Chapter 9 Decided to occupy the mountain and become king

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In the dim underground passage, a cluster of dim flames beat restlessly. Qiao Yi slid down and leaned against the rock wall, his head and face wet with sweat. He was so tired!

He had been walking bent down in this winding dark passage for a long time, but he still didn't seem to be able to see the end.

"Could he be tricked by that old man?" Qiao Yi muttered, looking left and right. Except for the aperture in front of his eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly. He really didn't expect that the deep sleep that Mr. Shan said would be like this. Suddenly, before he had time to understand many things, someone gave him a few random instructions, pointed out a way out of the cave, and then disappeared immediately. How could he be so sleepy?

Qiao Yi was too lazy to complain anymore. At this time, he was tired and hungry, and the water he drank had turned into sweat. He couldn't go out anymore, and he would be suffocated if he didn't starve to death. His waist!

"Huhu~" Qiao Yi gasped, rubbed his lower back, then took out the dagger from his waist and carved another mark on the rock wall. He couldn't remember how many times he had carved a mark on the rock wall. , so I admired the mysterious treasure hunters more than a thousand years ago. How long will it take to dig? It takes a lot of manpower, material resources and even financial resources to do it, but in the end, when you get the thing, you can’t use it, so how do you feel about it! If it were him, he wouldn't be willing to do it even if he vomited all his blood! Tsk tsk!


Suddenly there was a cry, interrupting Qiao Yi's train of thought. With a serious look on his face, he stood up quickly and shined the light of the torch towards the place where the sound came from. He came from that direction and found nothing unusual.

"Zhizhi~zhizhi~" It was getting closer, it seemed to be a large number of something.

Qiao Yi suddenly remembered the rats that often appeared in the tomb-robbing movies he had watched before the end of the world, the very big ones! The more I think about it, the creepier I feel.

"No way! Damn!" Qiao Yi cursed secretly, successfully frightening himself, and then he hunched his back and ran forward quickly. He managed not to be torn apart by zombies, and he would not be swallowed by a group of rats. Come on! Having said that, he forgot to ask Shan Lao, could he help him be reborn again?

Creaking and rumbling sounds echoed in the narrow passage. Qiao Yi ran desperately, his nerves tense to the extreme.

"Where's the exit? Where's the exit?" As he ran, he secretly prayed that the exit would appear soon. When he dared to look back, he saw a dark shadow like a rolling air wave, coming straight towards him, and he immediately stopped. The energy rushed out.

The air wave behind him seemed to be about to hit his shoulders, but the sight in front of him suddenly lit up, it was the exit! Qiao Yi secretly rejoiced, and then he took a step forward and rolled out, holding his head. After a while, the world was spinning, and he saw the opportunity and climbed to a high platform that was as high as one person.

"Squeak~squeak~" There seemed to be a black current surging under his feet, and the dense and chaotic squeaks drowned out all sounds. Qiao Yi did not dare to express his anger. He knelt on the high platform and looked down. He was so dizzy that he almost fell down. , the ground was densely packed with gray mice more than half a meter long. At this time, everyone stood and looked at the high platform where he was standing, their palm-long teeth gleaming brightly.

"..." Qiao Yi's head was full of black lines, was he trying to get his way?

He seemed to have asked Shan Lao if there were any birds and beasts underground, so that he could take precautions in advance. After all, the mountains and rivers were nourished by spiritual power, so they were different from other places. Who would have thought that Shan Lao Hun waved his hand indifferently? : "Relax, they are all cute little creatures, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Qiao Yi was speechless. These are the cute little creatures in the old man's heart? He believes in ghosts!

There was a sudden heat in his chest. Qiao Yi looked down and saw that the black jade that had been quiet and sound before was now emitting a faint red light. It flashed again and again, and soon fell silent again. Just as he was wondering, he heard There was a sudden silence below. When he looked up, he saw a scene that shocked him greatly. As if being summoned by something, those gray rats all turned around and receded quickly like the tide. In an instant, not a single one was seen anymore!

Qiao Yi: ...retreating now? The vigorous pursuit turned into a silent and sad exit in an instant. He was definitely not kidding! ?

Patting his chest and exhaling a long breath, Qiao Yi pinched the black jade and rubbed it carefully, then showed a relieved smile and said softly: "Old man, thank you very much!"

He was really very lucky that he bought this piece of black jade, and he was also lucky that he could wake up Shan Lao and survive several lives and deaths. It seemed that they were destined to be bound together. If they wanted him to live, then he would live well. !

After calming down his emotions, Qiao Yi began to look around. Good guy, what did he see?

All I saw in front of me was an empty and huge cave. Many ventilated and light-transmitting holes were cut on the high top of the rock, making the cave very bright. There were various kinds of thick and thick materials scattered everywhere on the irregular circular square. The dusty digging tools, stone tables and benches can still be seen as prototypes. A little further away are rows of simple wooden frames, with some long and short things hanging on them, wait... could they be weapons?

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi quickly jumped down from the high platform and walked straight to the nearest row of wooden frames. His excited heart and trembling hands looked at the cold weapons in front of him that had lost their luster but were still sharp. His eyes It seems like a blazing flame is about to burst out! A cold weapon that is a real sword and a real gun. It is the most used and scarce weapon in the apocalypse. It can be used to kill zombies at will!

Apart from the dagger in his hand, Qiao Yi didn't really know much about these cold weapons, but after reaching out and touching the genuine weapons, he felt that most of the eighteen legendary weapons were here. Now, with knives, guns, and swords, he feels invincible.

"I've made a lot of money!" Qiao Yi's eyes flashed with money-obsessed eyes, and his eyes fell on a black knife about three feet long. He carefully held it in his hand, and with a slight exertion, the blade was unsheathed, and the cold blade His clear face was immediately reflected on the screen.

"What a great sword!" Qiao Yi slashed left and right. Even though he was not an expert, he had the confidence of an expert. This sword belongs to him!

Closing the scabbard, Qiao Yi excitedly checked the remaining wooden frames. In addition to a lot of tools for digging mountains, there were also various cold weapons. The key is that there were quite a lot of them. You can imagine how many troops were hidden here back then. For Black Jade, this is a big deal! I don’t know what happened back then, but so many weapons were just abandoned here and haven’t seen the light of day for more than a thousand years! Pity!

After looking at the weapons all over, Qiao Yi noticed that there were rows of caves dug on the surrounding rock walls. The outer edge of the caves was surrounded by a half-person-high fence. When he looked up, he saw five There are so many floors, each floor is almost two meters high, and there are stone staircases dug between the floors. Although it looks a bit dark and scary, Qiao Yi is still excited. This is a perfect circle of dormitories. Floor!

Holding the torch, Qiao Yi took full advantage of his long legs and quickly took a rough look at the caves. His mood became even more difficult to calm down. There must be no problem in arranging 1,800 people here.

Those large and small caves can not only live in people, but also store a lot of supplies. It's just that they have been basically ruined for a long time. But it doesn't matter. Qiao Yi has already had his own ideas. It's the end of the world. Although there are many safe bases, the real How many safe places are there? Isn't this the best choice? There is a magic circle, black jade, and a capable old man. If he doesn't dominate the mountain and become the king, his life will be enough!

But before that, he has more important things to do. He will never let go of the person who killed him in his previous life. Besides, besides the Cai family, he still has relatives who care about him. He is going to City B to find his grandfather's family. …

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