Chapter 72 The perfect excuse

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After trying to bite someone, he was silenced. Qiao Zang accidentally missed the opportunity to take revenge. When he was put into the car with his hair messed up by his third brother, he was still confused. I was shocked that I had no power to fight back just now!

Seeing that Li Bowen and military doctor Xiao Liu were already waiting in the car, Qiao Yi was so proud that he didn't argue with his third brother anymore!

However, when he saw Li Bowen sitting behind him, he was slightly surprised again. He saw that Li Bowen's entire upper body was covered with thick bandages, and two thin wooden boards were tied to his chest and back to make a bandage. Simple protective clamp, the whole person is sitting there stiffly, looking tired, tsk tsk! Are you sure this isn't a form of punishment?

"I said it doesn't matter, there's no need to be so exaggerated, but Xiao Liu disagrees!" Li Bowen said sheepishly, "People with superpowers have good recovery abilities, and the bullets are already embedded in their flesh, so even a few bumps won't be a problem! "

Xiao Liu on the side quickly answered: "That's not possible. The roads are not easy to walk now. It's better to be just in case. This is too crude!"

Qiao Yi smiled slightly and said comfortingly: "Yes! Lao Li, that bullet is too close to the heart. It's better to be cautious. Just hold on!"

"What I'm saying is, is there anything we can't insist on? It's not far away. We can get there before dark. Don't worry! I'm fine!" Everyone is doing it for their own good. Li Bowen just said more because Qiao Yi was curious. Two sentences, what more can be said!

Seeing that everyone was ready, Xiao Huaizhou turned to look at Qiao Yi and reminded: "Sit down! Let's go!"



After two whistles, the motorcade finally set off again!

Going east out of the town is the highway that leads directly to Fengyang. There are only a few survivor bases left after the apocalypse. They basically build their own walls and build their own forts. The way out to the outside world can be sealed off. , retaining only a few main safe passages to connect with the outside world.

Therefore, the road that could have gone straight through Fengyang and then traveled dozens of kilometers east to reach Rongan was no longer feasible.

If you want to go to Rongan, you have to get off the expressway in advance before arriving at Fengyang, turn onto the national highway that extends north through the viaduct hole, and then detour eastward.

Sun Feifei was sitting in the SUV at the back and bit her lip without saying a word. After she saw Li Bowen get into the commercial vehicle in front, her face became unsightly. How could he and Xiao Huaizhou sit in the same car? What if you can’t do it yourself?

At this time, Yang Lidong glanced at her in the rearview mirror and said, pretending to be chatting: "Feifei! When you were at Rongan Base, did you often follow them out to hunt zombies?"

"Ah? Yes, yes." Sun Feifei blinked, adjusted her expression, and showed a faint smile.

"You are such a delicate girl, but you are also a rare healing power user, and they are willing to give up?" Yang Lidong said angrily, defending her.

Sun Feifei smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, all those people are very afraid of death. Every time they go out, there are always casualties. Although I can't save people infected by zombies, those accidental injuries can always be cured, not to mention me and My brother is living under someone else’s roof, and if he wants to live a good life, he has to be at their mercy, otherwise there’s nothing he can do about it!”

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