Chapter 172 Qin Ye's surrender

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While Qin Ye was waiting at the foot of the mountain, he took a look at all the projects under construction. He couldn't help but take another look at this base. The wide moat, the vast virgin forest, a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack!

Under the arrangement of the base personnel, his motorcade has all parked in the open space east of the warehouse under construction. The vehicles are laid out in rows. It's so spectacular!

After everyone had finished forming the team, Xiao Huaizhou arrived at the scene with Qiao Yi. As expected, his appearance from the sky caused quite a stir, and people soon started talking excitedly.

"Is the one who can fly the leader of the base?"

"Wind power user! Hey, Xiao Wang, you also have wind power, right? Why can't you fly?" someone asked the person next to him.

"I'm only at the second level, so I can only run fast. How can I fly? Let's wait until the third level and see!" The person next to him responded with disappointment. He had been stuck at the second level for a long time. Without enough crystal cores, there was nothing he could do. Improve abilities.

"These two should be the Third Young Master Xiao and Young Master Qiao they are talking about, right? They look very powerful!"

"Hey! Everyone is here, it doesn't matter who is the boss! Just don't eat seafood!"

"That's right, as long as there are zombies to kill and crystal cores to get, I also want to upgrade quickly. I heard that level three superpowers are much better now. Everyone is rushing to level four. We are all far behind!"

There are zombies near the Haiping Salt Farm, but there are not many of them. The superpowers stationed there are at a disadvantage. The crystal cores hunted by the troops are simply not enough. Therefore, most of them are facing the dilemma of upgrading!

Even Qin Ye, the boss, only recently broke through the third level of earth power, thanks to the crystal core he received after helping Fengyang solve the zombie siege!

"Don't worry, everyone! Captain Qin will not treat our brothers badly! I think this place is good!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Xiao Huaizhou was extremely satisfied. This kind of effect was what he wanted. If he had a bank, he could retain talents. They had plenty of crystal cores!

"Master Xiao, Master Qiao! We meet again!"

Qin Ye greeted him familiarly, glanced around, and praised without hesitation: "The base is good, beyond imagination!"

"Captain Qin! Welcome to join us!" Xiao Huaizhou was the first to express his welcome. While speaking, he stretched out his hand and showed the fruit naturally: "A special product in the mountains, please taste it!"

Seeing the fruit, Qin Ye's eyes immediately lit up. He had never seen such fresh fruit since the end of the world. He couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Oh! Fruit! Thank you San Shao!"

He took it unceremoniously and weighed it in his hand. He found it extremely rare.

Qiao Yi didn't have time to stop him and could only silently tease his third brother. Is this really good?

"Welcome Captain Qin to join the Qingyu Peak Base. Your people have been of great help!"

Qiao Yi had no choice but to divert his attention, said some kind words, and then scanned the trucks full of people and asked about the situation: "Are all the salt in these trucks? Is there so much?"

If they were all, that would be a lot. No matter how many crystal cores he had, he might not be able to replace them!

"Except for the front row and the two rows of trucks at the back, the rest are full of salt. I think the warehouse hasn't been built yet. You can see where it will be stored temporarily. It needs to be unloaded before tomorrow morning!"

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