Chapter 188: Disable the superpower and send it back

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After seeing that the base matter had come to a unanimous conclusion, Xiao Huaiming, who had been listening silently, raised his question: "Grandpa, dad, how should we deal with the current situation? Hong Shengbo is still in our hands, how should we deal with it? "

The newly emerged fourth-level strongman was beaten to a loss by them. It was originally an extremely happy thing, but this Hong Shengbo's identity was extraordinary. He was obviously the leader of the largest superpower group in Y City, but secretly he was Since he has a connection with Mayor Hong, he must be treated with caution when dealing with him.

Xiao Qinian frowned and thought for a moment, then asked Xiao Lifeng: "Hong Changbo didn't respond?"

"No, I think the way his cousin came out was wrong and he couldn't catch it!"

It's rare for Xiao Lifeng to joke with someone, "However, I guess he won't just sit back and ignore it, there will always be moves secretly!"

"Although Hong Shengbo has been captured, his minions are still there and his foundation has not been touched. The power of Y City is still Hong Changbo's trump card. Although he is destined to fall out, any of our actions cannot be based on Wu Ming. You just have to grasp this standard!"

Xiao Qinian has lived his whole life and understands the truth best. For an ambitious person like Hong Changbo, no opportunity can be left to him unless he takes the initiative to look for trouble.

Xiao Lifeng: "Then..."

"Then we will castrate Hong Shengbo, and the grandson will give Hong Changbo a big gift and force him to show his fox tail. Then we can pull him off the horse and it will be done!"

Xiao Lixun suddenly took over the conversation. He originally didn't like to get involved in these matters. His father and elder brother were there to deal with big and small matters. He could just concentrate on his research. However, this injury was all due to Hong Shengbo. He didn't personally take care of it. Scraping off a few ounces of meat from his body really can't relieve his hatred.

It's just that his idea made everyone present couldn't help but twitch their lips again, castrating them! Fortunately, he can think of countless ways to punish people. When did the Xiao family even bother to use such methods!

"You'd better shut up first!"

Xiao Qinian looked at him with a headache. He was deeply aware of his thoughts, but he couldn't speak clearly. There were several juniors in the room, so he didn't know how to pay attention to his words.

He still looked back at his eldest son and motioned for him to continue!

Xiao Lifeng nodded and commented on Xiao Lifeng's idea before continuing his topic: "If in normal times, Li Xun had a good idea and used the obtained Hong Shengbo to force Hong Changbo to reveal his head and tail, and then wait for an opportunity to remove him from power. Without this power in his hands, he cannot continue to make trouble, and the power far away in Y City has become a decoration!"

After Xiao Lifeng analyzed the situation carefully, after a brief pause, he raised his eyes and scanned the crowd and said solemnly: "But the situation is different now. The Xiao family will not use the trick to dismount him, and there is no time to plan!"

Xiao Lixun raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, brother?"

Xiao Lifeng: "What I mean is what I just said, that is, do whatever you want! Destroy Hong Shengbo and avenge you!"

Hong Shengbo's name is not fair, and he openly hurts and provokes others. It is not surprising that he will end up in any way. Now that Hong Changbo has calmed down, then we should have no scruples! "

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