Chapter 17 The Wan family is about to end

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Madam Wan simply suspected that the person in front of her was crazy! Why did she come to apologize? Do you mean it's too late?

She raised her hand and slapped the coffee table in front of her, shouting loudly: "Xiao Huaizhou, what nonsense are you talking about! You hurt my son and instead of apologizing, you want us to come and apologize! What's the point?"

Xiao Huaizhou's expression remained unchanged, his gaze fell directly on the table where Madam Wan rested her palm, and he said coldly: "Uncle Mo!"

Lao Mo hurriedly agreed: "Hey! What do you want the third young master to do?"

Xiao Huaizhou: "Don't forget to check the coffee table later. This is Grandpa's favorite. If there is any damage, be sure to ask Mrs. Wan to compensate before leaving!"

Lao Mo did not hesitate to obey, nodded and said: "Okay, I will remember it!"

Mrs. Wan: "You..." I don't know if she was angry, but she moved her fingers uncomfortably. The gem ring on it seemed to be a little prickly at the moment!

Seeing this, Xu Meiyun came over, grabbed her arm and shook her gently: "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wan turned to look at her: "What do you think his attitude is? Who does he think I am?"

Then he looked at Xu Meihui: "Does he usually treat you like this?" You are his aunt!

Xu Meihui tugged at the corners of her lips, wondering what she was doing, but she still said awkwardly: "That...actually..."

"Is eldest aunt still there?"

Xiao Huaizhou interrupted her coldly and cast a heavy look. Xu Meihui was shocked. She looked up in surprise and said, "Ah?" Shouldn't she be there?

Xiao Huaizhou said slowly: "Second brother is back from Changling Base soon, right? There have been frequent zombie waves recently, and the military is short of manpower. Maybe..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Meihui suddenly stood up from her seat, as if she suddenly remembered something important, and began to mutter in a panic: "Oh! I...I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent at home that needs to be done. Oh! Thanks to Huaizhou for reminding me, otherwise things would have been delayed!"

Then, she looked at Mrs. Wan apologetically and said, "Um, I won't accompany you anymore! You guys have a good chat! I'll go back first, okay!" After saying that, she lowered her head and winked at Xu Meiyun, and then looked at the person who had been there. Si Chengli and Xiao Lixun, who were talking, said goodbye: "Then I'll go back first!"

Si Chengli smiled and nodded: "Sister-in-law, walk slowly!"

Xiao Lixun closed his eyes and did not respond, as if he was fast asleep.

Xu Meihui finally looked at Xiao Huaizhou and affirmed: "I'll go back right now!"

Xiao Huaizhou lowered his eyes slightly: "Auntie, walk slowly!"

Without caring about anything else, Xu Meihui pushed open the door and left as if running away. How could she have forgotten that her unsatisfactory second son Xiao Huaiqing was still working under Xiao Huaizhou! I have been sent out for several months, and I finally came back. How about being sent to stop the zombie wave again? That silly boy talks about his third brother every day. As long as Xiao Huaizhou opens his mouth, he will rush forward desperately. Just thinking about it makes his teeth hurt!

"Sister, don't leave! Sister!" Xu Meiyun shouted anxiously, but there was no response at all. Instead, she glared at Xiao Huaizhou angrily and questioned: "What did you mean by that just now? Why did my sister leave? "

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