Chapter 156 Second Young Master, I have fallen in love with you

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Xu Meihui was so frightened by her thoughts that she stayed up almost all night, stretching her ears out to listen to what was going on upstairs!

Except for some intermittent arguments at the beginning, it really became quiet after that!

She breathed a sigh of relief, her precious son was really sleepy, thinking about it made her heartache and exhausted!

Early the next morning, as soon as Xu Meihui, who had two dark circles under her eyes, came into the living room, she was startled by the little monk sitting cross-legged on the sofa. Was this chanting sutras?

"Good morning, madam!"

Finally, he opened his eyes and said hello to her. He was not in the mood to recite sutras, and the Buddha probably didn't want to hear him recite sutras either!

That extremely powerful scoundrel Xiao Ershao used an arm to circle him for half the night. He was sleeping soundly and he was exhausted. He himself didn't understand what was going on and why he was trapped by him. ?

"Good morning!" Xu Meihui smiled politely, and when she caught a glimpse of the red mark on his head, she couldn't help but ask angrily: "Why did the young master become a monk at such a young age?"

"Madam, as long as you devote yourself to the Buddha, you can become a monk regardless of your age!"

Finally, he spoke up to correct her inappropriate thoughts. There were so many monks who became monks since they were young, so it was too late for him.

"I mean, why did you become a monk? Moreover, you are already a monk, how come you met our Huai Qing? And... you still live together?"

Xu Meihui couldn't help but want to find out who he was. It was related to her son, so she had to spend some time to find out.

"Actually, it's very simple. The end of the world is here. For me, who has no worries, escaping into Buddhism is also a way to live! Moreover, my Buddha is compassionate and can help people escape from the sea of ​​suffering. I agree with it and am very lucky to leave. this road!"

Finally, he put down his legs, straightened his clothes a little, and then replied to her very seriously: "It was purely a coincidence that I met Second Young Master Xiao. In the end, I was taken care of by Second Young Master. I am very grateful!"

"As for moving into your residence, I had no intention of disturbing you, but the second young master insisted, and I really couldn't shirk it. After all, I promised to recite sutras for him to keep him safe! Madam, you can ask the second young master directly! However, in my opinion, The second young master is more or less insecure! Madam, you can pay more attention to this aspect!"

After hearing what he said, Xu Meihui couldn't help curling her lips and humming softly: "Oh, that's it? Also, does he still lack a sense of security?"

Why does it sound different from what it sees, and it still lacks a sense of security? Which of the Xiao family members is not as bold as a tiger, taking control of heaven and earth?

Still bless him? There are quite a few people begging the Xiao family for their blessing!

Thinking of something, Xu Meihui suddenly looked sideways and asked sternly: "Did you use some magic to confuse him? Can he rely on others to protect him? That's nonsense!"

"Madam! You, how can you say that to me? You..."

"Mom! What did you say?"

Finally, he looked at Xu Meihui in disbelief, and just as he was about to refute, Xiao Huaiqing from upstairs suddenly interrupted.

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