Chapter 194 The Military Headquarters Comes to the Door

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Inside the Jincheng Superpower Group's station, Cai Jincheng looked at the newly hired nanny Li Ao and said in a deep voice: "My mother will help you take care of her more. If you need anything, go to the logistics warehouse to get it. I've already said hello!"

Sister-in-law Li nodded politely and agreed: "Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Cai! I will do my best to take good care of my wife!"

"Well, if she still feels uncomfortable, ask someone to call Dr. Liu over quickly! Don't delay!" Cai Jincheng warned again worriedly.

His mother Xie Chengying's body collapsed after she fainted that day, and she couldn't afford to fall ill. Seeing that he couldn't say a complete sentence, she could only sigh and shed tears!

He knew that his mother knew everything. Zhang Shumian's betrayal not only stung him, but also his mother was also hit hard!

Sister-in-law Li quickly said yes: "Yes, I have remembered it. Mr. Cai just goes about his business with peace of mind. If there is any problem, I will have someone notify you as soon as possible!"

When it comes to taking care of patients, Sister-in-law Li is very confident. She has no other skills, but she is absolutely professional in serving people, and in their agency, she is definitely at the top.

This Mr. Cai was generous and asked the person with the best business to take care of his mother. He definitely had filial piety. She didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to make money, so she just had to do her best.

Cai Jincheng was quite satisfied with her performance, nodded slightly and left her to work.

Just as he was about to turn around and get in the car to leave, someone came to the base gate to report: "Commander! Someone from the military headquarters is here, saying they have something important to talk to the person in charge!"

As he said that, he turned back and pointed toward the door: "You're waiting there. Do you want to let me in?"

After hearing this, Cai Jincheng frowned and looked around. Sure enough, he saw a group of uniformed soldiers stopping at the door. The leader happened to look over and raised his hand to say hello.

Cai Jincheng recognized the captain who had brought people to check the source of the infection a few days ago.

"Please come in quickly!"

The reappearance of people from the military headquarters inevitably stirred one of his nerves. He was sure that Li Yunxiu's infection left no trace. Chen Younian and Chen Younian, who were kicked out, would not hesitate to report it. Could something big happen again?

He was thinking in his mind as he walked over to greet the person, and from afar he started to say polite greetings: "Captain Gao! We meet again!"

The captain of the inspection team, Gao Tianyu, saluted him neatly: "Captain Cai, I'm here to visit you again, sorry for bothering you!"

After the greetings, Cai Jincheng looked at the group of soldiers behind him and asked doubtfully: "I wonder, Captain Gao, why you are here this time?"

Gao Tianyu did not answer directly, but turned slightly to let a soldier behind him carrying a tray take two steps forward. He reached out and uncovered the gray cloth covering it, raised his chin slightly towards Cai Jincheng and explained: "Captain Cai, this is a shack. Evidence investigated by the military department during the district infection incident confirmed that the zombie carrion found in the bag was the source of the infection crisis.

The owner of the cloth bag has also been identified. He is the second daughter-in-law of a family named Ma who lives in a slum area not long after arriving in City B. After our investigation, we learned that their family followed you into the city! "

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