Chapter 120 Fengyang's escape route

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It is said that hidden arrows are difficult to guard against. Pan Rulin defended himself from the front and back, but little did he know that the fire snake he flung out in a moment of triumph hurt the people he shouldn't have hurt and provoked the people he shouldn't have provoked. He couldn't prevent this fatal arrow in the head.

Once he broke through, he rushed directly into the Palace of Hell!

Looking at Pan Rulin who suddenly fell to the ground after being hit by an arrow, Li Bowen and Xue Baoqi looked at each other in confusion. What's going on?

All the onlookers were stunned speechless. Wasn't the Second Master going to explode? Why is your head spinning?

Thinking of something, everyone looked in the direction of Laiya without looking. When they saw it, they were shocked again!

What's going on with the group of soldiers blocking the gate with guns and knives, some holding various supernatural balls in their hands, and looking majestic?

They had been busy fighting in the melee before, and finally stopped. They were all staring at their boss showing off his power, and they didn't notice the approach of these people at all.

Out of their natural fear of soldiers, they did not dare to act rashly and only waited for the person in charge on their side to speak.

Xiao Huaiqing, who was still angry, saw military doctor Xiao Liu getting into the car, and then turned his attention to the stunned guards.

The long bow in his hand was fully drawn, and he swept his head around the people on the opposite side, and then he spoke in a deep voice: "We are sent by the military in City B, and we are ordered to wipe out the Rongan bandits and temporarily take over Fengyang. Jurisdiction, I advise you not to make any unnecessary resistance!"

"What's going on?" Someone whispered.

"Did they recapture Rongan Base?"

"Where is our city lord? The original gang of soldiers have been driven away, why should they be controlled by the military in City B?"

"The city lord just took people to Rongan! What's going on?"

"Yes! The city lord is not here, and Boss Pan is dead. Who should we listen to?"

After hearing this, Xue Baoqi seemed to be a little uncontrollably excited. He could see that the people opposite were all tall and majestic, with extraordinary momentum, just like the regular army.

"Are you with them?"

He turned to look at Li Bowen and asked. Everyone was panicking, except for the man next to him who acted calmly, as if everything had been expected.

"That's right! I'm just here to take a stand. That person is the second young master of the Xiao family in B City. And this time the team is led by the third young master of the Xiao family. You must have heard about the strength of the Xiao family. I advise you and Your brothers, don’t do stupid things and surrender!”

Li Bowen told the truth that Xue Baoqi at least called him big brother. Although the cooperation between the two was not completed, he still saw a little tacit understanding from the brief cooperation.

"Then can I confirm a question with you?"

"tell me the story!"

"Is Lei Maosheng dead or not?"

"I can answer you for sure, Lei Maosheng is dead! There is no more Lei City Master in Fengyang!" Li Bowen didn't hide anything and told the truth.

Seeing Xue Baoqi smash his fist into his palm, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with joy: "Great! He is finally dead!"

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