Chapter 140 Infection outbreak in slum areas

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They all knew who Mr. Xiao cared about the most, so seeing Xiao Huaiqing's excited expression, everyone present thought it was Qiao Yi who had been brought back by him!

God knows, Xiao Qinian almost jumped up with excitement after hearing Xiao Huaiqing's shout, really thinking that his precious grandson was back!

But after seeing the person clearly, he realized that this was not the case. Even though he hadn't seen him for several years, he could still recognize his grandson's appearance!

His grandson, Erlengzi, brought back a little monk from nowhere, and he treated it like a treasure! Show off everywhere!

So before getting down to business, Xiao Huaiqing first introduced Momo inside and out, how he saved him, how he knew how to recite sutras, and how he begged for rescue, all without missing a beat.

Regardless of how much exaggeration Xiao Huaiqing said, Mr. Xiao and his sons had a good impression of this young monk and expressed their warm welcome, which gave Second Young Master Xiao a lot of face.

God knows how complicated the feeling of being forced to meet parents at the end is!

None of his relatives are left, and the master who took him in has also become a zombie. When he comes back with Xiao Huaiqing, he seems to have a family again. This feels so strange!

Fortunately, Young Master Xiao’s family members are very friendly to him, which is much better than someone else!

As soon as he finally left, everyone present started a series of questioning mode, asking him carefully about his experience in going out these days.

Of course, Xiao Huaiqing also told the elders about Qiao Yi and Xiao Huaizhou's journey in great detail, which aroused everyone's surprise and sigh!

Qiao Yi is great! There is space and mutated snakes, and the discovery of Qingyu Peak, a geomantic treasure land, is simply good news to the Xiao family!

Xiao Huaizhou has also grown a lot. He has powerful abilities, a long-term vision, and his reputation has long been well-known! It’s so embarrassing for Mr. Xiao!

When thinking about the current relationship between the two, Xiao Huaiqing felt troubled for a moment. He felt that this matter was too big and it was up to the two of them to agree with their grandfather and second uncle in person, so they finally suppressed it!

"There are good things! But that will have to wait until they tell you in person. I'll say hello in advance! Don't wait until then to blame me for not reporting what you knew!"

What he thought was a good thing, I don't know if it was a surprise or a shock in the eyes of everyone. The second young thief got vaccinated in advance and left a way out for himself.

"Are there any good things? Okay, okay! I won't ask you anymore, so let's wait until they come back!"

Xiao Qinian felt that he had heard a lot of good news today. Seeing how embarrassed his second grandson looked, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. If they wanted to keep it a bit mysterious, they could just leave it to them. Young people have so many tricks up their sleeves!

Thinking of something, Xiao Huaiqing immediately looked at his father and asked: "Dad! How are the zombies near City B recently? Fengyang just experienced a zombie wave of hundreds of thousands! They all gathered from the east! I'm afraid it's not an isolated case!"

"The movement is unstable. The small-scale zombie tide has increased, and the number is gradually increasing. However, the main force only passed by the outermost defensive zone and went straight to the northwest! No danger!"

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