Chapter 58 There is a situation ahead

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What else is there to say? Qiao Caimi took those crystal nuclei into the space with lightning speed. They were useless at the moment and they will be used by others!

Hey, it seems that we need to get the fourth-order crystal core as soon as possible! It’s just that I haven’t heard of any level 4 zombies appearing. His third brother is way ahead of his time!

Qiao Yi, who was enjoying the coolness, felt sorry for those soldiers and ruffians for his third brother. He raised his chin and pointed forward: "Then are they so hot?" Although each car has a sunshade, but he Still can't bear it.

"It doesn't matter, they have long been used to it! If they can't bear this little hardship, they are not worthy of staying in my special battle group!" Xiao Huaizhou said matter-of-factly, and after thinking about it, he continued: "Yang Lidong will arrange a rest at the front, Do not worry!"

They weren't out for special training, so there was no need to brave the scorching sun.

Since the boss said so, Qiao Yi didn't worry about that anymore. Instead, he thought of Sun Feifei again and asked casually: "That Sun Feifei's healing power can only cure trauma, right? Can it scratch and bite zombies?" I wonder if the injury will have any effect?"

Xiao Huaizhou quickly gave the answer: "It must be ineffective. Imagine, if she can really cure the zombie virus, how can she still stay in Rongan? The research institute in the Imperial Capital will have her at all costs." Take it back!"

Not to mention the three brothers of the Zhang family, no matter how ferocious the master is, they can't stop the regular army from sweeping away the enemy!

Qiao Yi suddenly felt that she had become stupid. Why should she guess at such a simple truth? If she really had that ability, instead of being invited to be the savior, she would have to be sent to the laboratory for biopsy research!

But he thought of something else, so he brought it up: "The Zhang family brothers are guarding so many supplies, so your military doesn't care about it? And there should be troops in Fengyang base, right? It's so close, Did you give up so easily?"

Hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou thought for a moment before speaking: "It's not that the military doesn't care, but that at the beginning of the apocalypse, the military devoted almost all its efforts to clearing zombies, rescuing survivors, and establishing safe bases. Construction has been completed, and with the outbreak of the zombie virus, the military's strength has been significantly reduced. Even after the initial situation stabilized, the supply of troops has been continuously replenished, but it is still incomparable to what it was before the end of the world!"

"So that's it!" Qiao Yi nodded. He had to say that his horizons were still too small to compare with his third brother!

Soon, he heard Xiao Huaizhou continue to say: "As you said, if it is to be controlled, it is only reasonable that the military in Fengyang base should take charge. The military in City B should not overstep its authority! As for Fengyang, what is the matter? Whether there has been any intervention, whether it failed or there is something else fishy, ​​we have to go there in person and confirm!"

He couldn't believe that after such a long time, the military still couldn't capture those hundreds of people!

Qiao Yi didn't understand, so he tilted his head and looked at his third brother and asked, "According to what you said, we are overstepping our authority by going like this, right?"

Xiao Huaizhou snorted and said in a deep voice: "With Sun Feifei here, what are we afraid of? I will take care of what they can't control. I want to see what qualifications they have to say that I have exceeded my authority! Also, don't forget that this is The last days are also chaotic times, and some laws have long since changed!"

At the same time, Sun Feifei, who was being discussed by the two of them, felt a little unhappy. Although the car windows were wide open, the wind that came in while driving was hot, and she felt that the meager oxygen was supporting her breathing. Almost blown away!

"Brother Yang, it's too hot. Can you turn on the air conditioner for a while?" She fanned her face with small fans in both hands and said delicately.

Hearing this, Yang Lidong turned and asked Su Yue: "Is it hot?"

Su Yue drove the car intently and replied nonchalantly: "It's not bad! Anyway, I think the temperature is quite normal!"

They had been running outside for so many days, and they didn't even mention turning on the air conditioner to cool down. It was so hot that they just found a place to take shelter and got over it.

So, Yang Lidong looked back at Sun Feifei and said: "Look, it's not that hot right now. We've been out for several days and we don't have much spare gasoline. Save some if you can! If you keep at it, you'll be fine. Stop and take a rest!”

"But, it's really hot!" Sun Feifei pouted. She didn't quite believe that the two grown men in front of her didn't care about her at all.

She thought about it and realized that she had never been so unnoticed in Rongan Base. Those people tried their best to coax and pamper her. Her own abilities were her greatest asset!

Sun Feifei was very suspicious whether they were interested in her healing ability!

Su Yue spoke again at this time: "Feifei, you have to adapt! From now on, when we follow the Third Young Master everywhere, we will inevitably have more difficult days than this!"

Yang Lidong echoed: "That's right, look at those brothers sitting in the car behind, which one is not hotter than us? If we turn on the air conditioner and feel comfortable here, it won't make sense, don't you think?"

Sun Feifei: ...What else can she say? What about the eloquent me? Why are you being preached to by two brother soldiers?

When their motorcade finally stopped in a town on the way, Sun Feifei felt that she had come to life.

She stood in the shade and waited for Su Yue to lead people to clean up a front house on the street. She looked in the direction of their car. She didn't reveal herself until the business car behind stopped not far away. Happy.

The people on the three military trucks got out of the car one after another. Everyone was doing their own thing spontaneously, distributing supplies, standing guard, and a group of people carrying guns went to patrol the depths of the town.

Sun Feifei didn't pay attention to what others did, she just stared at the business car where Xiao Huaizhou was.

I won’t talk about following you without any sense of presence along the way. What is going on now?

The car has been parked on the side of the road for about ten minutes, and the front houses over there have been cleared out, but the two people haven't gotten out of the car yet!

Moreover, what made her very unhappy was that the doors and windows of the car were closed, and the air conditioner was obviously on! Why can they turn on the air conditioner and save fuel, but a weak woman has to fight hard against a group of rough men? unfair!

Thinking of this, her mind started to heat up, and she was about to rush over there again, but she was suddenly stopped by Yang Lidong, who had been staring at her not far away!

Sun Feifei looked at him speechlessly: "Brother Yang, why are you pulling me?"

Yang Lidong exhaled with great joy: "It's been cleaned up over there, I'll take you there!" After saying that, regardless of whether she was happy or not, he dragged her into the front room. Fortunately, he kept an extra eye on her. He didn't want to admit this unreliable girl to his third young master for the second time!

At this moment, Xiao Huaizhou in the car could see nothing else except Qiao Yi's delicate and beautiful sleeping face in his tender eyes!

Just when he was indulging in her beauty and praying that he could sleep a little longer, a young soldier who had just gone out on patrol hurriedly ran to the car, hurriedly saluted him and then said loudly: "Report to Third Young Master , there’s a situation ahead!”

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