Chapter 24 Hidden Secret

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As the boss of the threesome, Wu Guangli once again assumed the responsibility of explaining.

It turns out that Wu Guangli and Xu Hu both came from the Jianhua Superpower Group formed by Wan Jianye, the second master of the Wan family in City B. Wu Guangli was the captain of one of the teams. This time he led the team to find the daughter of Liu Jinghai, the former deputy mayor of City B, who had fled overseas. One family, that is, Fang Heping’s family.

Fang Heping's wife is Liu Mingjia, the only daughter of former deputy mayor Liu Jinghai. At the beginning of the apocalypse, the internal affairs of City B were in chaos, and the struggle for power was raging. Especially in the management of the security base, Liu Jinghai and Wan Jianxin disagreed. , the conflict gradually intensified, but the official level suppressed people to death, Wan Jianxin was restrained everywhere, and the grudges were difficult to eliminate. Finally, he was unwilling to be suppressed by Liu Jinghai, so he secretly planned an assassination operation. On his way to inspect the refugee reception area, Liu Jianxin... He was buried and killed when a road collapsed.

Wan Jianxin, who had good political performance, was naturally reused and successfully replaced him.

Wan Jianxin thought that once Liu Jinghai died, everything would be fine. Unexpectedly, he got the news that Liu Jinghai might have left something that shouldn't be left behind, so he decided to eliminate Liu Mingjia, the only one who might have clues.

Of course, Wan Jianxin's reaction was a step too late. By the time his people arrived, the Liu family was already empty.

In desperation, Wan Jianxin could only let the Jianhua Superpower Group secretly track and arrest them. Wu Guangli and Xu Hu learned from a survivor in R City that Liu Mingjia's family was hiding in a survivor base in the east of R City. Just rushed over.

At this point, Wu Guangli took a deep look at Qiao Yi and begged: "Mr. Qiao, everything I said is true. I dare to swear to God, if there is even half a lie, I will, I will be raped by you." A mutated snake swallowed it! If you don’t believe me, ask them!" As he said that, he quickly turned to look at Xu Hu.

After hearing this, Xu Hu immediately nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, yes, everything our boss said is true, and he didn't lie at all! Please let us go!"

Lily next to her had already stopped moving. She was frightened and fainted at some point!

Qiao Yi didn't say whether he believed it or not, but asked another question: "Then does the Wanjia know about Liu Mingjia's discovery?"

Wu Guangli still had something he couldn't say, so he hurriedly replied: "I don't know! Absolutely not!"

Qiao Yi looked at him sideways, somewhat disbelieving: "Are you sure?"

Wu Guangli gritted his teeth and promised: "I really don't know! After we learned the news, we wanted to be the first to get there and make a big contribution, so we hid it and didn't report it. Otherwise, when so many powerful superpowers from the Jianhua Superpower Group were deployed, we would still be able to do it. What's the matter with our brothers!"

Xu Hu interjected in time with a trembling voice: "It is said that we were lucky. We got the clue first, and it really helped us find it smoothly." After saying that, he raised his eyelids and scanned the top of his head, shaking his head and vomiting from time to time. Xinzi's Hei Ye is under great pressure, and his soul is about to fly away.

Wu Guangli shook off the sweat on his cheeks and begged: "Mr. Qiao, we have said everything we can. In the end, we are just errands and we didn't do anything to them, right? Besides, there is always a debt to be blamed. If there is a master, if Liu Mingjia and his wife want revenge, they should go to Vice Mayor Wan! Please, spare us!"

Qiao Yi was noncommittal about what they said. He had already made a judgment in his mind, and the general situation was basically consistent with what Fang Heping said.

The grief-stricken Liu Mingjia discovered suspicious clues while sorting out her father's belongings. It turned out that Liu Jinghai had been secretly investigating Wan Jianxin and collected a lot of evidence. Once the evidence was confirmed, Wan Jianxin could be brought down in one fell swoop.

Initially, Liu Mingjia did not associate her father's death with Wan Jianxin, but later by chance, she learned that there was a powerful earth-type power user in Wan Jianhua's power group, and Liu Mingjia was shocked to find out about her father's death. His death may not be as simple as it seems!

How could it be such a coincidence that all the other cars in the car were fine, but my father’s car fell into the cave and was completely buried? It turned out that it was all premeditated!

Liu Mingjia, filled with grief and anger, immediately went to find Wan Jianxin's theory, but was stopped by Fang Heping. Wan Jianxin was promoted, the Wan family was prosperous, and there was a powerful supernatural group. Take the lives of their family.

Moreover, Fang Heping concluded that based on Wan Jianxin's behavior, he was afraid that he would look for opportunities to eradicate the root cause in order to avoid future troubles. Thinking of the evidence in his hands and their young daughter, the couple could only suppress the hatred in their hearts for the time being, and spent the night He quietly left the city and fled north.

As Fang Heping expected, the Wan family did take action, but it was just a step too late that they were lucky enough to escape.

Similarly, the Wan family will never let them go. There will definitely be a steady stream of people with powers being hunted. Therefore, to be on the safe side, Fang Heping did not take his wife and daughter directly back to his parents' home in Fengyang base, but drove directly. Went to a small base east of R city to stay temporarily.

But the reality was not what they expected. In recent times, zombies have occurred frequently, and the base was no longer safe. Moreover, Fang Heping discovered that Wanjia's forces had already penetrated in, and it was only a matter of time before they were found.

The two of them weighed it up and decided to leave decisively, heading straight for Fengyang Base. However, despite all calculations, they still failed to predict that they had become Wu Guangli's target and were spotted by them, and they were killed halfway. Cut them off.

Facing two powerful men, Fang Heping could only retreat in order to advance, first cooperate obediently, and then wait for opportunities to move.

Fortunately, Wu Guangli did not intend to kill them directly and go back to claim the merit. The reason was that they did not find the evidence they wanted. They could only leave them alive and hand them over to Wan Jianxin, otherwise it would be a bamboo basket case. The water is gone.

Moreover, if the Wan family found out that they had not reported what they knew and took action without authorization, then their own lives would probably be in danger!

Fang Xiaoyu's mental powers were only known to Fang Heping and his wife. As an ordinary person, Fang Heping could not guide his daughter to practice and improve her powers, but he helped her figure out some uses. When he knew that Fang Xiaoyu's mental powers could be temporarily When you hypnotize someone, you know there is hope for escape.

That's why Fang Xiaoyu took advantage of their parking to rest and let Fang Xiaoyu use his superpowers. Unfortunately, Fang Heping underestimated the superpower user's ability to resist interference, and also overestimated his daughter's strength. They were still trapped after escaping. Xu Hu, a person with speed powers, chased him back.

Of course, there was an education later. After all this trouble, a lot of time was wasted, so what happened to Qiao Yi later was that he was chased by zombies.

Everything was almost understood. Looking at the three embarrassed people in front of him, Qiao Yi frowned and thought about it, how to deal with them?


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