Chapter 190 Mr. Xiao who collects debts

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In front of the whole family, Qiao Yi expressed his position bravely and frankly, and they stayed together because of their love!

After he finished speaking, his heart that had been hanging around finally fell to the ground. In this relationship, his third brother had always rushed to the front without hesitation. This time it was finally his turn to declare their love! feel good!

And he also believes that his family members will definitely send them a steady stream of blessings!

Facing the answer given by Qiao Yi, everyone present was more or less mentally prepared after two rounds of digestion, and there was no time to stop entering a new round.

Ugly girls are worried about marrying, but lazy boys are hard to marry. Although he was not close to it, Si Chengli was so excited that he cried for joy!

He lowered his head to look at Xiao Lixun and sighed deeply: "My son's life-long affairs have been resolved, and we can retire with peace of mind!"

Xiao Lixun couldn't help but look at his father, who was almost 80 years old and still had no leisure time, and thought to himself, baby! Don’t think about being beautiful if you are beautiful!

The data in the laboratory can be followed into the coffin! Where to retire? By the way, he is in his prime, so there is no need for old age care!

Xiao Lixun, who was dissatisfied with his age, touched his chin and glanced at Qiao Yi, who still had red cheeks - daughter-in-law?

Then he looked at Xiao Huaizhou, who was secretly proud with a smile in his eyes—nephew and daughter-in-law?

He smacked his lips and muttered: "Nephew and adopted son, this is really not a waste of money for outsiders!"

Xiao Lifeng, who was on the side, glanced at his unsatisfactory eldest son. He was several years older than Xiao Huaizhou. He was dull and inexperienced. He was already in his early thirties!

Thinking of his wife, Xiao Lifeng felt inadequate!

Originally, Tiantian was clamoring to arrange a blind date for his son, but he forgot about it in the past few days. Instead, Tiantian asked him for a younger son. He said that their Huaiqing was abducted by a little demon monk and asked him to arrest him!

Why! If someone is willing to be abducted, he, as a father, can't stop him. Besides, he has seen the young monk and has a good impression. Apart from being a man, there is nothing to criticize!

Looking at his younger brother and Si Chengli, and then at Xiao Huaizhou and Qiao Yi, who had just announced their relationship, Xiao Lifeng couldn't help but sigh secretly. The world has become so miserable, and it is even more difficult to live happily. It doesn't matter whether he is a boy or a girl, he has someone to accompany him. It's a blessing, isn't it?

In this way, everything is laid out in the open, and the two of them are really together!

Qiao Yi expressed his opinion, and the two of them were already together. Xiao Qinian looked at the two of them, recovered from the shock, and nodded in good agreement. They were both his treasures, and it would be good to be together. Subconsciously, he felt that it was just right. It should be like this!

Suddenly, I remembered Xiao Huaizhou's unabashed concern for Qiao Yi over the years, his determination and actions to become stronger by joining the army at a young age, and his never giving up search after the apocalypse. It turns out that everything has been revealed for a long time!

This kid has long been interested in his grandson!

No matter what, the result was good. His grandson came together with his grandson, who was better than his own grandson. In a sense, his grandson truly returned to the Xiao family!

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