Chapter 145 Erha's departure and stay

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Seeing Erha suddenly sitting down, staring devoutly at the two flying men in the sky, wagging their tails to show their goodwill, the mutant wolves hesitated for a moment and followed suit and sat down.

Their boss has been training them to throw zombies these days. This should be teaching them new skills, so they have to take it seriously!

But why stick out your tongue? How can the tail wag so high and so flexibly? They can only flick the tip of their tail twice symbolically, so it’s a bit difficult to learn it in one step!

"Get down!"

An order suddenly came from the air!

After Erha heard this, he bent his front legs and hit the ground with his chin. This action was all based on his first reaction!

Ouch! Did I drink too much? Why can't you sit still?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several mutated wolves decisively imitated the boss's movements and fell to the ground in unison, their jaws hitting the ground with a loud bang!

Ouch! pain!

Ouch! I feel dizzy from exerting too much force!


With another unquestionable command, Erha's four legs immediately straightened up as if they were not his own, supporting his tall body and quickly stood up, his tail wagging even more happily!

Woof! Which one of the above is the bad one? Don’t I want to lose face? Have you drugged me?


Hearing the sound, Erha's buttocks reacted before his brain, and he immediately squatted down firmly, executing the order quickly and well! It just sat down and squashed a few zombies that had just approached! It is really lethal anytime and anywhere!

Woof! I just happen to be tired! Just sit for a while, don’t get me wrong!

Seeing this, the mutated wolves sat down before they could stand still. I wonder what the boss taught them to do? They can do it without having to teach them!

Qiao Yi saw clearly from above that with just three instructions, his third brother made Pi Erha, who was jumping up and down just now, suddenly become a good baby. He would sit down when asked and lie down when asked. He absolutely obeyed, so he couldn't help but He asked in surprise: "Third brother, have you ever been a dog trainer before?"

Thinking of Hei Ye's behavior when he met his third brother, he was extremely well-behaved and docile. Qiao Yi deeply doubted whether his third brother had any magical ability to control beasts!

"No! I just gave it a try!"

Xiao Huaizhou responded without emotion. In his opinion, this is a trivial matter. Dogs should listen to humans, otherwise why would there be so many people raising dogs?

"Then let me try too!"

Qiao Yi was eager to give it a try, hoping that Erha would listen to him immediately, so that he could go and pet the dog without any scruples!

Clearing his throat, he gave the order in a deep voice: "Get down!"

But I never thought that Erha, who was supposed to lie down, not only did not lie down obediently, but after hearing Qiao Yi's voice, he jumped up excitedly, breathing heavily and looking excited. Incredible look!

Qiao Yi looked at it with black lines on his head. What he just said was lying down instead of jumping up! Is your understanding ability a bit poor?

"try again!"

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