Chapter 36 A miserable family

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Hitching a ride is no fun, and picking up a junk car and driving it is even less of a luxury.

Every car that could be seen on this road was either out of gas or too damaged to be driven. There were thousands of people running for their lives, and no one was a fool.

Mrs. Ma kept talking about how it would be better if she lived in the village where she used to live. She knew who had a car and who had cattle. She could even tell how many eggs the widow's hen in the west of the village laid every day. , a complete know-it-all in the village.

Although Qiao Yi didn't want to have too much communication with them, he still asked why the Ma brothers were buried.

When they fled to the Ark base, they brought some seeds and food with them. They were afraid of being remembered, so they secretly dug a hole under the wall and hid it.

As soon as the alarm sounded that night, the panicked brothers Ma Er and Ma San were digging something. For some reason, the entire beam of the house fell down, burying the two of them directly.

Fortunately, Mrs. Ma and her daughter-in-law were waiting outside with their children, so they survived.

When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were hurriedly looking for people, they missed the meeting time at the base and were left behind.

When they heard the roar of zombies outside the north gate, they could only take their children and hide in the nooks and crannies of the ruins. They waited until there was no noise outside and it was dark before they dared to go out and rescue people.

Qiao Yi didn't know whether this family was unlucky or lucky!

It had been two days, and the journey was going smoothly. Except for the fact that Mrs. Ma had to mention Ma seeds from time to time, Qiao Yi was quite satisfied with their performance.

However, before Qiao Yi could be relieved for long, the conflict broke out on the morning of the third day.

It was still early at that time, and Qiao Yi, who was sleeping, suddenly felt someone tugging on his backpack. He, who was always alert, suddenly woke up, and what he saw was Mrs. Ma's face with an awkward smile and evasive eyes.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Yi decisively pulled back the strap and hugged the backpack tightly, frowning and sitting upright. Even his tone was extremely cold, and the light in his eyes shone directly on Mrs. Ma like ice, giving her something to do. A feeling of being frozen.

With a shiver in her heart, Mrs. Ma immediately adjusted her expression and said in a flattering tone: "Well, look, it's not daylight yet! It's time to eat!"

"So?" Qiao Yi asked even though he knew what she was planning. Seeing Mrs. Ma staring at his backpack, her eyes shining brightly, she couldn't help but feel angry!

What he saves every day is not to feed others. The most valuable thing in the last days is not gold, silver and jewelry, but food! All fools know!

Mrs. Ma gave Qiao Yi a look and was a little dissatisfied: "So what? What else can there be? It's time for breakfast, I have to get something to eat!"

As she spoke, her calloused hands were about to stretch forward. This person was really ignorant. Even after saying this, he didn't take the initiative to take out the food. She could see that Qiao Yi had dried meat in his hand.

Seeing this, Qiao Yi neatly dodged the outstretched hands, stood up and put the backpack on his back, saying in a cold voice: "Eat? No."

He glanced coldly at the large and small packages piled in the corner, and said with a hint of ridicule: "Why do you take my food?" He has food, but he still wants to steal other people's rations. How shameless is this!

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