Chapter 144 Meeting Erha for the First Time

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Looking at the jungle on the edge of the reserve that was almost trampled to the edge, and looking at the endless influx of zombies, Qiao Yi was speechless for a moment!

He very much suspected that his base had been occupied by zombies, and they could just change places!

But looking at the zombies flying up and roaring with their teeth and claws, he felt that things were not simple. The old man would not look after his house like this!

"Look over there!" Xiao Huaizhou has good eyesight. Looking in the direction where the zombies fell, he made a big discovery. Those zombies did not fall to the ground and died, but fell directly into the mouths of a large group of mutated plants, and were all swallowed. .

"Mutated plants!" Qiao Yi followed his line of sight and finally saw something strange. The large mountain forest extending for more than ten kilometers from the south bank of the Qingyu River had long been trampled to the ground, and there was nothing to see except the crowded zombies. to redundant species.

What is clearly demarcated are the rows of grotesquely mutated plants at the innermost edge. Each of them opens their mouths that do not match their image and devours the zombies that continue to fall. This scene is comparable to a movie blockbuster. !

What kind of flower is that? The beautiful petals opened quickly, and the slender stamens quickly retracted after wrapping around a legless zombie!

What kind of grass is that? The lantern balls on the top of the grass seem to be breathing gills. The zombies that open and close and fall to the mouth are the most leisurely!

That red umbrella head is a big mushroom! The umbrella head blossomed when it touched the fallen zombie. After eating, it still flicked the thick roots excitedly, feeling full of energy!

"Third brother! Plants vs. Zombies?"

Qiao Yi recovered from the shock and suddenly realized that these should be the cute little ones who had just woken up as Shan Lao mentioned!

But where is the cuteness! ? Not only are they larger than the natural order, but they also have sharp teeth and a big mouth. This is obviously a zombie digester!

Shan Lao really wants to think in the opposite direction! I wonder what the little devil would look like in his eyes?

"Look below!"

Qiao Yi stared at the mutated plants, reluctant to blink. His third brother had made a new discovery.

He obediently looked down and saw that among the zombies at their feet, there were several large gray mutated wolves over two meters tall that were quickly shuttled among them, biting the zombies one by one and throwing them high into the air. His movements were skillful and graceful. Look, you got it from throwing zombies every day!

It turns out that they are feeding those mutated plants!

Qiao Yi changed his words in a low voice: "Animals and plants vs. zombies!"

But what did these mutant wolves eat to grow up? It was several times larger than the mutant weasels they had encountered before!

"I can imagine that there are mutated animals and plants in the mountains, but what's going on with those zombies? Aren't they only interested in humans? Why are they following the devil into the mountains? It seems like they are throwing themselves into a trap!"

Qiao Yi motioned to his third brother to fly higher, feeling that the flying zombies could almost reach the soles of his feet! He immediately became the food for the mutated plants, and he grinned at them excitedly. He was so selfless!

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