Chapter 200 Hong Yanyan and Cai Jincheng

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In the private room, after sending away a person who wanted to cry, Hong Yanyan cursed a coward, then looked sideways at the sky outside and frowned, why did time pass so slowly!

She has met several people here, and it's not dark yet. She has a game to play at night, and she can't wait to get ready!

It's all his father's fault. He insists on arranging a blind date for her. If she doesn't agree, he threatens her with seizing the underground secret field. So why not make trouble! Apart from this little bit of fun, she really didn't have anywhere else to vent her fun!

She reluctantly agreed, but when asked carefully, there were more than a dozen blind dates to meet. Is her father doing wholesale?

If you want a good son-in-law, you have to compete in the ring to find a bride! She just stood on the stage and let the dozen or so people line up! Whoever doesn’t get slapped all over the place by her can become the captain! Why bother?

But this idea was immediately rejected by her father. This was not an ordinary recruitment of a son-in-law, it was related to the establishment of her father's self-defense force, and she had to keep a low profile as much as possible!

Low profile! Low profile! If you want to keep a low profile, you might as well let her, your daughter, be the captain! If anyone is dissatisfied, she can settle it alone!

However, for the sake of her own good life, Hong Yanyan had no choice but to agree and choose a person first. As for whether she can get married in the end, it depends on the person's ability!

However, in order to save time, she simply came to a group dating bureau, gathered all the candidates her father had chosen, and chatted with them one by one. In fact, she was just helping her father recruit a team leader, and said that an interview would be perfect. but.

However, the more she looked at her, the more disappointed she became, and she didn’t know how to evaluate her father’s vision! Each of these are not as good as those men who were beaten to the ground by her in the dark scene!

That Shang Delongkong had a good figure, but he couldn't break her with a single wrist. At the critical moment when he exerted his strength, he stared at her wrist in a daze. His squinting eyes made people extremely uncomfortable! Can he covet my mother's beauty at will? It’s good that he didn’t pick out his eyeballs!

The one named Liu is stiff and fat. He can do splits and pull his balls. How can he be expected to train with him in the future? Not even qualified to be a target! Can you still be the captain? He had the nerve to come in!

The Sun Tengfei who had just left was still tolerant. He was capable and a stable person, but he was a bit wanton and lustful. He had several wives and he was not afraid of exhaustion! Even if they may not be able to get together in the end, it would not be nice to say it out loud. How could he, the daughter of the mayor, easily want a man who has been used by others? After thinking about it, he can only treat it as a backup option!

As for Zhao Kuiwen, she didn't want to recruit a brother. She also liked men. If one day she fell in love with the same person, wouldn't it mean that the brothers would turn against each other? Humph, she doesn’t want to be the butt of the joke, so let’s just let it go for now!

As for the others, she was so speechless that she wanted to beat them up!

After calming down her irritable mood, Hong Yanyan smacked her lips, shook her head helplessly and sighed. It turns out that dating is also a very troublesome thing. It was really her mistake to arrange it together so intensively. She really had nothing to do!

"How many others are waiting?"

Hong Yanyan knocked on the table and asked her assistant, thinking about whether to make appointments with the remaining ones another day.

The assistant looked down at the list in her hand, and then comforted her with gentle words: "Miss, there are only two or three more to go before it's over. I can't delay your business. How about we call the next one now?"

"Okay, okay! Call someone quickly!"

Hong Yanyan couldn't wait any longer. The sooner it was over, the better, so she immediately waved her hand to continue.

Soon the door over there opened, and Hong Yanyan finally felt her eyes light up when she saw the person coming. Judging from her appearance alone, this person was definitely worthy of her!

"Hello, Miss Yanyan! I am Cai Jincheng from the Jincheng Superpower Group!" Cai Jincheng introduced himself with a slight nod.

Hong Yanyan gave him a rare toothy smile and greeted him: "Hello! Please sit down! I have heard about Captain Cai for a long time. When I see him today, he is really extraordinary!"

Cai Jincheng responded politely: "Thank you, Miss Yanyan! Cai is not talented, but thanks to Mayor Hong for not giving up, he gave me the opportunity to see Miss Yanyan. I am really lucky!"

"Oh! Look at your sweet mouth, no wonder my dad likes you! I don't like to be long-winded, so let's get down to business first. First of all, I have a good impression of you, but the position of Captain of the Self-Defense Force is not just about your good looks. If you can win easily, you have to be strong enough to resist, is that okay?"

Hong Yanyan expressed her position happily. After speaking, she held her chin with her hand and tilted her head to look at the man opposite, waiting for his response.

Hearing this, Cai Jincheng glanced at the private room, thought for a moment, and quickly condensed a flashing supernatural ball in his palm. He raised his eyes to look at Hong Yanyan and spoke confidently: "The one who is about to break through the fourth level. It’s not convenient to display the thunder power here, but what Cai said is true!”

Hong Yanyan's wide-open eyes reflected the crackling electric light. Not to mention her strength, just talking about the power ball, the first few were not as impressive, so she immediately clapped her hands and praised: "Not bad! The lightning power is already there It’s rare, but it still requires level four, Captain Cai’s strength is evident! Of course I believe it!”

"Thank you!"

Seeing that she agreed, Cai Jincheng took back the power ball, then looked at Hong Yanyan and asked proactively: "Other than that, what else do you want, Miss?"

After hearing his question, Hong Yanyan shook her high ponytail, rolled her eyes a few times, then patted the table and asked simply: "Then let's just say it plainly, I don't know who is around you. Isn’t there someone else? Male or female? Let’s talk about it first. If there is, it will be discontinued from now on. The person should be sent away. If you can’t bear to part with it, I don’t mind giving it away myself. Leave, but it will definitely not look good then! Do you understand?"

When Hong Yanyan said this, she completely ignored her own double standards. Sun Tengfei and Zhao Kuiwen would never have imagined that the problem of not passing the test in their place was no longer a problem in Cai Jincheng's place, and there was no special test, just showing up. After flashing the power ball, she almost recognized this person. It was so simple!

Before she finished speaking, Cai Jincheng smiled bitterly in his heart. Is there anyone around him? Apart from the mother who was paralyzed on the bed, was there anyone around her? The one I didn't like had already left, and the one I liked didn't know where he was. He was extremely clean!

"No, Cai is single now, so don't worry, Miss!"

Cai Jincheng replied without much hesitation. The woman in front of him was just a woman to him. It seemed unrealistic to have a special relationship. Both parties knew the purpose of such a meeting.

They all have their own agenda and are just taking advantage of each other. As for how far they can go, it can only depend on how far the situation develops.

Hong Yanyan was obviously very satisfied with this answer. She immediately stood up with a smile, turned to look out the window, and said with great openness: "Very good! I will tell my dad my choice as soon as possible. He has to make the final decision. You Can……"

She suddenly stopped talking when she said this. Cai Jincheng saw her looking out the window and was stunned. He couldn't help but follow her gaze curiously, and he was also stunned on the spot...

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