Chapter 96 Mr. Xiao is single

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As soon as Qiao Yi's hands touched the man who seemed to be curled up in pain, the next second was a transformation between heaven and earth!

"Third brother! Are you... okay?" Qiao Yi was shocked and swallowed unconsciously, cursing Sun Shanshan in his heart. It was really not a good method.

"Xiao Yi!" Xiao Huaizhou looked deeply into his eyes, his tone mixed with surprise, excitement and even the relief of regaining something, followed by a long sigh: "Are you back?"

For some reason, when he heard his third brother's call, Qiao Yi suddenly regretted that he had gone out without even saying hello. He patted his shoulder gently and said with a relieved smile: "Silly third brother! Didn't I say that? Do you want to stay with you all the time?"

"Xiao Yi! My Xiao Yi!"

What love words could be more beautiful than this? Xiao Huaizhou murmured Qiao Yi's name and looked at him affectionately. The next second, he could no longer restrain his head and lowered his head to cover his slightly open mouth. His hot breath Radiate instantly!

Many people have heard this advice: Don’t play with fire, it’s easy to burn yourself!

Qiao Yi finally experienced the consequences of playing with fire, and even put himself in it. The crackling fire burned so hard that he couldn't even put it out! I was burned inside and out!

Depend on! Xiao's oil has a low ignition point and strong firepower, and he has mastered the good heat!

Many people say that if you want to improve your self-cultivation, you can go to more concerts!

Qiao Yi finally became a person with musical literacy for once. He listened to a passionate concert in person, appreciated the beautiful music rhythm, and wrote his own love story!

Others say that as a person, you must be self-reliant and don’t be a salted fish and rice cooker!

Chef Xiao carefully studied Qiao Xianyu and made the salted fish rice that Greedy Cat loves to eat!

Qiao Yi has completely lost the sense of time. When he is awake, he reads each other's names. When his consciousness is blurred, he quietly listens to his murmuring love words. When he can't help but fall asleep, his third brother is very good. It proves that some sleep can be crammed in later or not slept at all!

After a few days of summarizing, Qiao Yi finally understood that there was nothing that his third brother couldn't do, his third brother was so good, and his third brother was the best!

He grinds his teeth, Third Brother! You are great!

When he woke up again, Qiao Yi found himself sinking into a soft bedding, wearing clean and dry pajamas. Lying flat on his back, the warm and calm sunlight and sky in the space came into view, and underneath him was the bed that he had received from Chen Fugui before. The classic-style bed came.

It seems that someone has rummaged through all the things he bought from Fengyang Market, and used all the available sex supplies. Oh my, the bedding set I covered myself with is actually bright red!

Speaking of someone, Qiao Yi realized that something was missing. Just as he was about to get up and look for someone, he smelled a strong aroma of porridge coming to his nostrils!

A refreshed Xiao came over with a bowl of steaming white porridge. Qiao Yi, who was looking for someone just now, suddenly thought of something and buried his red face under the quilt. How could he forget that the third brother in front of him is different from the previous third brother!

"Are you hungry? I've made some porridge, why don't you get up and try it?" A big hand gently rubbed the back of his head, and then a soft kiss fell on his ear.

"Well! Leave it there! I'll eat it later!" Qiao Yi's ears turned red, and he swallowed his saliva and said something against his will.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Let me see!" Xiao Huaizhou put down his job and started to lift the quilt to check. Qiao Yi was so frightened that he jumped up!

"No, no! No need to look! I'll get up and drink porridge!" Qiao Yi blushed and hurriedly stopped. His slight discomfort could be completely ignored. If he asked their third brother to take a look at this time, he wouldn't be sure whether he would be able to do it later. Can you get out of bed?

"Okay, I won't watch anymore, drink it while it's hot!" Xiao Huaizhou helped him sit up, then brought the porridge bowl to his mouth, and asked him with a bit of a smirk: "Are you going to drink it yourself, or should I feed it? "

"Third brother!" Qiao Yi hurriedly took over the job. He's not so pretentious, okay?

Qiao Yi almost cried when he took a mouthful of hot porridge. He hadn't tasted such fragrant white porridge since he fought in the apocalypse. After taking a few sips, he raised his eyes and looked at the person who had been sitting next to him and was staring at him with a smile. The person asked: "Are they all made with the things I exchanged for them? Is there anything else missing?"

"Well, thanks to your foresight, we have all the pots, pans, coal stoves, etc., so there is nothing missing for the time being. If you want to have porridge in the future, I will make it for you, okay?" Xiao Huaizhou responded with a smile on his face.

Qiao Yi curled his lips secretly. He didn't expect it even if he was beaten to death. He had the foresight to prepare for this!

Seeing that he had almost eaten, Xiao Huaizhou said hesitantly: "Xiao Yi!"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Qiao Yi heard something was wrong in the tone and couldn't help looking up at him and asked.

"Do you...regret it?"

"Regret? What do you regret?" Qiao Yi asked in confusion, and suddenly realized that his third brother wouldn't regret it! Don't blame him for taking advantage of others! But isn’t it?

"I regret coming back, regretting following me..."

Xiao Huaizhou didn't finish his words, but the meaning was already clear. He was afraid that everything Xiao Yi did was out of necessity. After the incident, he would be resentful of himself and regret his choice. After all, In his opinion, he has not shown his sincerity to Qiao Yi, and Qiao Yi seems to be unusually close to him!

If Qiao Yi only regards this time as his attempt to save people, will there be a future for them?

Xiao Huaizhou didn't look depressed on the outside, but he was rarely worried about gains and losses in his heart. Can Qiao Yi just accept himself?

After listening to his words, Qiao Yi seemed to understand. His third brother was waiting for his statement. Do you regret it? It was his own decision to come back to space. At that time, the only person he thought of who could help his third brother was himself, and it seemed that his subconscious did not allow anyone else to exist!

The relationship between the two has made a qualitative breakthrough. Not only is he not disgusted, but he definitely thinks that this is what he should do! Then I just like the third brother!

And during this half-dream and half-awake time, I heard his third brother's love words too many times: "Xiao Yi! I like you!"

And it's the kind that I've liked since a long time ago, and the kind that I will continue to like, the kind that Xiao Huaizhou loves Qiao Yi very much!

"I regret it! Of course I regret it!" Qiao Yi put the empty bowl into his third brother's hand, and then said viciously: "I regret letting you enter the room alone with a woman!"


"Next time you dare to do this, be careful and I'll break your legs! Humph!"

Xiao Huaizhou: ...Happiness comes too suddenly. Is he single? My wife is so powerful!

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