Chapter 148 Plan to move the battlefield

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Qiao Yi did not expect that his first step in building the Qingyu Peak base would be to harvest crystal cores. Not only was he blinded by the mountains of crystal cores, but he also had to be merciless in collecting the crystal cores!

He shuttled among the mutated plants, constantly receiving their enthusiastic gifts, and he didn't even care about the mountains of crystal cores that had been accumulated for many days and were about to rise to the top of the forest!

Qiao Yi could see that in order to store the crystal nuclei, the area behind the mutated plant belt had been dug into several large deep pits by San Bengzi. Now, not only were they filled with crystal nuclei, but they were also piled up into piles. On the top of the hill, if it weren't for the tall trees blocking it, I believe the first thing they saw would definitely be this sparkling treasure house of crystal cores!

Qiao Yi no longer estimates how many crystal nuclei there are. He can sum it up by counting them. He knows that he is very rich and has crystal nuclei!

After being busy for a long time, Qiao Yi simply lay down again, tilted his head and looked at Master Hei, and acted very shamelessly: "Master Hei! Those are all mine! Help me collect them!"

If he had known that he would collect so many crystal cores, he should have let Master Hei back. It was enough to let him relax for so many days in vain. Therefore, Master Hei must work overtime!

But Mr. Hei didn't bother to pay attention to him this time. He was so tall and powerful that he was overqualified for collecting crystal cores! Bah! When is the end!

After Xiao Huaizhou confirmed that he was not in any danger, he took the opportunity to patrol the sky above R City. There were hundreds of thousands of zombies visible to the naked eye alone. If you include those hiding indoors or in cool and sheltered places, I am afraid that It’s not difficult to get over a million!

And the gathering here is still continuing. Although he values ​​Sanbenzi's ability and believes in the digestion level of those mutated animals and plants, this state can never be maintained like this. If Qingyu Peak is to be built, there must be no one in front of his house. Hidden danger, after all, there are too many zombies!

After thinking for a while, Xiao Huaizhou continued to fly west. If he remembered correctly, there was a large abandoned mining area to the west of R City. Maybe he could use it!

But San Bengzi finally managed to wash himself off enough to see his original appearance. After squatting on the river bank and shaking off the water to dry, he couldn't wait to see his new owner!

After the ground shook violently, Qiao Yi was knocked to the ground by San Bengzi's big nose before he could stop, and then he saw a long wet tongue sticking out!

"San Bengzi, don't move!"

Qiao Yi hurriedly yelled to stop it. Not to mention whether it brushed its teeth or not, just by talking about how many zombies it bit each day, you knew that its tongue was untouchable!

"Don't lick anyone casually! This is the rule!"

Woof! If you don't let me lick you after taking a bath, what kind of violation of the rules are you doing?

"Do you understand? Otherwise, you won't be allowed to come near me!"

Woohoo! There are so many things to do!

Although he was reluctant, San Bengzi still retracted his tongue, and reluctantly used his nose to nuzzle Qiao Yi who had just climbed up. If he was not allowed to lick it, he could just smell it! Don't be too stingy when you are the boss!

Qiao Yi, who was almost knocked down again, glanced at it speechlessly. He must be on guard against it in the future, otherwise he would be knocked over easily!

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