy. A lot.

After watching the person leave, Xiao Huaiqing quietly stuffed an IOU into Xiao Huaizhou's hand, and then he took Qiao Yi away to collect the forklift as he wished. Qiao Yi was confused. Did he need his second brother to come forward to collect the forklift? He can collect it even if it breaks. He can afford five hundred crystal cores!

He didn't think much about it, after all, they were soon packed up and ready to go.

Xiao Huaiqing was even more busy arranging the team. In the end, she took the initiative to follow him without waiting for him to force her. She felt that she could only be safe if she followed him.

After noon, the team that had grown many times finally set off in a grand manner. The convoy was full of people and materials, marching like a long dragon. The rear of the car could not be seen from the front. This was the end of the world. Migration is common here.

Inside Zhu Yongfu's apartment in Fengyang City.

Zhu Yongwei is anxiously waiting for the news. Lei Maosheng has been away for most of the day, but no news has come back. The two places are not far apart, so such a big battle must cause some waves!

Just when she was restless and irritable, her brother Zhu Yongfu rushed back from outside.

"How's it going? Is there any news from your brother-in-law?" Zhu Yongwei didn't bother to ask him to drink water to quench his thirst, so she took the person and asked first.

"Don't mention it! My brother-in-law must be preventing us from causing trouble! I told the city gate guards to stop me from leaving the city. I couldn't get out, so I had to ask someone to take a look, but they turned back halfway. It’s said that there was a fight over there, it was quite intense!”

Zhu Yongfu said a few words in a hurry, then walked around his sister and directly picked up a glass of water on the table and drank it in a big gulp. It was hot when he came out, and he almost suffered from heat stroke while running around.

"The fight started? Why did it start? Is there any result? How is your brother-in-law?" Zhu Yongwei asked anxiously. She was very panicked and had a very bad premonition.

After drinking cold water, Zhu Yongfu came to his senses, and then looked at Zhu Yongwei with a complex expression: "I don't know! I told you that he turned back halfway and didn't see anything. After all, it's been so long. It should be over." Come on! I just don’t know the outcome!”

"Oh! I'm so anxious! I told you not to go, don't go! But you didn't listen! Now it's better, life or death is uncertain! Ah Fu! What will my sister do?"

Zhu Yongwei said angrily, but couldn't help but cry. Lei Maosheng has strength, but those who dare to take Rongan and confront the Zhang brothers should not be underestimated. What if he really encounters a powerful one? Don’t die in vain!

It’s not worth it for that woman!

"Sister, please don't worry. I just went to the garrison to check, but there was nothing happening. If something really happens to my brother-in-law, someone will definitely come back to report it. Maybe it's because I won and got in, so I didn't rush back. Sending a message!"

Zhu Yongfu placed his hope in this possibility and said words of relief. Then after thinking about it, he gave his sister a warning: "Sister, I am not too talkative. You have also seen that the situation is not good now. It is better to say that my brother-in-law is fine." , no matter what happens, you are still the first lady of Fengyang City, and your life will always be okay! But what if, I mean what if, if something happens to your brother-in-law there and never comes back, what will you do? Now? Time is running out, you have to make plans early!"

Hearing what he said, Zhu Yongwei didn't care about crying anymore. She wiped her tears and asked blankly: "Plan? What plan?"

"Oh! If my brother-in-law is dead, how will you live in the future? What can he leave you?"

Zhu Yongfu simply told his sister directly, otherwise his silly sister would never know to plan for himself in advance.

"I, I don't know either, Ah Fu! I don't know what to do without him? How about we go find someone to save him! I can't live without him!"

Zhu Yongfu was almost convinced that his sister was too dependent on Lei Maosheng. When talking about the future, he was also faintly worried. If his brother-in-law really died, then he would have nothing to rely on, and the business of the donkey shed would be ruined. It is said that those who usually offend will inevitably add insult to injury and wait for opportunities to retaliate!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked up at his sister and asked eagerly: "Where are the brother-in-law's belongings hidden?"

"Ah? Property?"

"Yes, where are the crystal cores and valuables that are usually collected? We have to get it in advance while he is not here. If something happens to him, we won't be too miserable!"

The most valuable thing in Zhu Yongfu's hands was the donkeys. Except for the portion of the crystal cores he earned, which he distributed to his brother-in-law, he basically squandered it.

If he had enough time, he might be able to sell the donkey shed business, but it was unrealistic now, so he could only make money from Lei Mao.

You can't blame him for this. Who made Lei Maosheng stupid enough to ignore a woman? He actually prevented him from causing trouble. He didn't even think about how he had the strength!

"They should all be in the basement of the villa." Zhu Yongwei was raised so well that she didn't worry about anything. She had no idea how much savings Lei Maosheng had. The only thing she knew was that their family had a large basement. Only Lei Maosheng went down by himself.

Zhu Yongwei was so frightened by his brother's words that he naturally answered whatever he asked. But when Zhu Yongfu wanted to take her back to look at the basement, she still stopped him.

"There's no point in going!"

"How could it be? Let's go see what kind of lock it is first. I can find reliable people to help. I have a buddy with gold powers..."

"Then it's even more impossible! Ah Fu! He personally built that basement with superpowers. There isn't even a keyhole, unless your brother's superpowers are higher than his level!"

After Zhu Yongwei finished speaking, she sat down calmly. It seemed that she could no longer see any escape route. It turned out that her only escape route had always been Lei Maosheng! If I had known, I would have tried my best to stop him!

"Hey! It's so frustrating!" Zhu Yongfu slapped his thigh and complained. Of course there was no one more powerful than his brother-in-law in Fengyang City, but if Lei Mao died, wouldn't it be possible? Can those belongings just be buried in a dark basement and never see the light of day?

Not willing to give in!

Looking at the time, he stood up suddenly, as if he had made a huge determination, and told his sister: "Stay here quietly! I'll go out and take a look again!"

"Afu, where are you going?"

"Find a way out of the city. We have to come to a conclusion whether he is dead or alive, otherwise we won't be able to take the road behind!"

Money can be put aside, but life cannot be careless. If there is bad news, his plan may be to leave Fengyang as soon as possible!

As the saying goes, when a tree falls, the monkeys disperse. He doesn't think that his brother-in-law's subordinates can treat the siblings well, and he is even less sure that the next person in power will let them go easily. After all, he knows exactly what Lei Maosheng has done since he took power.

All I can do now is to inquire about the news, and pray that Lei Maosheng is lucky enough to be able to return to Fengyang safely...

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