Chapter 87 The energetic third brother

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Ji Can never expected that his ice carving skills would be degraded by Qiao Yi because of a question asked by his boss. Qiao Yi, who had already engraved his third brother in his mind, was determined to find an opportunity. Guide Ji Can well and watch him personally to carve out a new Brother Bing!

After Mr. Xiao received the answer sheet, he was obviously in a good mood. He put the notebook in his pocket and went out to check his work. The third item on the second page of the notebook read: "Have a strong sense of responsibility and do well." Watertight', then he must go and see if there are any loopholes in Yang Lidong and Su Yue's preparations!

When Qiao Yi saw that his third brother was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief. He searched out all the praises that he had stored in his mind for so many years, and managed to scrape together a small half of the book. Only then did his third brother let him go, and he did not forget to warn him. He should read more books when he has time!

Not to mention, Mr. Xiao Sanshao personally walked off the field, and everyone's work efficiency was greatly improved. It was still early before the scheduled time, and the entire team was already ready to go!

The boss was full of energy, and the people under him were very encouraged. When the convoy left Fengyang temporary camp, others thought they had discovered some treasure, and everyone was so excited, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood!

In Fengyang City, in Lei Maosheng's mansion, Lei Maosheng was listening to his subordinates' report on the situation.

Subordinate: "City Lord, we have confirmed that it is Miss Sun who stayed outside with the group for two days and has just left for Rongan!"

Lei Maosheng turned the jade ring on his thumb and thought for a long time, then looked at him and asked again: "Are you sure she didn't follow her into the city?"

"I haven't entered the city! I checked with the people at the city gate registration office. Miss Sun and the others have seen her, and she has indeed not entered the city!"

His subordinates knew Lei Maosheng's temperament. If they didn't find out something, they would not dare to report it to the police.

"Hey! I don't know what this little girl is up to? She didn't let me take action this time!" Lei Maosheng muttered to himself, and then confirmed with his men, "Didn't you leave any news?"

The subordinate replied honestly: "No, she hasn't left the temporary camp. She probably doesn't have any news to convey!"

"However," he said a little more, "not only does she seem to have no intention of entering the city, but she seems to be hiding away as if she is afraid of being discovered by us. If we hadn't been in the temporary camp, we might not have discovered her. !”

"Interesting!" Lei Maosheng's fingers kept tapping on the armrest of the sofa. Every time this woman came to Fengyang, she always had something to arrange for him to do. The two of them would take the opportunity to be affectionate for a few days, and they would not hesitate to arrive at the door like this. I really didn’t experience this when I entered the city!

"It looks like we caught some big fish!" Lei Maosheng sat upright on the sofa, stared directly at his men and asked, "Have you found out the details of those people?"

His subordinates were so frightened by his stare that they didn't dare to wipe the beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads. They only replied cautiously: "The information found at the registration office doesn't show anything. It's said to be a privately built alien." The Neng Tuan, who passed by us to replenish supplies, sent five people to the city to purchase them, and they really couldn't dig out anything else!"

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