Chapter 49 Punishment of Zhang Shumian

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Zhang Shumian was wearing a heavy mink coat and a thick quilt. He was still shivering. Even though there was a burning firewood pile in front of him, he couldn't feel the slightest warmth. He felt like he was falling. Ice cave!

Li Yunxiu looked on anxiously and could only hug him tightly while continuing to add clothes and quilts to him.

"Shu Mian, what's wrong with you? Why are you so cold?" She said, then raised her hand to touch Zhang Shumian's forehead, and asked with some confusion: "You don't have a fever, either?"

Xie Chengying helped add a few firewood to the fire, then handed a cup of steaming water to Li Yunxiu and said, "Here, give Shu Mian some hot water, so it will warm up faster!"

"Hey!" Li Yunxiu quickly took it, held his head and fed it into his mouth, but his clenched teeth didn't allow him to drink much hot water, and instead, his collar got wet.

Li Yunxiu almost didn't cry when she saw this, "What should we do?"

At this time, Cai Jincheng walked in from the outside. His face was very ugly. Just now Chen Younian told him that Huang Chenggang was missing, but he still didn't believe it. He went out to look around and found no one.

Thinking of Huang Chenggang's strange behavior when he saw Qiao Yi, Cai Jincheng could already conclude that Huang Chenggang was directly related to Qiao Yi's trap at that time. However, there was one thing he couldn't understand: why did Huang Chenggang want to harm Qiao Yi?

Now that Qiao Yi is different from the past, with absolute strength, and with the powerful help of Xiao Huaizhou, it is understandable that Huang Chenggang would be afraid and run away, but...

Thinking of this, Cai Jincheng's eyes darkened. It turned out that Qiao Yi knew it!

Knowing that Huang Chenggang had harmed him but not exposing him to his face meant that no one would believe him! I also don’t believe that I will stand up for him and give him justice!

Cai Jincheng smiled bitterly in his heart, what qualifications did he have to trust him?

"Ah Cheng, come and see Shu Mian, why isn't he getting better?" Li Yunxiu saw Cai Jincheng still standing at the door in a daze, so she quickly called him.

Cai Jincheng didn't think any more, and went directly over to pull out Zhang Shumian's hand hidden in his sleeve. Before he went out, he stuffed a few crystal cores into him, so that he could absorb the enhanced powers and help him resist the cold.

But when he saw clearly the few intact crystal nuclei in his hand, he couldn't help but be surprised, they hadn't been absorbed at all!

In his opinion, water power users should not be so afraid of the cold, but at this time, Zhang Shumian is not only afraid of the cold, but also unable to absorb crystal nuclei. Don't think too much, there must be something wrong with the power!

Everything was fine before. If he remembered correctly, Zhang Shumian didn't use his powers that night, but why did something go wrong? Wait...

An idea suddenly popped into Cai Jincheng's mind. As soon as Qiao Yi left, Zhang Shumian had a seizure. What a coincidence!

Could it be Qiao Yi's manipulation?

But why is this? And how did he do it?

However, he soon denied the possibility of Qiao Yi taking action, and shifted the target of suspicion to Xiao Huaizhou, who had the wind power. If the wind power wanted to do something quietly, it would be too easy!

Is this Xiao Huaizhou's punishment for Zhang Shumian for slandering Qiao Yi?

Unexpectedly, when he was lost in thought, Zhang Shumian suddenly jumped into his arms with the strength of his hand, hugging him tightly, and muttered vaguely: "Cold! Okay!" cold!"

Seeing this, Li Yunxiu quickly begged him: "A Cheng, something is wrong with Shumian, you have to help him! By the way, did someone intentionally harm him? Otherwise Shumian wouldn't have suddenly behaved like this!"

She turned her slender eyes, and suddenly looked at Cai Jincheng with wide eyes, and said firmly: "It's that Qiao Yi, it must be him! We are all our own people here, there is no way he could harm Shumian! It must be Qiao Yi who did it Yes, Shu Mian just said a few words to him, but he actually dared to harm people!"

Cai Jincheng's eyes dimmed and he was silent for a moment before he said: "Aunt Xiu, don't think too much about things without evidence. When the day breaks and the temperature rises, it might be fine. We'll hurry up and get there. City B, I will take Shumian to the hospital for a good check-up, don’t worry, he will be fine!"

"But..." Li Yunxiu wanted to say something more, but was quickly stopped by Xie Chengying.

"Don't worry, A Cheng will definitely try his best. It's not like you don't know that he loves Shu Mian the most. You have to give him some time to think of a solution!"

"Then what should Shumian do now?" Looking at Shumian's shivering appearance, she felt chills all over!

After a moment of silence, Cai Jincheng patted Zhang Shumian's back gently, and then called Chen Younian in.

"Mr. Cai, are you looking for me?" Chen Younian was still depressed because of Huang Chenggang's departure. The two had worked together for several years and knew each other very well. He still didn't believe that Huang Chenggang just ran away without saying hello!

Mainly because he couldn't guess why Huang Chenggang did this? How does he plan to live alone without the Cai family?

"Shu Mian is not in good condition right now. He is cold all over. You are a fire element user. Please help him warm up!" Cai Jincheng said, then he opened Zhang Shumian's hand and stood up to make room for him!

"..." Chen Younian was stunned for a moment. Did Mr. Cai mean for him to use his body to keep Zhang Shumian warm?

Is it possible for him to touch someone who is so rare to Mr. Cai?

"Stop being stunned! Come here!" Cai Jincheng couldn't help but let him continue to be stunned, and directly gave the order to send his beloved to the arms of another man. Naturally, he felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't bear Zhang Shumian's suffering. Oh, I can bear it. !

"Okay, I understand!" After all, Chen Younian did not dare to disobey Cai Jincheng, so he took Zhang Shumian from his hand and hugged him weakly and started to activate his powers.

As if he felt the heat he had longed for, Zhang Shumian didn't care who was hugging him. Instead, he hugged Chen Younian tightly, buried his head in his arms, and simply didn't let go!

Chen Younian quickly raised his hands in the air and looked at Cai Jincheng innocently. It had nothing to do with him. He had done nothing except heating the house!

Cai Jincheng: ...He shouldn't be here!

Clenching and unclenching his fists, Cai Jincheng turned around and walked out. Out of sight and out of mind, what else could he do?

In the small room, only Chen Younian, who was about to get angry due to embarrassment, and Xie Chengying and Li Yunxiu, who stared at each other in silence, were suddenly left!

Xie Chengying sighed helplessly. It was not easy for his son, but to reach this point, is it true love or no longer in love? She, the mother, can’t see clearly!

Li Yunxiu silently wrote down an account for Qiao Yi. It was the one who killed his son. Now that he was unconscious and hugging another man like this in front of Cai Jincheng, Cai Jincheng shouldn't mind, right?


And Cai Jincheng was sitting in the car, looking at the getting brighter sky and lost in thought. The leader of the Cai Group, who had always been confident and capable before the end of the world, felt deeply confused and powerless at this time, and all this seemed to have started from the moment he lost Qiao Yi. It started at a moment.

Qiao Yi! Cai Jincheng thought silently, why can't he understand you all of a sudden?

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