Chapter 185 Everyone named

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Seeing that the grandfather and grandson were talking loudly and sorrowfully again, expressing their pain of longing for each other, Mr. Xiao, whose skin ached all over, took decisive action.


The touching atmosphere of the gathering was suddenly interrupted by a helpless sigh, and Xiao Lixun grinned at the grandson and grandson who were hugging each other and crying: "Dad, that's it, Xiao Yi won't come back well." Well, now you should take care of me, your precious son, and see if I am worthy of your hug?"

He opened his arms to let the old man see clearly. The person who really suffered was here!

Being interrupted by this blind guy, Xiao Qinian said angrily: "If you don't listen to me not to neglect your cultivation, you deserve to be beaten! Remember it!"

After saying that, he pulled Qiao Yi and turned around and went into the house: "Let's go, Yi Bao! Come into the house with grandpa, there will be delicious food for you!"

Qiao Yi looked back at his poor second uncle: "Second uncle is injured."

Xiao Qinian answered cold-bloodedly and ruthlessly: "It's okay, as long as your uncle is here, nothing will happen without us! Lao Mo! Serve! Egg custard, sweet and sour pork ribs, baby vegetables, and that whole chicken, let the kitchen serve it quickly!" Bring me all the delicious food! Don’t let me, Yi Bao, starve!"

Xiao Lixun: ...Am I your biological child?

He looked at Xiao Lifeng who was standing at the door and said in despair: "Brother, does the Xiao family still have a place for us to stand on?"

Xiao Lifeng poured cold water on him: "When it comes to being favored, you have already lost to your son!"

Xiao Lixun pouted: "You are not the same! You still talk about me!"

The expression of their father's second generation relationship is vivid and deep into the bones!

Xiao Lifeng: "I'm happy! Looking at your bearish appearance, you should think about how to quickly improve your abilities in the future! If Huaizhou hadn't come back in time today, even dad wouldn't be able to recognize you!"

After hearing what he said, Xiao Lixun touched the corner of his sore lips, looked at the grandson Xiao Huaizhou who was also ignored by his father, suddenly realized, and spoke reluctantly: "If I guessed correctly, After Xiao Yi comes back, will all of us named Xiao fall out of favor?"

Xiao Lifeng: "Without a doubt."

Xiao Huaizhou: "What do you think?"

Xiao Lixun wanted to cry: "If I fall out of favor again, I will still be a wounded person!"

Xiao Lifeng scolded him: "The first thing you have to reflect on is how you were hurt, rather than seeking sympathy afterwards!"

"Hey! Why can't you care about me when one and two of them are making sarcastic remarks? Ah? Big brother! Brother! Brother! An elder brother is like a father! Where is father's love?"

Xiao Lixun was about to jump. Although his body was covered with skin injuries, they were still injuries. Even eating ten pounds of red dates wouldn’t be able to make up for the blood!

"Ha! With his second uncle here, what does he have to do with me?" Xiao Lifeng finished his sentence and turned around to go back to the house. If he didn't go in, there might be only bones left in his lunch. Look at his dad's excitement, he prepared some for them. It doesn’t matter if you don’t prepare food!

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Lixun turned his gaze to Xiao Huaizhou, who had been silent all this time, and said happily: "I know my son has the best heart, so he is waiting for me!"

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