Chapter 60 Ark Base Director Li Bowen

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After inviting a lonely Sun Feifei, she didn't need any ice cubes to cool down at the moment. After seeing Xiao Huaizhou ignore her and follow Su Yue, she cooled off! What's the use of polishing the floor to make it shine? It’s not just her shadow that comes out!

And when she saw the two people chatting and laughing together in a low voice, and even giving them water, she was even more shocked beyond words!

The cold and ruthless Xiao Huaizhou looked at the man named Qiao in the wrong way! Sun Feifei's eyes darkened. Could it be that Xiao Huaizhou ignored her because of this person!

Just as she was rubbing the soles of her feet and preparing to pass, she saw a group of people suddenly pouring in outside!

When Yang Lidong saw her, without saying a word, he ordered the soldier who was carrying someone on his back to urge him: "Quickly, let him go to Sun Feifei and let her take a look!"

"Yes." The soldier agreed, went over and put the person on the bright floor and backed away.

Just as Qiao Yi was about to stand up and go over to take a look, Xiao Huaizhou grabbed him and heard him whisper softly: "Don't worry, we'll go over later!"

He just saw clearly that the man was not clean, so he should wait until Yang Lidong and the others took care of it before going over!

And Sun Feifei was shocked by the dirty, wet, and injured man in front of her, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back. In this way, she couldn't show him his injuries! Also, she finally polished the floor to a shiny finish!

Yang Lidong couldn't help but frowned when he saw her acting like this, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just turned around and called to someone: "Xiao Liu, come here first to check whether there are any fatal injuries, and then simply clean him up!"

Then he turned to a soldier and ordered: "Dazhuang, go find some clean clothes, and you and Xiao Liu will put them on for him later!"

Military doctor Xiao Liu agreed, put the first aid kit aside, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to check the injury.

The big man took a quick glance at the man's figure and then went to look through his clothes.

Qiao Yi looked at his third brother gratefully, but said jokingly: "Are you afraid that I will cause trouble?"

"No way, it's too dirty. Come over later, be good!" Xiao Huaizhou didn't let Qiao Yi move, but stood up first.

Yang Lidong came over to meet him. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "People will faint now, but they were in good spirits when they woke up just now. They were just too weak. There were a few gunshot wounds on their bodies." The injuries include a scratch on the heart, and the rest are not fatal. I will ask Xiao Liu to check it carefully!"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded, thought for a moment and asked him: "He's in good spirits. What did he say?"

"I told you, I asked a lot of questions to keep him awake during the rescue!" Yang Lidong said, suddenly paused, and saw him looking down at the bottle of water in Qiao Yi's hand and suddenly swallowing.

Seeing that he seemed very thirsty, Qiao Yi raised his hand to hand it to him without thinking, but unexpectedly Xiao Huaizhou took it over.

He bent down and picked up a bottle of ordinary mineral water with no expression, put it into Yang Lidong's hand, and urged impatiently: "Drink quickly! Continue talking after drinking!" He had not yet tasted the water Qiao Yi gave him. Have you drunk enough? Why are you so sharp-eyed?

Seeing this, Qiao Yi held his forehead helplessly. His third brother was very particular about not letting others touch the water he drank.

As long as it is water, Yang Lidong drank a bottle in one go, and then he continued: "He said his name was Li Bowen, and he led a team to hunt zombies last night, but he didn't expect to be tricked by his own people. He was shot several times defensively, and those people thought he was dead, so they threw him outside to attract zombies!"

"But he was lucky enough to survive. It took a lot of effort to get into the well. He successfully escaped the zombies chasing him and deceived those who harmed him! It's just that it was easy to get in. It’s hard to get out, I’m completely trapped inside!”

Qiao Yi then asked a question: "He was seriously injured and survived the whole night without freezing to death. Is he a fire element user?"

Hearing this, Yang Lidong nodded to him in admiration: "Young Master Qiao is amazing! He has fire powers, and he is also a third-level fire power expert!"

Xiao Huaizhou then asked: "Which base are they from? Fengyang?"

The famous base nearby is Fengyang Base. He has the ability to go out to hunt zombies at night, so he is naturally very powerful. But he doesn't know the reason behind this that led to him being assassinated by one of his own people.

Yang Lidong stared back and forth between them, and then spoke mysteriously: "Don't talk about it, this is really a person! The Ark base that was evacuated a few days ago due to the zombie wave, the three Don’t you remember this! This Li Bowen is the base commander of that base!”

Xiao Huaizhou heard this, thought for a moment, and then responded: "It turned out to be him! Didn't the people sent to investigate later say that the Ark Base was not attacked?"

Yang Lidong replied neatly: "Yes, I don't know why, but everything turned out to be okay in the end, but there was nothing we could do. Everyone was evacuated. Li Bowen later took people to Fengyang Base because there were still many people following him. , he simply built a supernatural group by himself and brought people out to hunt zombies every night."

Hearing this, Qiao Yi couldn't help but murmured: "So he is the base director of the Ark base!"

Xiao Huaizhou looked down at him: "What, have you heard of him?"

Qiao Yi nuzzled: "That's not true, but the Liu Mingjia couple I told you before settled there. The night I was taken there was the night when the zombie wave was about to siege the city. I watched most of the evacuation process at that time. In such an emergency situation, almost all the survivors were successfully evacuated, which shows that he was fully prepared. I think this person is very capable! He also has a good character!"

When lives were at stake, Li Bowen, as the base commander, did not give up those survivors for his own safety. This is something not everyone in power can do!

Xiao Huaizhou thought of another point. He squatted down, stared at Qiao Yi for a moment and asked, "Didn't you evacuate with them?" If they evacuated together, then he wouldn't be at the small building. Now that I have found Qiao Yi, what will happen if I catch up with the Cai family? Isn't it still that I can't find his Xiao Yi?

When Qiao Yi heard his question, he nodded happily and admitted: "Well, I didn't withdraw with them!" Where can I get rich if I withdraw?

Xiao Huaizhou stared at him and thought for a moment, then said incredulously: "That zombie wave is you..."

Qiao Yi rarely saw his third brother showing a surprised expression, so he winked at him and opened his mouth somewhat proudly: "How else could third brother think I was so rich!" He didn't directly say anything about the crystal core. , as long as his third brother understands!

Seeing his third brother's indescribable expression, he still added: "Don't worry, it was mainly Mr. Hei who did it. I just watched the excitement. Look, isn't this good?"

Xiao Huaizhou quickly calmed down and sighed helplessly. He estimated that there were tens of thousands of crystal nuclei in the space. It was hard to imagine what it would be like for one person and one snake to fight against the zombie wave alone. His Xiao Yi really He has grown up!

Yang Lidong was listening to what they said to each other, but he didn't understand what was going on? Just as I was about to interrupt and ask, I heard Xiao Liu, the military doctor over there, shout: "People are awake!"

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