Chapter 101 + Link

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Chapter 101 Public Relationship

Xiao Huaiqing's body turned to stone, but his heart was in chaos. Xiao Sanshao, who had always been surrounded by thousands of flowers without touching a leaf, suddenly fell in love, and the love object turned out to be his little cousin whom he had just met! Are you surprised or surprised?

"Third brother, don't joke with me!"

"Second brother, when did you ever see me making a joke?" Xiao Huaizhou answered naturally, with a calm face and a tone that left no room for doubt.

"Damn! You're not kidding? You two are serious!" Xiao Huaiqing also knew that his third brother really couldn't joke, at least he wouldn't use this kind of thing to fool him, then it's true!

"Well, I didn't intend to hide it in the first place!" Xiao Huaizhou replied frankly. He and Xiao Yi had finally made rapid progress, so why were they willing to be sneaky again? He wanted to love him openly! He wished that everyone would know that Xiao Yi was his!

Qiao Yi did not expect that the result of asking his third brother to come forward would be a direct showdown and public disclosure of their relationship. Looking back on how many things he encountered along the way were so sudden, he was not mentally prepared!

You poked his third brother's lower back hard with your finger, can't you keep it a secret for a few more days? He hasn't adapted to this kind of role change yet, okay?

I saw his third brother reaching back with his long arms and hugging him into his arms. Then before he could react, he lowered his head and kissed him hard on the lips. The movement was natural and neat, and after the kiss, He looked up at his second brother and said in a very confident voice: "This is the time to reply to the letter!"

Qiao Yi covered his mouth and blushed, looking at his third brother speechlessly, are you going to scare your second brother to death? Besides, Yang Lidong and the others are watching, can't you, the boss, be more reserved?

This time, it was not only Xiao Ershao who was petrified. Yang Lidong, Su Yue, Chen Fugui, and even the soldiers who came in with Xiao Huaiqing were all stunned. Is their boss so enthusiastic and unrestrained? If you pretend not to see it at this time, you will get beaten!

"You..." Xiao Huaiqing was stunned for a long time, pointed at Xiao Huaizhou, then looked at Qiao Yi, and asked: "You are also serious, right?"

Now that everything was like this, Qiao Yi was willing to go all out. Since he had promised his third brother, it was only a matter of time before others found out, so he took this opportunity to admit it, so he nodded without hesitation: "Well, second brother, we You’re not a kid anymore, so of course you’re serious!”

Hearing this, Xiao Huaiqing covered her eyes with one hand and raised her head to calm down a little. After a while, she suddenly shrugged her shoulders and laughed: "Hahahaha! Okay! Very good! Xiao Yi, let me tell you! This Xiao Huaizhou, I usually see He always looks paralyzed and has a cold face, but he has a good character and is handsome, much better than that guy named Cai!"

He stopped laughing, thought for a moment, and said again: "Hey! You really have gone home this time! No, I have to slow down! You guys chat! I'm going to deal with something first!"

Then he waved his hand at the group of soldiers behind him and scattered them!

When he was done, he glanced at the two people who were still cuddling together, laughed awkwardly, and turned around in a hurry. He had to reconsider which of the two brothers was closer.

One is his aunt's cousin, and the other is his uncle's adopted brother. I wonder what grandpa will think when he finds out. Let him go out to find someone, not let him go out to find a wife!

Why did the identity of the newly recognized little cousin change so quickly? Can we hug and spin around casually in the future? It’s hanging! That Xiao Laosan must be watching closely!

As he was thinking about it, Xiao Huaiqing's eyes caught a person, he raised his hand and pointed fiercely, threatening: "Hey! The one guarding the stairs, yes, it's you! Don't move! I'm just asking you, why don't you Let me go upstairs? Huh? It will show that you are obedient, right? He is the leader, so am I still his brother? Just to show you!"

As he said that, he stepped forward and grabbed the frightened Chen Fugui and walked upstairs. He wanted to see what kind of environment those two brats fell in love in? Even if I don’t go downstairs for three days, I won’t be afraid of exhaustion!

And when he came out of Sun Shanshan's warmly decorated girl's room, he suddenly felt that Qiao Yi should be a cousin!

Yang Lidong was so stunned by their third young master that he didn't even notice Chen Fugui's frequent looks for help, and let him be taken away by the second young master to teach him a lesson!

"Third Young Master! Young Master Qiao! Are you together?!" Yang Lidong asked stupidly, but his sleeve was pulled hard by Su Yue. They just kissed him, why are you still asking, are you stupid?

"As you can see, we are together. Do you know what to do in the future?" Xiao Huaizhou just needs to promote the relevant spirit in place, and his two generals must give priority to the promotion.

"Understood! What Mr. Qiao said is what it is! Even if what Mr. Qiao said is wrong, it is still right! If you encounter special circumstances, please refer to the first rule. Mr. Qiao is always right!"

Yang Lidong opened and closed his big mouth, and what he said shocked everyone!

Su Yue looked at this old partner thoughtfully, maybe he married a wife behind their backs! How do you understand so much! ? It seems like I have to find a chance to ask!

Qiao Yi was almost choked by his words. Did he get the position of adjutant just by flattering him?

"Yes! Let's do it!" Xiao Huaizhou nodded with satisfaction. Yang Lidong finally got it right. He wanted to let his Xiao Yi have an absolute say, not only in the special battle group, but also in the country and even the world in the future. He wants his baby to receive the most attention and respect!

They were happy when the boss was happy. Yang Lidong and Su Yue were naturally 100% supportive. Even after Young Master Qiao appeared, the other three Young Masters didn't seem so unkind, and they could still see his smile occasionally! Their life is much better than before!

Besides, the three of them are now single, which is a great event for the special team! It’s time to celebrate!

While several people were talking happily, Li Bowen came back from outside with a few people.

When he saw Xiao Huaizhou and Qiao Yi, he noticed at a glance that they were different from before. One was shy with the red cloud on his cheek that had not faded, and the other was in a good mood that was clearly refreshing. He nodded and didn’t show up for three days, so that’s it!

"Third Young Master! Young Master Qiao!"

Li Bowen greeted them as usual. Looking at Yang Lidong's grinning expression, he knew that this matter had been made public. There was no need for him to go over it again. He just had to know it by heart!

"Well, you have worked hard these days, Lao Li!"

Xiao Huaizhou responded calmly, and rarely expressed concern and condolences.

"You're so polite, Third Young Master! Isn't this what you should do! By the way, I just have something to report to you!"

Li Bowen knew the importance of what he did and never said too much about things that shouldn't be gossiped, but he didn't dare to delay the serious matters for a moment. He immediately told the situation he discovered: "I took people out to patrol just now and found the spies sent by Fengyang. Well, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, we did not alert them, what do you think the Third Young Master should do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Xiao Huaizhou speak with great momentum: "Let them go back and report the news. If Lei Maosheng dares to come, I will respect him as a man! If he doesn't come, then we will go to Fengyang to meet for a while. he!"

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