Chapter 158 Space planting was successful

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Qiao Yi excitedly went to find his third brother, but stopped halfway!

There seemed to be something strange in the space. After thinking for a moment, Qiao Yi entered the space.

As soon as he entered, Qiao Yi was dazzled by the endless pile of crystal cores. Different levels of crystal cores had been automatically divided into categories, and the various colors were distinct, making Qiao Yi's eyes shine brightly. The flowers come!

hey-hey! Smiling to himself, Qiao Yi folded his arms and admired his ocean of crystal cores, and immediately decided to go out and consume some as soon as possible. There were too many things needed to build the base, so he had to exchange them for crystal cores!

After looking carefully, Qiao Yi shook his head regretfully. There was no fourth-order crystal core. It seemed that the charm of Sanbenzi was not attractive enough to the fourth-order zombies, or that the fourth-order zombies could distinguish this. The traps and risky things were all done by those silly boys, while I hid in the dark and waited for opportunities!

But among so many zombies, how many level four zombies are hidden?

Putting aside his thoughts for the moment, Qiao Yi turned around and looked at the planting area. At this sight, he shouted in surprise: "Oh my God! Is it ripe?"

The first thing you see is a cornfield dotted with golden fruits!

Taking long strides, Qiao Yi hurried over and plunged into the queue carrying the fat Huang Chengcheng doll. He stretched out his hands to review with joy, it's a good harvest!

Looking at a big and plump corn cob, Qiao Yi broke it off with force, and impatiently peeled off the yellow-green coat and brown-red ears. After careful observation, he saw a corn cob. The corn kernels are bright and full, exuding a pleasant luster, absolutely high quality and high yield!

I swallowed my saliva and wondered if I could cook it and eat it like this? It seems that I have missed the most suitable time for boiling!

Thinking of something, he walked through the corn field and came to the cabbage field next to it, oh! The white cabbages with green leaves are crowded together with their plump bodies, as if they are a group of emerald girls competing for beauty, showing their mature charm to the outside world!

It's a pity that Landlord Qiao didn't know how to cherish the fragrance, so he picked off a piece of fat green leaf and stuffed it into his mouth. Suddenly a long-lost sweetness and juiciness filled his mouth, and he unconsciously let out a sigh of comfort and satisfaction: "Well! This is the taste. ! So delicious!”

Looking at the cabbage field and then the corn field, the surprise was expected, but it came suddenly. Qiao Yi happily immersed himself in it, smiling selflessly, the good times were really coming!

Thinking of business, Qiao Yi rolled up his sleeves and dug out the remaining corn seeds and cabbage seeds. At that time, it was just an experiment and he didn't dare to plant them all. Now it has been proven that the land in the space can successfully grow grain and cabbage. , then the remaining land can be put to good use!

When he finished sowing the seeds and came out of the space with the fat ears of corn in his arms, he was caught off guard and carried high into the sky in a cross-body hug!


Qiao Yi couldn't help but exclaimed, "Third brother!"

"What? Are you scared? Do you think it's an eagle catching a chick?" Xiao Huaizhou hugged the person in his arms tightly and joked with a chuckle.

He had just returned from leading a team to hunt zombies, but he didn't see Qiao Yi's people. After asking Li Bowen, he found out that he said he was out looking for him, and that he had been there for a long time!

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